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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Darkness no more
I still don't get the whole KitKat thing.

She violated a rule and was banned for it. You live by the sword you die by the sword. No one should be given special treatment. If the rules are going to be strict they should be strict for everyone.

The rules aren’t applied fairly or logically there.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
The Ketkat ban is permanent.

The entire staff was given an opportunity to weigh in on this case over the past few days. In light of the violation of their privacy, many expressed that they would not feel comfortable or safe volunteering here if such intrusions were tolerated. For this reason, the ban has been made permanent. This decision was not and could not have been made without careful consideration and large consensus.


I still don't get the whole KitKat thing.

She violated a rule and was banned for it. You live by the sword you die by the sword. No one should be given special treatment. If the rules are going to be strict they should be strict for everyone.

Rules and standards are only applicable in so far as you consider the users position on the ladder of oppression.

If you are white heterosexual male, you are top of the ladder, and therefore have no say or defense when challenged or spoken too no matter how derogatory. Then you have the more obvious example of being a white male homosexual, you're not quite ths heterosexual white male, but your close.

As you introduce the myriads of other factors Ree likes to consider; race, religion, sexuality, gender, socio economic status etc, you eventually end up in a total clusterfuck or who sits where on the scale of oppression. This is made even more confusing when half the users have come up with new found ways to label themselves in a bid to race to the bottom of the ladder; to be at the bottom is actually the most powerful in this hypothetical utopian future as it seperates one from their actions (or even inactions) and potential consequences. Its basically a way of saying 'everythinf that happens is beyond my control, therefore its not actually me that needs to change, its everyone around me'.

Problem is everyone around them is thinking exactly the same thing......so noones getting the attention everyone feels they are all entitled too.

I'd love to have at least some 'Crowder Confronts' level of justice when these assholes keep making these statements as if it was fact, when actually EviLore EviLore cleared up the entire situation. Makes my blood boild, because I hate obvious injustices.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt

Amazing ^^.


Gold Member

I'd love to have at least some 'Crowder Confronts' level of justice when these assholes keep making these statements as if it was fact, when actually EviLore EviLore cleared up the entire situation. Makes my blood boild, because I hate obvious injustices.

Strange, GAF is like it was 12 years ago. When it was fun. What’s changed? The insane mods left.


Strange, GAF is like it was 12 years ago. When it was fun. What’s changed? The insane mods left.

Absolutely agree!

The tone policing, dog piling and other bullshit that was found on Gaf for awhile was a result of those types over on Era taking it over.

That shit was depressing.

They are turning on each other as their purity tests, self righteousness, oppression Olympics and other indentity politics / extreme PC will always cause to happen.

A haven of hypocrites, shut ins, privileged do gooders and mostly people who have not lived life yet in may real way tell us all what's what!


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Acknowledging Asexuality has to be peak narcissism.

You want a gold star...for not fucking.

And to worry about Acephobia? Who in their right mind has ever faced more then the common person say "What?!..well, that's odd. Welp, more sex for me then!"

Yes, the plight of the Asexual. "Back of the bus non-fucker!"

Are we gonna start labeling people and giving gold stars if they enjoy certain sex acts? Fuck it, I'm Hetrosexual with a heavy emphasis on BeingBlownSexual.
Let's just incorporate everything while were at it involving our gentials. I'm also 'RandomBonerOnTheBusSexual'.

Since Asexuals arent into sex I guess we can incorporate are 'not into it's sexual things?
I guess I'm also 'NotAFanOfGapingButtholePorn' sexual.

We are at the pinnacle of narcissism for what we do with are naughty-bits and what we dont do.

Our society went from virgin being a sign of purity, to virgin being a sign of being a loser, to virgin being a sign of pride. All in the span of maybe 50-60 years lol



I'd love to have at least some 'Crowder Confronts' level of justice when these assholes keep making these statements as if it was fact, when actually EviLore EviLore cleared up the entire situation. Makes my blood boild, because I hate obvious injustices.
I can't make heads or tails of it... are they calling for more bans or less? lol


Rapid Response Threadmaker
They are asking for new mods, but they just got a whole bunch of new ones (with oddly low post counts). A number of previous mods were demodded.


Our society went from virgin being a sign of purity, to virgin being a sign of being a loser, to virgin being a sign of pride. All in the span of maybe 50-60 years lol

If you are doing well enough in life that not having sex is a cornerstone of your identity and at the forefront of how represent yourself then you are doing ok.

People who are starving, being killed in war and suffering terribly only wish to have it so good.

The ability to be so self-indulgent is proof of privilege in the very greatest sense.

No legislation exists regarding asexuality because oppression based on it would be miniscule / no existent / small enough as a percentage to be within the margin of error.

Homosexuals / trans have actually suffered, even died for being who they are, nobody never died for not fucking and frankly no one cares either if you do or don't.


Neo Member
The Ketkat situation is fucking hilarious, who fucking cares if they leak information from private channels where people post about their private life, am I right? These people are fucking exceptional, but ResetEra created the power they now have over them and now the mods get to deal with it.

If Ketkat is unbanned im gonna be fucking pissed
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Their kill count is 2 and ours is 0. Yet we are the toxic ones.

How brainded can people be? It's unbeliavable.

I know that's not on topic but GAF was mentioned in the thread and I had to write this.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
My problem with ResetEra and why I hardly ever post there now, is that it's unhealthy. As a liberal it's a weird space that encourages members to push ever further left, to out progressive everyone else. They even consider Bill Maher too conservative now, which is crazy to me. They even openly have these safe spaces where they can exclude white people and those who are not gay. It's just silly and it's weird how they can't see that.
Here's a safe prediction: the narcissists in their midst will not be able to resist this growing opportunity to pull away some of ERA's user-base to yet another Safe Space forum. Keep your eyes open for any revolutionaries who try to push traffic to other brand-new forums, users that ERA mods will inevitably have to ban, which only leads to more anger, which leads to more people leaving and more people getting banned.


My problem with ResetEra and why I hardly ever post there now, is that it's unhealthy. As a liberal it's a weird space that encourages members to push ever further left, to out progressive everyone else. They even consider Bill Maher too conservative now, which is crazy to me. They even openly have these safe spaces where they can exclude white people and those who are not gay. It's just silly and it's weird how they can't see that.

It really does seem to be a competition for most "woke" on the forum.

If you don't use the same labels that have been attributed to individuals / groups and don't agree completely with the status quo of the forum you are a persona non Grata.

That "hivemind" issue that used to be discussed in reference to this place while all those people where still here is in a runaway effect over there and it is destructive. It is not a discussion board at all, only approved language and positions are allowed.

It is totalitarian in its function, approved words, approved media, approved people. The universal standard is equilibrium, balance is always sought when things are too much to one way or another.

No balance is in effect, no middle ground.and no dissention. Hey if that's what they want but sure as hell don't call it a discussion board, that would imply differing views are allowed.

Bubbles tend to pop.


My problem with ResetEra and why I hardly ever post there now, is that it's unhealthy. As a liberal it's a weird space that encourages members to push ever further left, to out progressive everyone else. They even consider Bill Maher too conservative now, which is crazy to me. They even openly have these safe spaces where they can exclude white people and those who are not gay. It's just silly and it's weird how they can't see that.
Yeah, it is so unhealthy.
But I still frequent because most people flocked there and like GAF was up until the schism, it's where I get a lot of the news. I'm probably insensitive, but I still don't understand what the problem is and why they are rioting.

I do miss the old days.


Amazing ^^.
Wow wokest trans poster is acephobic who would have known?

I figured the ace stuff would be the downfall. They made everything about sex which of course excludes the non sexual (or spectrum which is closer to reality) so in their race to be all inclusive they have to exclude many who actually did have to deal with historic struggles. Like imagine how many rapes were enacted on people that didn’t want to have sex. To discount that is shameful as fuck so to hell with these phony “inclusives”.


Gold Member
For those of you just lurking or driving by Isamu Fukui is Cerium and the owner of Resetera.


TLDR Isamu Fukui is a homophobe that tried along with a few other students to get a gay librarian fired for misconduct then it was found out that this librarians actions were exactly the same as a straight female librarian when it came to telling the students to be quiet in the library (by whispering in their ear to be quiet). He then made up a bunch of bullshit about inappropriate touching by this gay librarian.

They always, always have something in their closets.

These false altruistic ideologues.


The freaks are mad. this morning. I love that a mod they think is doing a good job is Nepenthe, someone so stupid that they banned people for questioning Jussee Smollet's obviously bullshit story. When that is the type of moron that's moderating your site, your site is a joke. Take it to Discord, freaks, Cerium doesn't have your back.
It really does seem to be a competition for most "woke" on the forum.

If you don't use the same labels that have been attributed to individuals / groups and don't agree completely with the status quo of the forum you are a persona non Grata.

That "hivemind" issue that used to be discussed in reference to this place while all those people where still here is in a runaway effect over there and it is destructive. It is not a discussion board at all, only approved language and positions are allowed.

It is totalitarian in its function, approved words, approved media, approved people. The universal standard is equilibrium, balance is always sought when things are too much to one way or another.

No balance is in effect, no middle ground.and no dissention. Hey if that's what they want but sure as hell don't call it a discussion board, that would imply differing views are allowed.

Bubbles tend to pop.
Well yes, it's a statement board. Come in and make your statement. Receive either A) a virtual pat on the back or B) a ban.

My problem with ResetEra and why I hardly ever post there now, is that it's unhealthy. As a liberal it's a weird space that encourages members to push ever further left, to out progressive everyone else. They even consider Bill Maher too conservative now, which is crazy to me. They even openly have these safe spaces where they can exclude white people and those who are not gay. It's just silly and it's weird how they can't see that.
Old GAF/Resetera isn't attempting to build a safe space. They don't desire safety because it wouldn't give them anything to shake about.

There are people who go from door to door/in public to "save" other non members of the church. Believe it or not, the real goal isn't to save anyone. Anyone you bring in is an extra bonus. The real goal is to keep showing you that you are different, that the outside people are bad and hate you. And this will get you (the door knocker) to run back to church, reinvest in the church and your life/identity in it.

Sounds exactly like many of these online communities

Dr. Claus

Interesting how the PedoEra, DoxEra, and RacistEra problems were never something that phased much of the site. But asexuals? Now they destroyed Era. Funny where there priorities lie.
During PedoEra, many Resetera members doubted I was a woman. One example among many : https://www.resetera.com/threads/vi...awsuit-dismissed.94896/page-113#post-21915090

Staff what are you doing ? What if I'm a man identifying as a woman though ? Doesn't that make comments like those transphobic ? Where's the ban for weemadarthur ? I'm not a trans, but I could have been.

Resetera is all about believe and protect woman... unless they spill the beans about private discussions. Resetera love trans, will fight for them... unless you leak out informations about them, like KetKat did. It tells you a lot about their moral compass and where their interest lies.

I mean, they banned me for very good reasons, I wasn't a good fit for their "safe space" and it wasn't related to pedoera. But banning KetKat ? That was really petty and I always found him insufferable. Banning people for speaking out is the lowest of the low. Seeing Resetera staff line up like perfect soldier behind the decision is a sight for sure. Speak about a lack of spine.
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Was this clown as prolific on here as he is over there?
I'm always amazed to click the thing and see how many posts have been made.

That must be some mistake?

40,379 posts in 756 days is around 53 posts per day.

I think what bothers me is how much of Excelsiorlef's posting is focused on telling other people what to do or giving advice or otherwise just dictating the way things ought to be to others. Yet, this is a person who surely does not do much other than post on a single gaming message board.

I always thought that was a messed up thing about Era (though probably true for the internet in general). Taking advice from people you don't even know, being told off by people you don't even know, but when you think about it those people might basically just be shut-ins who don;t actually have a good grip on how to interact with others socially.

I mean, can you imagine trying to have this "acephobia" conversation legitimately, in real life, face to face with other people?
Trying to claim with a straight face that people who are asexual are facing, or have faced, the same kind of struggles as gay or trans people.
It's insulting and people would react accordingly.

That's why they are so hell bent on this heavy handed moderation. In real life you would be told to fuck off with that nonsense. On an internet forum if you can ban anyone who doesn't agree with you then you can always be right.


As far as the ace thing is concerned: what’s the deal there? Are people feeling constantly pressured to fuck who don’t want to?

Maybe parents bugging their kids to have children or something? Guess what: everyone gets that. I get that everyone has stuff they struggle with, but does everything need to be a label? Do I get a flag for being a straight white guy who today is apparently expected to shit gold because all doors are open to me in life and none of the struggles I’ve had are valid, or can we just accept everyone’s got a fuckin struggle because that’s life and we should follow the golden rule?

And here’s a hint: nobody’s perfect. If you don’t want people to go down an endless spiral of purity testing and nitpicking every damn thing to the point of insanity, probably don’t make that your forum moderation policy because it’ll eat you alive, as we’re seeing now.

Dr. Claus

As far as the ace thing is concerned: what’s the deal there? Are people feeling constantly pressured to fuck who don’t want to?

Maybe parents bugging their kids to have children or something? Guess what: everyone gets that. I get that everyone has stuff they struggle with, but does everything need to be a label? Do I get a flag for being a straight white guy who today is apparently expected to shit gold because all doors are open to me in life and none of the struggles I’ve had are valid, or can we just accept everyone’s got a fuckin struggle because that’s life and we should follow the golden rule?

And here’s a hint: nobody’s perfect. If you don’t want people to go down an endless spiral of purity testing and nitpicking every damn thing to the point of insanity, probably don’t make that your forum moderation policy because it’ll eat you alive, as we’re seeing now.

I just don't see why it matters in a supposedly VIDEOGAME forum. Like talk about fucking games, not about shit that has zero to do with it.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Still can't get over that white "women" are trying to lynch a gay black man and they are being protected by the staff over there for it. Fucking madness. Even better that one of their own (excelsiolef) has been exposed agreeing with the perfectly reasonable things royalan was saying in that thread (https://www.neogaf.com/threads/why-isnt-asexuality-included-in-pride.1399945/page-6#post-242387805). I doubt they're going to turn on excel, though. If KetKat is any indication, they firmly believe that certain posters must be immune.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Can someone explain the everyday struggle of asexual people?

"No, I don't want to have sex. Ugh, the struggles!"

With the length of human history it is possible for asexuals to have been victims to due to their asexuality. Whether it be a woman that doesn't want to have sex, because they don't derive pleasure from it, being forced to. Men have likely been ridiculed in the past if they don't/can't want to have sex for the purposes of procreation. A lot of the struggle with being asexual is going to be internal. Everything is fine from childhood to teenage years, but then you start noticing your peers being attracted to others in a way you do not feel and cannot understand. It feels like you are missing a part of being a human. It's like being born into a world where everyone has superpowers and not having one.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Just a thought, maybe someone should let Kotaku know about the drama so they can run a story on it.

Maybe a few people should let them know. Remember, keep it sincere.

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