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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Davey Cakes

Fuck 4 replies and locked.....im pretty sure there is a bot that scrubs new threads for keywords and alerts the mods

Neogaf/Joe Rogan/Pewdipie/Antifa...what other keywords do you think would send an alarm to the mods?
You still can't even SAY "NeoGAF" over there. Or, you can but for some reason people prefer to say "the other place."

It's laughable.


I did investigations for sexual harrassment for nearly 10 years and one thing I learned is not to trust women. It was about a 10% of real harrassment cases, the rest was just female vengence.

You got any receipts for that? Would be useful to help out some bros.


I love how when Min-Min is revealed as the ARMS rep for Smash Brothers, people are immediately on the scene to say "missed opportunity to include a minority or black character." Min-Min is Chinese.

Some of those folks have an obsession with the color brown.
LOL, just started reading tha thread. Asians aren't a "real" minority to them. Fucking morons.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
I love how when Min-Min is revealed as the ARMS rep for Smash Brothers, people are immediately on the scene to say "missed opportunity to include a minority or black character." Min-Min is Chinese.

Some of those folks have an obsession with the color brown.
To Era minority never meant anything but black. If it was an African included they'd complain as it should have been an African American, the true minority.





this isn't a black person either. ANOTHER L for black representation!
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this isn't a black person either. ANOTHER L for black representation!
Don't forget to show the original where they originally said another L for minority representation and then changed it because they were getting called out.

Also yet another game where this work was done months ago but they want them to scrap everything and start over because BLM protests happened a couple weeks ago so you're racist if you're not only putting black characters into your games...

Davey Cakes

They temporarily locked the Min-Min thread too. It's utterly ridiculous.

People are abusing the report button. Don't like something? Just try to get it banned. Jesus tap dancing Christ.


Gold Member
I love how when Min-Min is revealed as the ARMS rep for Smash Brothers, people are immediately on the scene to say "missed opportunity to include a minority or black character." Min-Min is a Chinese martial artist.

Some of those folks have an obsession with the color brown.

How curious. In the past few days I’ve skimmed through the pre-reveal thread and I’m sure there was much request for more female representation in Smash.

Now they got a female character and - surprise, surprise! - it’s not enough.

Had it been a black woman, they’d be complaining it’s not trans.

There’s no winning with idiots.


So no bans for shitting on asians but bans for calling out people for saying anything not black is bad. Never change



Black on Black crime.....




It's so fitting that their response to the accusations being refuted is to double down, and then mention the exodus. Don't they see the irony?



Black on Black crime.....

These SJW's honestly piss me off that they can use "racism" for every single situation, ever. It's never anyone else's fault.

Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for all the Chinatowns to erupt in gunfire.
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This is a mod posting from the Minmin reveal thread:

Apologies for the delay -- we had to wait for Asian staff to become available for some of these reports.

There are some thorny intersectional issues at play in this thread that we need to cover before reopening. Many posters are disappointed about the ARMS rep not being Twintelle, as the game doesn't have much in the way of black or brown representation, and at this point that lack is fairly egregious. We banned a number of posts dismissing the idea that black representation in a game like this is a reasonable thing to expect and we would like to make it clear: It is.

The second issue is Min Min, a character with a Chinese name who speaks her lines in Chinese, and who is clearly Chinese-themed in a way that other Asian Smash characters are not. There are gamers who identify with Min Min and feel represented by her, especially at this time of increasing xenophobia and tensions towards China. This representation has value too, and dismissing that is also not okay

There is so much insanity in there, I don't know where to begin.

- they "need to wait for Asian staff to become available" because apparently only Asian people can moderate this
- the continued "lack of representation is an egregious issue" when Smash NEVER was about real life representation - the most popular characters from a given franchise get in, that's it.
- banning people for pointing out the above
- "Gamers who identify with Minmin" - WTF, nobody identifies with any Smash fighter! These are cool characters that you choose for fun, not for immersion!
- "increasing xenophobia towards China" - yeah, maybe start with your own forum that always has racist postings in china-related threads
- Notice how he doesn't say that those dismissing the difference between Chinese and Japanese characters get banned. Being racist against Asians isn't that but, huh

Resetera is the worst gaming community in the world.
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