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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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God Enel

getting so drunk that you punch holes in the wall is a GOOD THING!

yes as long as you contextualize it in our stupid culture war, being a violent drunk is a virtue that should be celebrated!


too much Monster energy? Hahahahaha this can’t be real. The meme is alive



CCP fan getting blowback


lol what the fuck does this even mean they really big upping Chinese communist propoganda?


ahahaah the sheep is thankful

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This mendinso guy is hilarious to watch melt down. "OH GET OFF YOURSELF."

He even made a "We need to talk about..." thread awhile back about this and I have no clue what the fuck he's arguing for. Just to make games have an Easy Mode for disabled people? That's gonna help someone who has a hook for a hand lemme tell ya.

Guessing his disability is like "Depression" or "Anxiety".


Ah my least favorite conversation in gaming. Held by my least favorite people in gaming.

It only makes sense if you see a game as similar to a story (movie or book) or a sort of theme park "experience".

I mean it's kind of like showing up to a chess event and saying you just enjoy looking at the board and the pieces and you love talking about the story behind each piece and the history of the game. OK but they aren't going to let you play any matches and the certainly aren't going to pretend that you've won a few matches.

I don't want to be harsh on someone who has a disability because having a disability fucking sucks for sure.
However it would seem easier to just work with what you've got to get the best out of life.
Watch some movies and TV, read some books. Do you REALLY need to complete Dark Souls?

This weird thing of looking at games and saying "oh I just want to explore the world" is actually fine for games that are set up to allow for such things.
Why does it have to be EVERY game though?

I am sure the day will come when From Software games come with a "Story Mode".
Then you get a whole new level of criticism of these games when people, who don't realize that the gameplay and challenge is an intrinsic part of the whole package, start saying the story is a bit boring or the world is a bit dull.

Maybe I'm just too old now but for me a big appeal of any sport or game, and even some other hobbies, is that idea of challenge.
Testing yourself for fun is a long standing thing. Crosswords. Sudoku.
Yet somehow gaming is infiltrated by people looking to "play the game" without actually playing the game. Very weird.


Ah my least favorite conversation in gaming. Held by my least favorite people in gaming.

It only makes sense if you see a game as similar to a story (movie or book) or a sort of theme park "experience".

I mean it's kind of like showing up to a chess event and saying you just enjoy looking at the board and the pieces and you love talking about the story behind each piece and the history of the game. OK but they aren't going to let you play any matches and the certainly aren't going to pretend that you've won a few matches.

I don't want to be harsh on someone who has a disability because having a disability fucking sucks for sure.
However it would seem easier to just work with what you've got to get the best out of life.
Watch some movies and TV, read some books. Do you REALLY need to complete Dark Souls?

This weird thing of looking at games and saying "oh I just want to explore the world" is actually fine for games that are set up to allow for such things.
Why does it have to be EVERY game though?

I am sure the day will come when From Software games come with a "Story Mode".
Then you get a whole new level of criticism of these games when people, who don't realize that the gameplay and challenge is an intrinsic part of the whole package, start saying the story is a bit boring or the world is a bit dull.

Maybe I'm just too old now but for me a big appeal of any sport or game, and even some other hobbies, is that idea of challenge.
Testing yourself for fun is a long standing thing. Crosswords. Sudoku.
Yet somehow gaming is infiltrated by people looking to "play the game" without actually playing the game. Very weird.
If the original difficulty modes are left in then what difference does it make if people with disabilities are accommodated?

Seems like a non issue
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If the original difficulty modes are left in then what difference does it make if people with disabilities are accommodated?

Seems like a non issue

One could just as easily ask if there are thousands of games out there with all kinds of options and possibilities what difference does it make if a handful of games insist on a single difficulty level?

It's always framed as "just do it for the people with disabilities" but the truth is there is nothing to stop them from playing the game.
They just might not be able to complete the game.
That's OK.

It's like, pre covid, there was nothing to stop you from participating in most big city marathons.
However if you can't run or walk or crawl or use a wheelchair for the full 26 miles they aren't going to let you hop a taxi to the finish line.
They'll let you drop out at any time if you can't do it.
If you can't physically run (or roll) the full 26.2 miles then you can't and that's it.
The point is the challenge and a lot of people with disabilities will rise to that challenge on their own without asking for the entire thing to be restructured just for them.

If we are being honest here the "accessibility" argument is a front for people who are not disabled to argue "I want to complete the difficult game" and also have an angle to shame anyone who says "well just practice the game until you are good enough."

There must surely be a small range of disabilities where an individual is able to load up and start and play a great many videogames BUT there's a handful of games that rely on being cautious and careful and learning your opponents moves and somehow those are just too inaccessible?

Isn't it interesting that the main games people go after with this happen to be ones that the usual special snowflakes have trouble beating?
Isn't it interesting how the same unique individuals take a strop when a game jokingly names easy mode as "baby mode" or something like that?
Isn't it interesting that they use the same tactic they seem to use everywhere else by trying to shame and demonize anyone who doesn't see it their way?

Is anyone here, or anywhere, going to argue that Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and even Sekiro require nothing more than lightening quick reflexes and offer no other options such as character builds, special moves and items, opportunities to "cheese" bosses or community help and advice to get through the games?

Those games ARE accessible. They are also difficult. They are also very beatable without any particularly complicated button combos or anything like that.

They only argument I could see is "I don't have time to learn to beat that boss fight" but that has nothing to do with disability.

It's bullshit.
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One could just as easily ask if there are thousands of games out there with all kinds of options and possibilities what difference does it make if a handful of games insist on a single difficulty level?

It's always framed as "just do it for the people with disabilities" but the truth is there is nothing to stop them from playing the game.
They just might not be able to complete the game.
That's OK.

It's like, pre covid, there was nothing to stop you from participating in most big city marathons.
However if you can't run or walk or crawl or use a wheelchair for the full 26 miles they aren't going to let you hop a taxi to the finish line.
They'll let you drop out at any time if you can't do it.
If you can't physically run (or roll) the full 26.2 miles then you can't and that's it.
The point is the challenge and a lot of people with disabilities will rise to that challenge on their own without asking for the entire thing to be restructured just for them.

If we are being honest here the "accessibility" argument is a front for people who are not disabled to argue "I want to complete the difficult game" and also have an angle to shame anyone who says "well just practice the game until you are good enough."

There must surely be a small range of disabilities where an individual is able to load up and start and play a great many videogames BUT there's a handful of games that rely on being cautious and careful and learning your opponents moves and somehow those are just too inaccessible?

Isn't it interesting that the main games people go after with this happen to be ones that the usual special snowflakes have trouble beating?
Isn't it interesting how the same unique individuals take a strop when a game jokingly names easy mode as "baby mode" or something like that?
Isn't it interesting that they use the same tactic they seem to use everywhere else by trying to shame and demonize anyone who doesn't see it their way?

Is anyone here, or anywhere, going to argue that Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and even Sekiro require nothing more than lightening quick reflexes and offer no other options such as character builds, special moves and items, opportunities to "cheese" bosses or community help and advice to get through the games?

Those games ARE accessible. They are also difficult. They are also very beatable without any particularly complicated button combos or anything like that.

They only argument I could see is "I don't have time to learn to beat that boss fight" but that has nothing to do with disability.

It's bullshit.
Well you are more passionate about this than me

But no I dont think the people that want more accessibility options are just outrage artists some might jump on the bandwagon, but that happens with every issue in the world today

I dont think Dark souls or whatever having an easy mode or one handed mode or whatever would have influenced my love for that game when I finished it, options are good

In sport it is literally impossible to accommodate everybody due to the physical reality of the world, but videogames are digital fantasy and if developers want to include options to give people who live with pretty shitty struggles every day of their lives an escape via games then they should be applauded for that

Only my two cents of course


One could just as easily ask if there are thousands of games out there with all kinds of options and possibilities what difference does it make if a handful of games insist on a single difficulty level?

It's always framed as "just do it for the people with disabilities" but the truth is there is nothing to stop them from playing the game.
They just might not be able to complete the game.
That's OK.

It's like, pre covid, there was nothing to stop you from participating in most big city marathons.
However if you can't run or walk or crawl or use a wheelchair for the full 26 miles they aren't going to let you hop a taxi to the finish line.
They'll let you drop out at any time if you can't do it.
If you can't physically run (or roll) the full 26.2 miles then you can't and that's it.
The point is the challenge and a lot of people with disabilities will rise to that challenge on their own without asking for the entire thing to be restructured just for them.

If we are being honest here the "accessibility" argument is a front for people who are not disabled to argue "I want to complete the difficult game" and also have an angle to shame anyone who says "well just practice the game until you are good enough."

There must surely be a small range of disabilities where an individual is able to load up and start and play a great many videogames BUT there's a handful of games that rely on being cautious and careful and learning your opponents moves and somehow those are just too inaccessible?

Isn't it interesting that the main games people go after with this happen to be ones that the usual special snowflakes have trouble beating?
Isn't it interesting how the same unique individuals take a strop when a game jokingly names easy mode as "baby mode" or something like that?
Isn't it interesting that they use the same tactic they seem to use everywhere else by trying to shame and demonize anyone who doesn't see it their way?

Is anyone here, or anywhere, going to argue that Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and even Sekiro require nothing more than lightening quick reflexes and offer no other options such as character builds, special moves and items, opportunities to "cheese" bosses or community help and advice to get through the games?

Those games ARE accessible. They are also difficult. They are also very beatable without any particularly complicated button combos or anything like that.

They only argument I could see is "I don't have time to learn to beat that boss fight" but that has nothing to do with disability.

It's bullshit.
Well you are more passionate about this than me

But no I dont think the people that want more accessibility options are just outrage artists, some might jump on the bandwagon, but that happens with every issue in the world today

I dont think Dark souls or whatever having an easy mode or one handed mode or whatever would have influenced my love for that game when I finished it, options are good

In sport it is literally impossible to accommodate everybody due to the physical reality of the world, but videogames are digital fantasy and if developers want to include options to give people who live with pretty shitty struggles every day of their lives an escape via games then they should be applauded for that

Only my two cents of course
S Saruhashi some gamers just want to see themselves reflected in everything they consoooome, whether it is videogames or Netflix shows or Pop Vinyls or whatever. It has nothing to do with the game.

If their every whim was catered to in regards to difficulty and accessibility, they would still complain that the game belittles them. "I play on the easiest modes, but my combos do not look as elegant as the pro players". This is already taking place in some genres with auto-combos and auto-aiming. So even the skill-based aspects must bend to them so that they can experience as much of the content as they want without barrier.

"Excuse me Activision," says the METATRON Gamer Karen. "My son was not able to beat all the bosses in Sekiro. Is this your idea of a joke? I need a refund and I need to speak to the executive who approved this kind of videogame exploitation"


Well you are more passionate about this than me

But no I dont think the people that want more accessibility options are just outrage artists some might jump on the bandwagon, but that happens with every issue in the world today

I dont think Dark souls or whatever having an easy mode or one handed mode or whatever would have influenced my love for that game when I finished it, options are good

In sport it is literally impossible to accommodate everybody due to the physical reality of the world, but videogames are digital fantasy and if developers want to include options to give people who live with pretty shitty struggles every day of their lives an escape via games then they should be applauded for that

Only my two cents of course

Of course, and we would end up having to agree to disagree in the end.

Something that I am interested in here would be what it is about the difficulty in any given game that makes it inaccessible?

I don't see Dark Souls as a high intensity game with complex button commands.
The difficulty for new players seems to me to be things like not biting off more than you can chew, not leveling up efficiently, not choosing the correct gear and understanding bonfires and the importance of being cautious. PLUS the game wants you to get hit by unforseen surprises and scares etc so that you learn to play smart.

In some cases I'd be curious to know what games someone has completed from start to finish and how the easy mode made things better for them specifically.

For example, infinite lives would be something that would make old school games easier to complete but I don't know what group of disabilities they would be providing accessibility for.

If it normally takes say 5 button presses to defeat an enemy and an encounter has 5 enemies. Then how would be catered to specifically by saying OK it takes 3 button presses to win and there are only 3 enemies per encounter.

How would a game doing something like adding more potions or reducing enemy health bars really be doing anything to help people with disabilities?

Then to round it off how come the people who are pushing hard for this are often the same ones with their panties in a bunch over things like "git gud"?
The same ones who have a stick up their ass about elitist gamers.

For some this thing is absolutely driven by pettiness. They see people enjoying a tough game and they instantly look for an angle to tear it down.


S Saruhashi some gamers just want to see themselves reflected in everything they consoooome, whether it is videogames or Netflix shows or Pop Vinyls or whatever. It has nothing to do with the game.

If their every whim was catered to in regards to difficulty and accessibility, they would still complain that the game belittles them. "I play on the easiest modes, but my combos do not look as elegant as the pro players". This is already taking place in some genres with auto-combos and auto-aiming. So even the skill-based aspects must bend to them so that they can experience as much of the content as they want without barrier.

"Excuse me Activision," says the METATRON Gamer Karen. "My son was not able to beat all the bosses in Sekiro. Is this your idea of a joke? I need a refund and I need to speak to the executive who approved this kind of videogame exploitation"

That is true because no matter how much they try to cater to those players there will still be players who are just very very good at games.

I always thought there was an element here that people really love getting into analysis and critique of games and this is kind of cheapened when some annoying little brat can go "lol I don't care about the story I can run the whole game in an hour without taking damage". I think they feel put out by that in so many ways.

Being "good" at watching movies means being educated and articulate and being able to notice details and present new ideas. Some wine sipping and fart sniffing may be required.

Games are in an interesting spot because to be "good" just means that you can beat the game. It's kind of a great leveler and it allows anyone who is good enough to be a master of any given game. Meanwhile some who are more interested in critique rather than mastery don't seem to have the time or desire to play a game as much as they want to dissect it's story and look into it's politics. There's a reason why "game journalist mode" is a common joke.

You look at your high profile ResetEra users and tell me they wouldn't be utterly enraged if some smug, smirking, high school kid can breeze through any game that they are struggling with.

I am still sure that From Software will include difficulty options in their games soon and you will see by the reactions over there and in the games media in general that this was never anything to do with accessibility.
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That is true because no matter how much they try to cater to those players there will still be players who are just very very good at games.

I always thought there was an element here that people really love getting into analysis and critique of games and this is kind of cheapened when some annoying little brat can go "lol I don't care about the story I can run the whole game in an hour without taking damage". I think they feel put out by that in so many ways.

Being "good" at watching movies means being educated and articulate and being able to notice details and present new ideas. Some wine sipping and fart sniffing may be required.

Games are in an interesting spot because to be "good" just means that you can beat the game. It's kind of a great leveler and it allows anyone who is good enough to be a master of any given game. Meanwhile some who are more interested in critique rather than mastery don't seem to have the time or desire to play a game as much as they want to dissect it's story and look into it's politics. There's a reason why "game journalist mode" is a common joke.
This is why I like to learn about a game from a forum or from a Youtube personality who gets good at the title. Why would I need IGN's opinion (based on 45 rushed hours to get a review out) when I can have 10 different opinions from 10 different gamers who each spent over 200 hours with the game? IGN simply cannot compete.

I wonder why forums and sites are full of journos who aren't particularly accomplished at anything. News outlets will bring on ex-military or ex-DOJ or ex-whatever pundits to be subject matter experts. In sports commentary, you often see ex-players and retired coaches filling that role. Yet in videogames, these "professional" gaming outlets aren't hiring those kind of people. We have more than enough e-Sports celebrities, tournament champions, etc but why aren't they getting hired to write a review on an upcoming fighting game? Is it because the Jason Schrieeiers and celebrity devs wouldn't be able to get attention? Mixing it up with jornos and devs is cool, don't misunderstand, but technology is such that I can learn from the best players and the most passionate fans. Getting a professional opinion about a game is antiquated unless that writer is top caliber.

Sorry for the tangent. I'd love if it gaming communities could focus instead on mastering games and finding common ground with one another. The "Gaming Community", as it were, should be one big playground with strangers and acquaintances sharing tips and swapping stories about failures and successes. Journos and devs are too central to the conversation. I don't know what it would look like, but something like using the Streaming link on GAF, watching streamers with whom you've talked to and interacted. Getting to swap your opinions with like-minded gamers is the ideal, is it not? Technology already makes it possible, but internet culture has not quite caught up yet.

You look at your high profile ResetEra users and tell me they wouldn't be utterly enraged if some smug, smirking, high school kid can breeze through any game that they are struggling with.

I am still sure that From Software will include difficulty options in their games soon and you will see by the reactions over there and in the games media in general that this was never anything to do with accessibility.
What some of these people don't get is that the combination of challenge and reward is the experience. Sekiro's theme is cool and all, don't get me wrong, but it was the developer who made it and their expressed philosophy behind certain design choices that I signed up for. I wanted the challenge. I wanted to see if I could break the puzzle. I saw comments that the game was just too hard and I was excited to try, not because I'm some top-shelf player, but because I wanted to struggle through the game and see if i could do it.

In the same way that muting the music in Final Fantasy 6 or disabling Sonic's idle animations would detract from the intended experience, removing difficulty is removing an aspect of the game that I want to experience. R-Type 's difficulty is part of the experience. A fighting game's learning curve is part of the experience. Dying online to better players is part of the experience. Is that not the nature of a "game"?

I suppose it would be fair to say they avoid the feeling of struggle in all other areas of their lives. Even the artificial struggle of videogame challenge is too great of a burden.

I watched these wimpy attitudes pop up a bit in the boardgame hobby (boardgamegeek.com is the central hub), and it didn't take root. Why? Because it was pretty obvious to anyone that your skincolor, disability, beliefs, etc didn't have anything to do with your ability to pick up wood pieces and make decisions. The biggest "social justice" concern was better color schemes for colorblind players (y'know, a functional issue that actually can be fixed and does affect customers).

It goes back to something you pointed out: the "game" aspect is a protection and a buffer against total ideological domination from fart sniffers. A sports pundit is expected to have some kind of root or personal experience in the sport to be taken seriously. Why don't journos get held to a similar standard by their readers? in some sense, even the readers want to see themselves reflected back in the reviews. The most popular AAA big-budget Hollywood games get 9s and 10s, reassuring the regular IGN or Eurogamer reader that they are making the correct choice by putting that new AAA game on preorder.
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Of course, and we would end up having to agree to disagree in the end.

Something that I am interested in here would be what it is about the difficulty in any given game that makes it inaccessible?

I don't see Dark Souls as a high intensity game with complex button commands.
The difficulty for new players seems to me to be things like not biting off more than you can chew, not leveling up efficiently, not choosing the correct gear and understanding bonfires and the importance of being cautious. PLUS the game wants you to get hit by unforseen surprises and scares etc so that you learn to play smart.

In some cases I'd be curious to know what games someone has completed from start to finish and how the easy mode made things better for them specifically.

For example, infinite lives would be something that would make old school games easier to complete but I don't know what group of disabilities they would be providing accessibility for.

If it normally takes say 5 button presses to defeat an enemy and an encounter has 5 enemies. Then how would be catered to specifically by saying OK it takes 3 button presses to win and there are only 3 enemies per encounter.

How would a game doing something like adding more potions or reducing enemy health bars really be doing anything to help people with disabilities?

Then to round it off how come the people who are pushing hard for this are often the same ones with their panties in a bunch over things like "git gud"?
The same ones who have a stick up their ass about elitist gamers.

For some this thing is absolutely driven by pettiness. They see people enjoying a tough game and they instantly look for an angle to tear it down.
Ah sure look man no harm in us disagreeing about things that's just the way of the world sure, and I think you being up some important questions about difficulty scaling, and I would like some really clever people in the industry to get together and analyse things like character movement, enemy numbers and intensity in relations to input analysis of the players button presses

I think difficulty scaling and shaping a game around it could be quite interesting in a decade or two, could open up a whole new genre

As for the people getting offended by "gut gud" memes, well those people are beyond help I just ignore em, I dont think they are worth anybody's time




trolling is a art

I love that there's some sane members there saying "We'll complain for a bit then do nothing", as well as the classic "I'm leaving the country" and rallying the troops for the biggest protest ever, while they themselves will just sit at home.


Burn the White House,seize the property, eat the rich, kill the evil white men... but all in the comfort and safety of your gumer chair.
I wonder what the protestors from the 70s would think of this generation.
Nothing, probably, since most of them became exactly what they were fighting against.


Gold Member
Amazing isn't it - over the last two years we've repeatedly said all these twitter cancel mobs and cancel culture are bad. And then you get accused of underminnig the cause. Then you make the point that other groups/nefarious people will appropriate the methods and they have. If you adovcate for the means, then you open the facility of the means to everyone. But again, not surprised the entire site is built on rules for thee and not for me and blatant hypocrisy.


Amazing isn't it - over the last two years we've repeatedly said all these twitter cancel mobs and cancel culture are bad. And then you get accused of underminnig the cause. Then you make the point that other groups/nefarious people will appropriate the methods and they have. If you adovcate for the means, then you open the facility of the means to everyone. But again, not surprised the entire site is built on rules for thee and not for me and blatant hypocrisy.


Where do you think you are posting?


This ones my favorite, watching just one video with a different viewpoint is like super crack and it will convert you within hours to being alt right. So, how come it doesn't work the other way then??



getting so drunk that you punch holes in the wall is a GOOD THING!

yes as long as you contextualize it in our stupid culture war, being a violent drunk is a virtue that should be celebrated!


Joe Biden 2020: Make American Walls in houses stronger again. REINFORCE THE WALLS. REINFORCE THE WALLS.




An interesting aspect of the thread is the argument that all "right wing" people are racist or at least they are "cool with racism".

However the OP lists 6 points and only 2 of those have anything to do with race.
Coronavirus, coronavirus, immigration, Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson, Marxism vs Nazis, BLM.

So it's like believing in coronavirus conspiracies and thinking the virus is fake and thinking the restrictions are too severe put you on the "Right" but these things have NOTHING to do with race. Now you are on the "Right" though so now you are cool with Racism or you need to change your views and become "Left". Except none of your views had anything to do with race to begin with.

It's such a horrible and sneaky little trick.

It's not really even guilt by association. It's guilt by commonalities completely unrelated to race.

I'm not sure if that's gaslighting or brainwashing or what it is but you can kind of see what's going on there.

A: "Hey did you like The Last Jedi?"
B: "Nah, I'm not really into that stuff to be honest and thought it was a bit crap."
A: "Hm, well a lot of racists and sexists online really didn't like it either and they've been saying the movie is crap too..."
B: "Ah... you see... um... it's like this... er... you know maybe I'll give it a rewatch tonight and get back to you tomorrow?"
A: "Yes. You do that."

I thought there were distinct right wing views on economics, foreign policy, employment, education, gun control and so on?
So surely one can hold beliefs that align with the right on those specific topics while not being racist at all?

It's like you are either all in with their viewpoint, and they do mean 100% all in, or you are basically racist because of your views on things completely unrelated to race.

Daffy Duck

are all the millions of people who listen to joe rogan commentate ufc alt right?

It’s the one thing that continually baffles me, I work with someone who is Asian and he has mentioned ninety times stuff he’s heard in the Joe Rogan podcast so I never know what the deal is with the hatred on Era....this is the U.K. btw.

Tuff McNutt

He's had "alt right" people on his podcasts and his own views aren't 100% socialist/communist, so he's the ENEMY.

Also he's a successful straight white male, so the average unemployed basement dwelling ERA poster is jealous.


Politics in comparison to family are a tenth of a tenth of a percentage point in importance

Why on earth is that guy letting it ruin his relationship with his brother?

Seems like he doesn't care about his brother and is more annoyed that his politics ain't aligned with his, and then bitches to randos on the net behind his back

That's not love, I have older brothers and fuck if we agree about everything but we just talk about the things we do agree about and accept and understand the differences, why wouldn't we, why wouldn't anybody?


In early 2017 I was still hooking up regulary with this, kinda goth lookin' , early twenties girl who'd tell me about all the family members she'd no longer talk to because they'd voted for Trump. I'd always thought that was the weirdest thing, and would try to explain to her that while she thinks she's super progressive, she's clearly missing the bigger picture. Her family loved her, despite her views differing from their own - so why couldn't she?

I've seen the same sentiments echoed on Era in the past. It's this weird "either you think exactly like us, or we're against you" mentality. For people who pride themselves as humanitarians, it's no way to treat people.
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In early 2017 I was still hooking up regulary kinda goth lookin' early twenties girl who'd tell me about all the family members she'd no longer talk to because they'd voted for Trump. I'd always thought that was the weirdest thing, and would try to explain to her that while she thinks she's super progressive, she's clearly missing the bigger picture. Her family loved her, despite her views differing from their own - so why couldn't she?

I've seen the same sentiments echoed on Era in the past. It's this weird "either you think exactly like us, or we're against you" mentality. For people who pride themselves as humanitarians, it's no way to treat people.
mark of a vampire narcissist, this

no understanding, no thinking for themselves about what makes right


In early 2017 I was still hooking up regulary kinda goth lookin' early twenties girl who'd tell me about all the family members she'd no longer talk to because they'd voted for Trump. I'd always thought that was the weirdest thing, and would try to explain to her that while she thinks she's super progressive, she's clearly missing the bigger picture. Her family loved her, despite her views differing from their own - so why couldn't she?

I've seen the same sentiments echoed on Era in the past. It's this weird "either you think exactly like us, or we're against you" mentality. For people who pride themselves as humanitarians, it's no way to treat people.

Immature people struggling for an identity in the face of not conquering life like they were told was their due. Democrat party, hollywood, and academia come and say make progressive/sjw your identity and you are defacto a saint and on the right side of history. Shouting down evil people is the cleansing religious rite that absolves all their failures and sins.

Cheated on your boyfriend, thats ok you support LGBT. You get afraid every time you see a black male, thats ok just vote for Joe Biden and youbare an ally. Working as a barista at 30, thats ok your main priority is making a society a better place and evil society keeps you down. Even successful people at the top of society, being a sjw forgives having 5 30,000sq ft house and taking private jets.

It is a modern day indulgence for people who are failures and for people who are wildly successful and want to use their wealth to indulge in hedonism.
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It was funny. I think I was just liberal enough for her to not completely disregard, but also had enough sanity for her to find it a turn on.

One of the funniest things I remember was her reposting some FB mind virus nonsense about how calling a little girl "pretty" was subtle sexism. I made fun of the absurdity of that viewpoint right in her post's comments section and she called me up on the verge of tears, trying to lecture me for like half an hour on how she couldn't believe how I didn't see her point. In the end, I invited her over and we hate-smashed.

We ended on good terms ultimately, but she moved off to Chicago to have a 'city life' selling cosmetics or something. I wanted no part of it.

There ends my ramblins, yes'm.


Immature people struggling for an identity in the face of not conquering life like they were told was their due. Democrat party, hollywood, and academia come and say make progressive/sjw your identity and you are defacto a saint and on the right side of history. Shouting down evil people is the cleansing religious rite that absolves all their failures and sins.

Cheated on your boyfriend, thats ok you support LGBT. You get afraid every time you see a black male, thats ok just vote for Joe Biden and youbare an ally. Working as a barista at 30, thats ok your main priority is making a society a better place and evil society keeps you down. Even successful people at the top of society, being a sjw forgives having 5 30,000sq ft house and taking private jets.

It is a modern day indulgence for people who are failures and for people who are wildly successful and want to use their wealth to indulge in hedonism.

Yeah I've always wondered just what most of these people are hiding deep down. There's no way you're that vocal about any of these causes and not trying to slap a bandage over some great fault of your own. I don't buy it.


its entirely backwards thinking to me.

if you have racist people in your family and you are progressive wouldn't you want to HELP them not be racist? wouldn't you want to do all you can AS AN "ALLY" to convert a racist into a non racist? they are literally part of you, they are a living racist part of you, and rather than confront that fact, you will just "run away".

what do you think that does to someone, if they are already thinking liberals are crazy, to have their own family disown them? who does this help? it only makes the SJW feel good.

you aren't going to prove anything other than yes, liberals are crazy, and they are so crazy they drove your own family against you. way to go.

in the end, the "progressive" "ally" in this case is throwing away a good learning opportunity all for the sake of self glorification. if you educate and tolerate then there is no chance to OWN someone. there is no chance to dominate and virtue signal. which is the real reason why the SJW is in this situation in the first place. adherence to the secular death cult, which demands daily sacrifice.

so they will always take the easy/coward/prideful way out. far easier to just pretend you can throw away your family (you can't) than it is to "do the work" that you are always going on about how hard it is to do.

it's the same thing with "good cops" deciding to leave their job rather than make it better. WAY TO GO you are "one of the good ones" and have decided to just be selfish instead of staying and enduring to help people. so you have actively made it so that more of the bad cops are in charge. all for your fake personal morality. again, way to go.

it's transparent, most of these SJWs have all the character of cave slime.
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Honestly he is spending too much time online, he should be trying to understand what is in his brothers heart, and if he believes that he is a real dangerous racist then he needs to be with him and work through it with him, that's what being a brother means, sacrificing for them because they are the same as you

Now if his brother just has different political opinions then so what, never bring politics up and watch shitty action films with him, and if he tries to talk about it just say "nah, i'm good"

It isn't that hard like


One thing which bugs me most is that they're always so scared of people being exposed to opposing viewpoints. What's the harm in letting people hear one another out and decide for themselves? You never hear this from conservatives.

"Don't you dare listen to that dang Sam Seder! He's providing a platform for commies!"
That's just ridiculous. Yet leftists consider dudes like Rogan to be deplorable hate mongers.

Anyone who agrees 100% with either the left or right on all talking points strikes me as a dullard. Lord forbid someone loves the idea of universal healthcare, supports abortion, but thinks capitalism and gun rights are chill.


its entirely backwards thinking to me.

if you have racist people in your family and you are progressive wouldn't you want to HELP them not be racist? wouldn't you want to do all you can AS AN "ALLY" to convert a racist into a non racist? they are literally part of you, they are a living racist part of you, and rather than confront that fact, you will just "run away".

what do you think that does to someone, if they are already thinking liberals are crazy, to have their own family disown them? who does this help? it only makes the SJW feel good.

you aren't going to prove anything other than yes, liberals are crazy, and they are so crazy they drove your own family against you. way to go.

in the end, the "progressive" "ally" in this case is throwing away a good learning opportunity all for the sake of self glorification. if you educate and tolerate then there is no chance to OWN someone. there is no chance to dominate and virtue signal. which is the real reason why the SJW is in this situation in the first place. adherence to the secular death cult, which demands daily sacrifice.

so they will always take the easy/coward/prideful way out. far easier to just pretend you can throw away your family (you can't) than it is to "do the work" that you are always going on about how hard it is to do.

it's the same thing with "good cops" deciding to leave their job rather than make it better. WAY TO GO you are "one of the good ones" and have decided to just be selfish instead of staying and enduring to help people. so you have actively made it so that more of the bad cops are in charge. all for your fake personal morality. again, way to go.

it's transparent, most of these SJWs have all the character of cave slime.

This has always been their issue, they bitch about things and whine how it's "not their job" and then get violent when nothing changes after they've tried nothing and they're all out of ideas.

They're like an abusive girlfriend that yells at you that you should know what you did wrong.
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Authorized Fister

This has always been their issue, they bitch about things and whine how it's "not their job" and then get violent when nothing changes after they've tried nothing and they're all out of ideas.

They're like an abusive girlfriend that yells at you that you should know what you did wrong.
Yup, and I'm seing more and more people getting radicalized because of that. The intersectionnality, based on pseudo so science, is breeding a new generation of *insert color* supremascists.
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