I think the internet is a wonderful gift that likely saved us from a marxist uprising. Consider that instead of posting on Twitter or arguing in Facebook groups, tens of millions of people could be out there doing something in society, for good or evil. Instead of getting owned in a debate, seething for months and years, and then pulling the levers of The Party to eliminate the rival who embarrassed you, these zealots screech on comment-sections of videogame forums and knitting websites and never ever formulate any plans with any real consequences. Maybe because I've been reading 'Notes from Underground' and 'Demons' recently I feel as though we are not close to approaching the devious malice of Pyotr and Nikolai. They lack the impulse control necessary for true evil. They are narcissists (who almost always blow their wad before a truly big payoff).
When all the stops were pulled and every obstacle removed, CHAZ is the best they could larp. When all the brands were/are in their hands and all the lanes of communication policed, clumsily "banning" Alex Jones and putting out some razor commercial was the best they could manage. I remind myself of these things every day.
Said it before and I'll say it again: there will be a new "old Southern racist" stereotype made concerning these zealots. Instead of sitting on their porch screaming obscenities at innocent black kids walking by, they will screech at cis white kids. They will be the "racists" of the future, completely unable to handle the defeat of their ideology, clinging to the promises of the dead party, muttering "the progressives will rise again".