Often when someone working on a game is revealed to be problematic, or a developer is revealed to engage in shitty practices like crunch, a lot of people come out and say they won't support the game by buying it A common rebuttal to this is the "why punish the developers?" argument, which tends...
But then how are you supposed to show how Virtuous you are to people online?
I bet 100% of people who say they won’t buy a game will buy it anyway, they just won’t talk about it.
I think it's just 49%.
Another 49% never had any interest or money to buy that game to begin with.
Maybe 2% (being generous here) talk the talk and walk the walk.
Those threads are always the funniest to me, because ERA glorifies game developers and needs to stay "on message".
Love how it fucking tears them apart and gets everybody mad at each other lol
I personally buy all the products I want and can afford. If the creator, CEO, composer or anybody else is a criminal I'll let the police handle it.
Their arguments here always have the same glaring flaw.
Where exactly do you draw the line?
If you want to be an ethical gamer then why not also do deep dives into the technology you use, the clothes you wear, the food you buy.
Who knows how many brands have dark secrets lurking behind the PR facade?
So I'm gonna cry myself to sleep because JK Rowling is a bigot but people will still buy the Harry Potter game?
Then I'm going to wake up in the morning and have some eggs for breakfast that have been farmed in god knows what horrendous conditions?
I wonder where the cobalt in my devices came from...
On top of that if someone is going to accuse a developer of being a Nazi then I am going to need proof.
Not some "well he tweeted once about 6 years ago that he supported gamergate" weak bullshit. Real evidence.
I'm not going to refuse to buy a game because a guy working on it happened to disagree with you guys on gamergate.
Same with the JK Rowling shit. I would never play a Harry Potter game so whatever.
If I did want to play the game then I don't see how some political disagreement with the creator of the series is enough to put the brakes on my purchase. I mean fundamentally this "outrage" is based on the fact that she thinks TransWomen and Women are separate groups.
If they want to make an argument that a game is sexist or racist or transphobic then at the very least the arguments need to be good.
If the local news runs an expose on the treatment of chickens in farms then this is the kind of thing that would shock me into making better choices when I buy eggs and meat.
If I read an article with real facts about coffee and the places it comes from and the conditions there then that will be a factor and I will shop around and try my best to do my best.
The planet is getting fucked up. Look at all this plastic bullshit floating around. Of course I will recycle, of course I will think about waste and what I can do personally.
"This game is sexist because Mario has to rescue the princess and it promotes blah blah blah blah." Shut the fuck up.
"The lead developer said there are no black people in 1600s or whatever Bohemia so he's a Nazi and blah blah." Shut the fuck up.
"The game is based on some books and the author of the books thinks biological sex exists but I disagree so blah blah." Shut the fuck up.
I have never once seen these cretins make a good argument for not buying a game.
Microtransactions? I don't buy them. Try it. It's really fucking easy.
Crunch? Tell me how much the devs are earning and how many hours they are working. I had to work 60 hour weeks in a fucking call center just to keep my life on the rails back in the day. Literally just to see my paycheck evaporate by lunchtime on payday.
Developer with shitty opinions? I'll be the judge of that. Not you.
Problematic in game content? See above.
OMG a publisher did an AMA on 8chan!
OK, but they apologized, yeah?
OK so we're good. No problem.
Reeeeeeeeeeee! You are supporting All Of The Bad Things when you buy their games!
No. They made a mistake. They said sorry. It's done.
Get him banned! Dismissing concerns! Drive-by! BAN HIM!