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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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I resolved the concern with the poster I replied to in PM. I was hot-headed. I should've PM'ed in the beginning. It's resolved. We're good.

Why I post here? I post on Twitter, Reddit, and other places that have opinions I’m not in lockstep with. I also don’t see online discourse as the final arbiter of character. It can be revealing, but ultimately is it a shallow medium for that, so I don’t participate forums for ideological consensus.

At the same time, I don’t like the clustering effect that happens in online communities. There is a tendency to echo chamber. That not a judgment. That is the tendency. Mostly everywhere online.

Its online forums. It's not the Masons. It's low commitment. I don't see why I should stop posting because I disagree with some people on topics here. Wouldn't that be creating the environment many of you are against?

No I agree with you on that, I just vaguely recall some posts that definitely hinted at you having the same echo-chamber style mindset as a number of Era posters. Like, you know it's a risk just being here for your account over there, right? An admin (Hecht) has flat out called this place Stormfront.




How people can't feel embarrassed to be associated with that site is beyond me.


No I agree with you on that, I just vaguely recall some posts that definitely hinted at you having the same echo-chamber style mindset as a number of Era posters. Like, you know it's a risk just being here for your account over there, right? An admin (Hecht) has flat out called this place Stormfront.
Why would I even post here if I had that mindset lol.

I just want to have fun online, man. Forums aren't that serious. I'm a fan of the internet as a whole. I'm not naive about group dynamics in online communities.

There are things I enjoy here, including a more watercooler approach. There are things I enjoy at ERA, such as the fast pace. There are also things I don't like in both places. Just like there are things I don't like at Twitter, IG, FB, etc. I'm not looking for utopia in internet form lol. If people want to fight that battle, that's there's business. I just find it fruitless longterm.

But, most of all, I put more of my relational energies IRL. You would drive yourself crazy worrying about the state online discourse. The poster and I resolved our issue. I also apologized to him for getting hotheaded. But I'm petty lol. I do know myself lol. That's water under a bridge now, though.

But I'm a flawed human being,. I make tons of mistakes. So it would be hypocritical of me not to extend the same charity to others.
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This is a mod posting from the Minmin reveal thread:

Apologies for the delay -- we had to wait for Asian staff to become available for some of these reports.

There are some thorny intersectional issues at play in this thread that we need to cover before reopening. Many posters are disappointed about the ARMS rep not being Twintelle, as the game doesn't have much in the way of black or brown representation, and at this point that lack is fairly egregious. We banned a number of posts dismissing the idea that black representation in a game like this is a reasonable thing to expect and we would like to make it clear: It is.

The second issue is Min Min, a character with a Chinese name who speaks her lines in Chinese, and who is clearly Chinese-themed in a way that other Asian Smash characters are not. There are gamers who identify with Min Min and feel represented by her, especially at this time of increasing xenophobia and tensions towards China. This representation has value too, and dismissing that is also not okay

I've never read something this stupid in my entire life.
After reading this, some of my brain cells committed suicide.
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Dr. Claus

If someone wants to suicide on REEE

Go in to the Trump thread a post the Gaf 2016 election night montage, with the tagline "let's do it all again on REE"

As funny as that would be, I would suggest just leaving the site without the fanfare. Don't stoop to the same level as those miserable racist reprobates.

Davey Cakes

Honestly, if they don't like the choice for ARMS, go play Overwatch or Apex Legends or something like that. Plenty of diversity that includes dark-skinned people if skin tone is really the important part.
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Gold Member
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Unconfirmed Member
Hit of the heels of the lack of twintelle in smash

I haven't watched anything db after GT (series is dead) but I am pretty sure Goku is still a fucking Alien.


If we being 100% honest, black people are kind of over-represented in media and video games. I see black people all the time on TV and in games, which is perfectly fine. I dont understand what it is these people want exactly.


I may not be the biggest Nintendo fan (I quit after Wii U) but thank fucking god they didn't move their headquarters to California like Sony did.

It just goes to show, money isn't everything. I rather Nintendo continue to make their own games, for their own markets, then become like Sony who sold their soul to pander to the lowest social justice lifeforms out there.

Now I understand why they kept such a tight leash over their North American branches. Crazy people would have moved their way up and infected the whole company.
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Black on Black crime.....


Just invest in the communities, guys! I don't really know what that means other than "free stuff", how long it will take to see results, how much it will costs, who will pay for it but god damn does it feel good to say!

edit: I guess I shouldn't joke because I'm beyond pissed that those kids got killed but these ree posters are such idiots.
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I may not be the biggest Nintendo fan (I quit after Wii U) but thank fucking god they didn't move their headquarters to California like Sony did.

It's amazing how fast that happened. PS3 era Sony was still known for the anime tiddies niche exclusives. Just goes to show how contagious that shit is. At this point we have no other choice but to await for our russian overlords to save western civilization.


I love how when Min-Min is revealed as the ARMS rep for Smash Brothers, people are immediately on the scene to say "missed opportunity to include a minority or black character." Min-Min is a Chinese martial artist.

Some of those folks have an obsession with the color brown.

"Hey, Asian videogame company! Please put a lot of black characters in your game because it makes me feel better as a white person on the other side of the globe! rEpResEntaTion! DiVerSity! bLM"

Man fuck these idiots.
On Google it says that 13% of the US population is black. In Europe it's probably more like 3-5%. In Asia it's >1% for sure.
The rest of the world is kinda irrelevant when it comes to videogame sales.
So why they fuck would people on ERA expect that every other character or main protag is gonna be black?
Why do they want to put black people in The Witcher?
The % of black people is extremely low to begin with, not even adjusting for how many people buy video games at all.

If there never was a black protagonist in any videogame ever, I'd get their point. But it feels like every game I play has at least one black character in it? No?
Why would I even post here if I had that mindset lol.

I just want to have fun online, man. Forums aren't that serious. I'm a fan of the internet as a whole. I'm not naive about group dynamics in online communities.

There are things I enjoy here, including a more watercooler approach. There are things I enjoy at ERA, such as the fast pace. There are also things I don't like in both places. Just like there are things I don't like at Twitter, IG, FB, etc. I'm not looking for utopia in internet form lol. If people want to fight that battle, that's there's business. I just find it fruitless longterm.

But, most of all, I put more of my relational energies IRL. You would drive yourself crazy worrying about the state online discourse. The poster and I resolved our issue. I also apologized to him for getting hotheaded. But I'm petty lol. I do know myself lol. That's water under a bridge now, though.

But I'm a flawed human being,. I make tons of mistakes. So it would be hypocritical of me not to extend the same charity to others.

Well good, seems like we agree on a lot of this. I hope you mean it because this mindset likely won't be accepted over there within a year or two and you'll be permabanned just for posting here. Just based on the way and speed things have escalated over there I mean.


I rarely post anywhere because I personally don't think there's such a thing as "discussion" on Internet.

And yet I have been constantly astounded by how draconian and flat out insane the moderation is on Resetera. Just having a contrarian opinion (which I may or may not agree with) can be basis for immeadite ban because it represents some "agenda". Talk about human rights - on a forum that claims to be very pro human rights.

I go there for game news and to read opinions about games. And yet there's many political threads daily on gaming discussion with page after page people agreeing with the op and judging everybody else.

And what about that how you can't critize moderation publicly? That's really open, right? It is like anywhere we you shan't criticize those in power. And they see this as "right"?


I rarely post anywhere because I personally don't think there's such a thing as "discussion" on Internet.

And yet I have been constantly astounded by how draconian and flat out insane the moderation is on Resetera. Just having a contrarian opinion (which I may or may not agree with) can be basis for immeadite ban because it represents some "agenda". Talk about human rights - on a forum that claims to be very pro human rights.

I go there for game news and to read opinions about games. And yet there's many political threads daily on gaming discussion with page after page people agreeing with the op and judging everybody else.

And what about that how you can't critize moderation publicly? That's really open, right? It is like anywhere we you shan't criticize those in power. And they see this as "right"?

All the OG mods, quit very quickly. Not saying they were good but they saw what was up.

Now you have a bunch of no-life admins slapping their weight around and dissolving the user-base.

Smart mods (which there are some) keep a low profile but they are at the same time complicit by their own rules, it's a shambles.
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Yeah. Honestly, that is scary as hell. Like I know it is only one stupid internet forum which can't be used to generalize anything but still as a representation of humanity, adult discourse and basic tolerance of other people and opinions...

My only hope is that the moderators are twentysomethings, that I could understand, but if they are not, that is what really worries me. But seeing what especially Twitter is nowadays, I probably shouldn't be surprised by anything.


Unconfirmed Member
When you open twitter you see tweets recommended to you based on an algorithm with the goal of getting you engaged; engagement in the platform is pursued as that leads to a bigger audience for ad revenue.
These recommended tweets will often trigger you or impact your mental health in different ways as that is what generates the most engagement. Once the algorithm detect which content engages you, it will double down on it to the point that your perception of reality is altered. Over time you will become a confrontational individual with a biased perception of the world and a hate for those who do not agree with you.

Reading Twitter/Google News/YouTube/Reddit/Facebook and every other digital news platform that surfaces “personalized recommendations” is not healthy. When you seek news, do it in a proactive manner, if you want to be fed news, you are delegating the decision to a corporation that doesn’t have your best interests as their goal.

That’s where lists come in handy. You put people on a list and their posts come up chronologically. Put the list url in your bookmarks and go straight to it without bothering with the recommended bullshit. Twitter immediately becomes vastly less awful.



Excuse me while I gloat about this lo fucking l. What did you think was going to happen you ass? They would create a Krakoa like utopia for your people? From the shooting in the chaz thread.

They always do this "Can't wait to so the right get mad about this!" except the right never does and it's just the extreme left thats assblasted all the time about everything. Typical projection.

Tuff McNutt

If we being 100% honest, black people are kind of over-represented in media and video games. I see black people all the time on TV and in games, which is perfectly fine. I dont understand what it is these people want exactly.

The thing is, they don't even know what they really want. The goalposts keep getting moved so they always have something to complain about, and will never be satisfied. That's why companies should never listen to idiots like the average REEE poster.

Like if a new character gets announced that's a black guy:

"Ugh, yet another cis man in a game, why can't we have more women?"

Character gets changed to a black woman:

"Ugh, look how sexualized she is, you can totally see the outlines of her breasts"

Character is changed to a flat-chested flat-assed black woman:

"Yikes, do we need yet another skinny woman promoting this abelist body stereotype?"

Character is changed to a flat-chested flat-assed fat black woman:

"Ooof, why can't we more queer representation in games?

Character is changed to a flat-chested flat-assed fat lesbian black woman:

"Ugh, why can't companies be brave enough to have trans charcacters?"

And on on and so forth. These are people that lack basic life skills but somehow know all the solutions to the world's problems will be solved by having the "perfect" character in a kid's fighting game.
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Haha even woke ass 30 Rock had blackface episodes? Lol


Haha even woke ass 30 Rock had blackface episodes? Lol

4 times even. so brave


4 times even. so brave
Tina Fey, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, why were all these people doing blackface in the 21st century?

Dat liberal blackface “SATIRE” card sure is handy. Wonder if in another 100 years NBC will still be doing blackface to teach us it is bad to do blackface.
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Unconfirmed Member
Haha even woke ass 30 Rock had blackface episodes? Lol

Tbh 30 Rock wasn't bad - certainly I never felt that it was 'woke' - it wasn't pushing agendas in your face. I re-watched it fairly recently and the blackface stood out a bit but the show is and was funny. It's certainly a shitload better than most of what's around at the moment (but I could go on about the death of comedy for days).


This is a mod posting from the Minmin reveal thread:

There is so much insanity in there, I don't know where to begin.

- they "need to wait for Asian staff to become available" because apparently only Asian people can moderate this
- the continued "lack of representation is an egregious issue" when Smash NEVER was about real life representation - the most popular characters from a given franchise get in, that's it.
- banning people for pointing out the above
- "Gamers who identify with Minmin" - WTF, nobody identifies with any Smash fighter! These are cool characters that you choose for fun, not for immersion!
- "increasing xenophobia towards China" - yeah, maybe start with your own forum that always has racist postings in china-related threads
- Notice how he doesn't say that those dismissing the difference between Chinese and Japanese characters get banned. Being racist against Asians isn't that but, huh

Resetera is the worst gaming community in the world.
Thanks for the summary. I knew this would happen since the reveal. Asian 'representation' is not the representation they wanted. They're this close to say exactly what they want. Isn't it about time they drop the act?


Gold Member
Tina Fey, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, why were all these people doing blackface in the 21st century?

Dat liberal blackface “SATIRE” card sure is handy. Wonder if in another 100 years NBC will still be doing blackface to teach us it is bad to do blackface.

Don’t forget Justin Trudeau. Now that I think of it, has there been a recent blackface that wasn’t committed by a leftist liberal?
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