In desperation to bring up a good cancelling of Purple OP brings up the great exodus.
Haven’t like most guys been in awkward situations like this. It is definitely not rape.
In desperation to bring up a good cancelling of Purple OP brings up the great exodus.
"Excuse me miss, but would it be at all bothersome to you, or supportive of the unnerving patriarchy which we are forced to exist within, if I were to request the ability to place my hand underneath your tee shirt and grasp your breast?"
There's an Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt episode where she starts to get handsy with a young guy at a college party (or something of the sort) and he whips out a sexual consent form, clipboard and everything. When this turns her off, he calls his mom and she reassures him "she definitely sounds like a lesbian, don't worry"."Excuse me miss, but would it be at all bothersome to you, or supportive of the unnerving patriarchy which we are forced to exist within, if I were to request the ability to place my hand underneath your tee shirt and grasp your breast?"
I remember this Ree discussion, where some guy stressed about always asking for consent. Even to your own god damn wife. I lol'd the fuck out of it and picturing such a guy watching TV with his spouse, and then he's going to ask her. Like she doesn't want to be surprised or teased by her hubby at times. Must be one bangin' marriage.
I remember this Ree discussion, where some guy stressed about always asking for consent. Even to your own god damn wife. I lol'd the fuck out of it and picturing such a guy watching TV with his spouse, and then he's going to ask her. Like she doesn't want to be surprised or teased by her hubby at times. Must be one bangin' marriage.
Contrapoints is a real headfuck. I got out into her from Gaf when I joined - so I saw her transform from gay man, to straight trans woman, to lesbian, over the course of maybe a dozen videos. She makes a damn good argument about whatever she chooses to discuss, and properly interrogates the issue, but somehow isn't woke enough.
Utter bullshit.
So in other words, ERA supports Trans people, but only if Trans people are perpetually kept victims and not allowed to achieve any kind of success.
amazing lolThere have been lesbians banned from Era because they said they do not want to sleep with a trans woman.
I get the feeling that a lot of the vocal trans people on Era are "fashion trans" - they are guys in their 30s-40s who went nowhere in life and decide it must be because they're actually women and they've been oppressed. So they slap on a wig and dress and expect everyone to think they're heroes and so brave and that their voice/opinions matter more, even than other women or others on the rainbow.
Of course even thinking this is HATEFUL and TRANSPHOBIC but honestly I do wonder what percentage of these loud trans voices could fit here. To a certain kind of depressed, unsuccessful, lonely confused dude, the chance to transform from a cis white guy nobody gives a shit about to a brave hero with a priority voice and victim status, that's a huge jump in prestige and attention in progressive circles. The temptation has to be there for guys who just have nothing else going in life.
I don't believe that for a second. Trans people genuinely feel as they do, not because of need for attention. But that doesn't stop someone from being an immature narrowminded extremist asshole.Of course even thinking this is HATEFUL and TRANSPHOBIC but honestly I do wonder what percentage of these loud trans voices could fit here. To a certain kind of depressed, unsuccessful, lonely confused dude, the chance to transform from a cis white guy nobody gives a shit about to a brave hero with a priority voice and victim status, that's a huge jump in prestige and attention in progressive circles. The temptation has to be there for guys who just have nothing else going in life.
Trans people genuinely feel as they do, not because of need for attention.
I get the feeling that a lot of the vocal trans people on Era are "fashion trans" - they are guys in their 30s-40s who went nowhere in life and decide it must be because they're actually women and they've been oppressed. So they slap on a wig and dress and expect everyone to think they're heroes and so brave and that their voice/opinions matter more, even than other women or others on the rainbow.
Also a lot of them will say that they're a lesbian trans woman, so they use it as an excuse to try and have sex with the same women that turned them down when they were men. There have been lesbians banned from Era because they said they do not want to sleep with a trans woman.
It boils down to basically it's a bunch of white guys trying to dictate how everyone (both trans and others) should think and feel - which is what they are supposedly "fighting" against, so it's a circle-jerk, and I think that is a big reason why they are never satisfied. They are addicted to being the center of attention, because most of them are losers like Incelchief, who is a 30+ year old obsessed with pro wrestling and Care Bears that stocks shelves on the night shelf while posting 100 times a day on Era (also Contrapoints can pass as female, and anyone who has seen pictures of Incelchief can attest to, that's not the case with "her".)
Update #2: "Ban made permanent after review.. "I'm glad i'm not the only who see's the irony.
Update: i'm banned now, which again, is ironic since they literally proved my point.
Even if it happened exactly as she said, isn't that sexual assault and not rape?Haven’t like most guys been in awkward situations like this. It is definitely not rape.
OP creates 'dark room' with PS2 hooked up to a crt TV to entice his 13 year old brother to play PS2 games as his first console experience.
This is like a rejected Saw script.
I don't believe that for a second. Trans people genuinely feel as they do, not because of need for attention. But that doesn't stop someone from being an immature narrowminded extremist asshole.
Even if it happened exactly as she said, isn't that sexual assault and not rape?
If one is truly trans the I don't think it maters and an asshole is an asshole regardless. If one is pretending to be trans just for social points then they are an even bigger asshole. Assholes abound.There's normal trams people, who are well normal pleasant people in my experience.
Then there are trans trenders, who congregate on Resetera and constantly complain about transphobia, bigotry and are generally unhinged men who became trans for the oppression points.
That's the sad reality of ResetERA. There are some genuinely decent people on there. But because of a hive mind mentality, they can't ever truly show it on there.To be entirely honest and forthcoming, I'm actually chill with a couple Era mods on Discord. We DM here and there, and shoot the shit. You'd be shocked how chill they can be outside of that ecosystem. Surprisingly normal.
It's actually opened my eyes to just how toxic that community is overall. That atmosphere is so far removed from reality that even the mods have to put on a different face when patrolling their hive. They're walking on eggshells themselves.
Why you feel the need to jump through hoops to use the search bar there is beyond me - especially when GAF exists.
The lure of news breaking there first is too strong for some people.That's the sad reality of ResetERA. There are some genuinely decent people on there. But because of a hive mind mentality, they can't ever truly show it on there.
The OP in that creeper post thinks red is video and yellow and white are audio. Noob.
Then there are trans trenders, who congregate on Resetera and constantly complain about transphobia, bigotry and are generally unhinged men who became trans for the oppression points.
Well it makes sense. Someone with experience of newer studios ruining franchises should be his forte.Stinkles popped back up he took a break from grooming girls to complain about Star wars
What was your reaction to this scene from Rise of the Skywalker? [+Spoiler]
I liked it!
God damn, I can't imagine how malnourishedLook what Cerium and did to Finale Fireworker:
bit of a slippery area and it really depends on the situation and whats been left out of the story as there are no shortages of women wanting attention or a bit of drama and likewise their are fine examples of pieces of shit malesHaven’t like most guys been in awkward situations like this. It is definitely not rape.
God damn, I can't imagine how malnourishedMod of War must be due to the constant off topic discussion derails in the Ban Review thread. I almost feel bad.
Haven’t like most guys been in awkward situations like this. It is definitely not rape.
they are guys in their 30s-40s who went nowhere in life and decide it must be because they're actually women and they've been oppressed. So they slap on a wig and dress and expect everyone to think they're heroes and so brave and that their voice/opinions matter more, even than other women or others on the rainbow.
I think that’s where nuance gets thrown out the window in these situations.
If you’re a dude and you misread signals and put yourself out there and get rejected that should be the end of it.
Since we live in a society where men are traditionally expected to make the first move and be the pursuer, most men that have had an active sex life have ran into a weird situation or two. Affirmative consent simply isn’t the standard for the vast majority of sexual encounters (it’s almost always “no means no” instead).
So there’s some massive gray area and there aren’t any hard and fast rules for every sexual encounter. It’s just so crazy to me how even these awkward situations are worthy of trying to ruin someone’s life.
I've absolutely lost out on some mad decent sex because I was terrified of being accused of something of this sort.
I think that’s where nuance gets thrown out the window in these situations.
If you’re a dude and you misread signals and put yourself out there and get rejected that should be the end of it.
Since we live in a society where men are traditionally expected to make the first move and be the pursuer, most men that have had an active sex life have ran into a weird situation or two. Affirmative consent simply isn’t the standard for the vast majority of sexual encounters (it’s almost always “no means no” instead).
So there’s some massive gray area and there aren’t any hard and fast rules for every sexual encounter. It’s just so crazy to me how even these awkward situations are worthy of trying to ruin someone’s life.
Is the OP fucking Jigsaw? This is too weird, what third world country is he living in where a TV with HDMI is unaffordable, I mean back in 2005/6 is when I first got a PS3/Xbox 360 Elite with HDMI and the TV's were expensive sure, but these days, you can probably get a nice second hand one for less than $50
It's almost as if you've done your research.
It's almost as if you've done your research.
That said, vote with your dollar. I’ve been burned by icons that I personally despise
This is bullshit in between writing this Robin both tweeted the Era thread to some dev and is now using the thread to shit on the dev’s artwork because they are upset about the twitter response.Robin64
59 minutes ago
Nobody is harassing devs, every tweet I've ever seen about an icon has been completely civil and politely asking, nothing more.
Then again he has a wig now so maybe he did actually spruce it up. (With a wig)
The lure of news breaking there first is too strong for some people.