Are people really that excited about a new Harry Potter game? All the Harry Potter games have been awful
Hey now.
The GBC RPGs were pretty good. Simple, but good.
Are people really that excited about a new Harry Potter game? All the Harry Potter games have been awful
How can anyone dislike Terry Crews? He is a fucking treasure.
Did Crackdown 3 hurt people that much? Was it ACAB (all cop actors bastards)?
I wonder how persistent that worldview could be or will it age out? Especially since it's contradictory.
I still don't understand what concern trolling is.
So we can go back and comb through Bdubs and Stinkles history.In today's news: Everything was pedophile OR: Resetera REALLY cannot discern fiction from reality:
[NSFW] So Bunny Ayumi is a pedophile/pedophile adjacent.
Let me preface this by saying that this in no way invalidates her accusations levied against Mike Z. Mike Z is a creep, a racist, and this does not excuse what he did to her. Please do not use this thread to excuse or rationalize his actions. Now with that being said. Some terms that'll come...www.resetera.com
The entire thread is dumb. Not one of them could answer what's bad about someone fapping to anime loli/shota, but they'll condemn it anyway, because, guess what, they're fascists who want their ideology pushed onto everyone.
Anyway, let's ban anime, huh.
that gif is Bdubs in blackface to go with his racist, homophobic and anti-trans comments.
I'd defer to RE on that one. If there's anything they are experts in, it's pedophiliaIn today's news: Everything was pedophile OR: Resetera REALLY cannot discern fiction from reality:
[NSFW] So Bunny Ayumi is a pedophile/pedophile adjacent.
Let me preface this by saying that this in no way invalidates her accusations levied against Mike Z. Mike Z is a creep, a racist, and this does not excuse what he did to her. Please do not use this thread to excuse or rationalize his actions. Now with that being said. Some terms that'll come...www.resetera.com
The entire thread is dumb. Not one of them could answer what's bad about someone fapping to anime loli/shota, but they'll condemn it anyway, because, guess what, they're fascists who want their ideology pushed onto everyone.
Anyway, let's ban anime, huh.
Its against Crews so they let it slide I figure?
Sadly a lot of people believe it's alright to sexualize minors because "they are not real".
No it’s not. Not ridiculous at all. Sexualizing children is Sexualizing children. And some folks already seem to think it’s ok if it’s drawn. What’s the difference?
I just saw the thread where they complain about the voice of your Cyberpunk 2077-character determining its gender. WTF is wrong with them?
So you speak to npcs and EVERY time you want your avatar to correct them "woah woah, I'm actually a woman!", because OF COURSE npcs would assume that a female voice would indicate a female person!
... it's never enough.
This ain’t it chiefIn today's news: Everything was pedophile OR: Resetera REALLY cannot discern fiction from reality:
[NSFW] So Bunny Ayumi is a pedophile/pedophile adjacent.
Let me preface this by saying that this in no way invalidates her accusations levied against Mike Z. Mike Z is a creep, a racist, and this does not excuse what he did to her. Please do not use this thread to excuse or rationalize his actions. Now with that being said. Some terms that'll come...www.resetera.com
The entire thread is dumb. Not one of them could answer what's bad about someone fapping to anime loli/shota, but they'll condemn it anyway, because, guess what, they're fascists who want their ideology pushed onto everyone.
Anyway, let's ban anime, huh.
Oof, not a good look. Time to cancel Wikipedia, you ain’t slick with transphobic penis definitions
EDIT: Yikes, removed the link since the preview image shows a very triggering image
Take his wife's surname since he is a beta. Problem solved. Please send the cheque to my PO Box.
Do I need to bring back the pedoera screencaps?I'd defer to RE on that one. If there's anything they are experts in, it's pedophilia
Send in the Clowns: Terry Crews tweets "We must ensure #blacklivesmatter doesn’t morph into #blacklivesbetter"
Celebrities are not our Civil Rights leaders.www.resetera.com
Moreprivilegedracist white children calling a successful black man an uncle tom and a hotep. Stay classy guys!
Treaty of Versailles II on the way??![]()
It is time for European countries that participated in colonialism to repay the places they fucked over
With the growing race movement around the world . It time we have a conversation about European that participated Colonialism repaying the countries they stole billion and killed millions . If these countries and people really care about poc it is time they do what is right and face up to all...www.resetera.com
This is an offensively stupid thread and the fact that so many people got bans, while the OP can’t coherently make a compelling argument, nor respond to actual thoughtful posts, is ghastly.![]()
It is time for European countries that participated in colonialism to repay the places they fucked over
With the growing race movement around the world . It time we have a conversation about European that participated Colonialism repaying the countries they stole billion and killed millions . If these countries and people really care about poc it is time they do what is right and face up to all...www.resetera.com
Lol, this is such an ERA thread
Closed after three pages because of the reports. Can't wait to see who will get banned.
It has the usual: You can't be racist against whites stuff as a bonus.
Apparantly racism = prejudice + power, hence POC can't be racist.
Is this some new definition of racism that nobody but ERA uses?
[NSFW] So Bunny Ayumi is a pedophile/pedophile adjacent.
Sadly a lot of people believe it's alright to sexualize minors because "they are not real". It's sickening that so many people are okay with that, be it in the anime community or in gaming communities like Skyrim modding scene i.e. where folks openly supports creators that make sex animations...www.resetera.com
It's almost like that's a FRIGGING GOOD argument, though.
Wow, two reasonable users in this thread. Now let's count down to their inevitable ban:
[NSFW] So Bunny Ayumi is a pedophile/pedophile adjacent. | ResetEra
archived 30 Jun 2020 18:52:23 UTCarchive.is
[NSFW] So Bunny Ayumi is a pedophile/pedophile adjacent. | ResetEra
archived 30 Jun 2020 18:56:47 UTCarchive.is
Haha, the dogpiling begins. Fuck these terrible ignorant people:
OMG, it only gets better:
[NSFW] So Bunny Ayumi is a pedophile/pedophile adjacent.
No it’s not. Not ridiculous at all. Sexualizing children is sexualizing children. What’s the difference if it’s drawn?www.resetera.com
Yeah, what's the difference between real children and anime girls!
Never go near real children, motherfucker. Someone should forward his posting tothe FBI.
Aaand "Midnight Train" got banned for making a most reasonable, calm posting. Haha, this forum is so screwed in the head. They don't see a difference between fictional sexualization and real child porn, but dare you mention that the same would then go for violence, they instantly go "Nu-uh, fictional violence and real violence are totally different!!1"
I hate these so much. :/
Did Stinkles explain the allegations about him? I've been out a few days and missed the shite, I noticed he is unbanned.
I think the way it works is that any twitter accusation against one of their own needs evidence, and any twitter accusation against someone they don't like is evidence.
Okay, so making a thread explaining why I'm not buying Halo Infinite is a bad idea based on an alleged abuse but a thread saying I wont buy Cyberpunk 2077 because a pr person made an offensive tweet without permission before he was sacked is okay.I think the way it works is that any twitter accusation against one of their own needs evidence, and any twitter accusation against someone they don't like is evidence.
Haha fucking idiots man. I think it's time we pay for our sins as cavemen too. Apologize to all those bears we killed.
User Banned (1 Month) - Dismissing concerns of Transphobia
They realized a little too late, all the people that could provide legitimate discussion are already banned or staying silent in fear of mods banning them after being mobbed on.
Too serious is my assessment. It gets exhausting.When you ban everyone trying to have fun for “drive by posting” and turn every thread into some kind of social justice competition then yeah - how is that fun?
That place is depressing as hell to actually read and engage with.
It's there. Just locked lol.And its gone.
I like that it basically ends with a mod saying "if you can't deal with the endless pettiness and looking for problematic content, then the door is that way" (paraphrasing of course)And its gone.
It is exhausting and completely misplaced. You won't change the world on a video game message board.It's there. Just locked lol.
I post in both forums and try to be civil in both places. I get that ERA wants to focus on social justice. That's great. But when it bleeds into every thread, it's exhausting.
I like to use the analogy of the virtual water cooler-where you joking around, shooting the shit, and whatnot. While I do like the deep discussion on important topics, when you have no levity at all, it can be exhausting.
Those are easy to avoid actually. It that's regular topics get inundated with agendas all time. An ND topic today became some witch-hunt on Druckmann because he congratulated some former Kinda Funny dude on Twitter. It's exhausting lol. And this happens a lot.I like that it basically ends with a mod saying "if you can't deal with the endless pettiness and looking for problematic content, then the door is that way" (paraphrasing of course)
It's a gaming board. You are not saving the world by having a "discussion" for the thousandth time on how important it is to have a black character in Smash or whatever the hot topic of the day is.
A bit of positivity might lift some folks out of the mire a little bit too. Or maybe they just all hate their hobby.
It always felt to me like everyone was always just trying to see the negative or bad side of everything with gaming. Rather than celebrating a hobby which brings so many together.Those are easy to avoid actually. It that's regular topics get inundated with agendas all time. An ND topic today became some witch-hunt on Druckmann because he congratulated some former Kinda Funny dude. It's exhausting lol.