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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Come on Gifmaker, come to the light. You're too good for that place.
I have spent the past few months happily at GAF indeed.


Whenever I go there, the front page is almost always loaded with posts about:

- Why something is offensive to women
- Why more games (read: all games) should have at least one LGBTQ+#$*(*@(*)*)*$)$* character
- Why 'generic white middle aged man with gun' games are boring
- Why sexism is so terrible (see the irony?)
- Why some random thing in a tiny number of games is offensive to one insignificant individual, backed up by a huge wall of text
- Why some developer/youtuber/twitcher is a nazi for... any... reason they can come up with to suit their opinion
- Why some person was absolutely definitely without-a-doubt sexually assaulted (and the accused is a shit-eating piece of shit) just because they said so and regardless of whether they provide proof or someone else provides counter proof

Honestly thought NeoGAF had disappeared but glad it's still here. ERA did seem to get all the big leaks for a while, but a lot of it seems to come from Twitter anyway these days so we don't need to bother with ERA at all.
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Lol the entire theme of this article and thread is “it is bad to get help from your parents when buying your first house”.

And yet these people want the government to be the nanny state. Just more anti family anti tradition pro death cult self hatred from lunatics
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Whenever I go there, the front page is almost always loaded with posts about:

- Why something is offensive to women
- Why more games (read: all games) should have at least one LGBTQ+#$*(*@(*)*)*$)$* character
- Why 'generic white middle aged man with gun' games are boring
- Why sexism is so terrible (see the irony?)
- Why some random thing in a tiny number of games is offensive to one insignificant individual, backed up by a huge wall of text
- Why some developer/youtuber/twitcher is a nazi for... any... reason they can come up with to suit their opinion
- Why some person was absolutely definitely without-a-doubt sexually assaulted (and the accused is a shit-eating piece of shit) just because they said so and regardless of whether they provide proof or someone else provides counter proof

Honestly thought NeoGAF had disappeared but glad it's still here. ERA did seem to get all the big leaks for a while, but a lot of it seems to come from Twitter anyway these days so we don't need to bother with ERA at all.

Why something is offensive to someone topics with posts 99% from white middle aged men are peak Resetera.
Women and lgbt of Gaf, don't you find offensive when you are told what you should like or dislike by someone who should have no voice In your opinions?
As a white hetero man, I hate when someone tells me what should offend me and what battles should I fight
I have spent the past few months happily at GAF indeed.

You should respond to Electricblanketfire with their own TOS, which that thread is breaking like crazy:

Obituary Threads

While context will be taken into account, we do not welcome celebration or cheering for the death of public figures. Members that appear to be using an obituary thread as an opportunity to post vitriol will be moderated. There will be no shortage of opportunities to discuss the legacy of a public figure in other, later, threads. We simply do not want to celebrate death.

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Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Lol the entire theme of this article and thread is “it is bad to get help from your parents when buying your first house”.

And yet these people want the government to be the nanny state. Just more anti family anti tradition pro death cult self hatred from lunatics

What cracks me up is that the article itself discusses other ideas like not living in a trendy overpriced costal city where homes cost a million dollars.

If you suggest people move to the Midwest where housing is actually affordable then they’ll go off about red states, “flyover states”, and how boring those places are and so on. Like they all want to live in downtown San Francisco and pay $300 per month to do so.


Lol the entire theme of this article and thread is “it is bad to get help from your parents when buying your first house”.

And yet these people want the government to be the nanny state. Just more anti family anti tradition pro death cult self hatred from lunatics
But I thought these were the families that make you a bigot if you don't assault them and disown them? So are you willing to become a bigot so that you have a house?

Astral Dog

Why something is offensive to someone topics with posts 99% from white middle aged men are peak Resetera.
Women and lgbt of Gaf, don't you find offensive when you are told what you should like or dislike by someone who should have no voice In your opinions?
As a white hetero man, I hate when someone tells me what should offend me and what battles should I fight
It is a little weird when you start to realize most of the unhinged/offended comments on the gaming side come from white straight guys telling others what to think or people upset about shitty things that happened to them ,but for some reason choose to obsess over random 'problematic' videogames to vent (and others are just console warriors in disguise) like, why :lollipop_worried: i hope they get well one day


You should respond to Electricblanketfire with their own TOS, which that thread is breaking like crazy:

Ah anyone who reports a mod for TOS is tagged and then perm'd.

Which is hilarious, aren't they scrambling to recruit more non-paid volunteers?
Ah anyone who reports a mod for TOS is tagged and then perm'd.

Which is hilarious, aren't they scrambling to recruit more non-paid volunteers?

I didn't say report, I said respond. Gotta have that out in the open, though people will of course handwave it and if even if you can't be banned in that instant, they will take notice of you probably so they can have an excuse to do it later on with one small slip up.


he's a bigot, promoting ignorant slander against another race, probably a white supremacist, just by how casually he drops that.

there are a lot of white supremacists hidden on the left.
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A Trump has died. I’m sure the replies won’t be disgusting

I don't even want click that thread, gonna lose a shit load of faith in humanity.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
he's a bigot, promoting ignorant slander against another race, probably a white supremacist, just by how casually he drops that.

there are a lot of white supremacists hidden on the left.
Bigot? Ignorant? White Supremacist? If you are going to talk about me you should tag me out of courtesy 😂😂😂

I'd say if we didn't have white knights we could concentrate on the actual issues from those affected by shit. As opposed to being distracted by stupid shit like 'I bought Hugo Boss fragrance in 2003, at that time I didn't know they made Nazi uniforms so am I a Nazi?'


Big China fan club over there! They like the way those genocidal communists think

It’s like they want to forget that 45 million Chinese died in the man made famines of the 1950s. Let’s just listen to these people who murder millions! They are so much smarter than America!
I wonder what them clowns would have made of the "Great leap Forward" when it was going on?


I wonder what them clowns would have made of the "Great leap Forward" when it was going on?
i read 45 million dead from the famines, which even the communist government admitted were largely the fault of their policies of "sacrifice for the common good". but that number has not been accurately counted yet and could be anywhere from 10-60+ million dead over a 3 year period. there were silos full of grain sitting in areas surrounded by armed guards while peasants nearby starved to death doing forced labor.

this was a decade after Hitler and the holocaust. so to see people just openly talk about communism like it is some great thing that will save us from evil capitalism, it is certified lunacy. the Chinese communists were Hitler X 10. their favored form of government may have literally killed 10 times the people that the Nazis did.
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This thread is monitored by the freedom-loving mods over there. If your username here is similar / matches the one over there, expect a ban fairly soon.
Wait what? They are banning people that post in this thread over at Era? If so, they can just fuck off for all I care. My user name here is the same as over there and even the same avatar...lol.

In the last few weeks I have not posted no where near as much as I have in the past...I am just not liking it much there and aside from the dedicated OT Xbox Thread and perhaps the TV Thread I pretty much avoid all the other ones. I just dislike that when you report to a mod that a user is calling an Entire Community Nazi's and they ignore the report and the user continues to post such shit. The issue was a guy said anyone that posts here at Gaf are Nazi's and I reported it and asked the person why am I being called a Nazi. The MOD ignored my report and no action was taken. It is one thing if you want to call out a certain poster being a Nazi, but to paint an entire community and the MOD just ignore is just insane imho.
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Wait what? They are banning people that post in this thread over at Era? If so, they can just fuck off for all I care. My user name here is the same as over there and even the same avatar...lol.
Yeah, sorry to be the bearer of bad news. :messenger_grinning_sweat:

If you want to express your own opinion and have conversations that evolve beyond "that group is evil and we're the good team" then you'll fit in just fine at GAF.
Mad props how your Resetera Avatar has all the colors segregated yet your Neogaf avatar has them all mixed together, it's like subliminal messaging. Well done

I just hear this weird Sandman song in my head...

Mister Gifmaker, make me a GIF
Make it the highest IQ I've ever seen
Give it two simps like doses from Grover
Then tell them their lonesome nights are over


i read 45 million dead from the famines, which even the communist government admitted were largely the fault of their policies of "sacrifice for the common good". but that number has not been accurately counted yet and could be anywhere from 10-60+ million dead over a 3 year period. there were silos full of grain sitting in areas surrounded by armed guards while peasants nearby starved to death doing forced labor.

this was a decade after Hitler and the holocaust. so to see people just openly talk about communism like it is some great thing that will save us from evil capitalism, it is certified lunacy. the Chinese communists were Hitler X 10. their favored form of government may have literally killed 10 times the people that the Nazis did.
"The Great Leap Forward" was so disastrous and destructive for China that even the highly secretive ruling class of the CCP had to act, Mao was still in control, but nowhere near to the same extent pre famine

Imagine a disaster so bad that even the CCP are like "dude... what the fuck?!!"

I dont feel anyone is really on Hitlers level(guy was a whole different level of evil) but due to sheer stupidity Mao is fucking close, and his body count is through the roof, like who the fuck models a country after Stalins 5 year plan??? A plan so good he needed 3 of them consecutively and starved millions in the Russian countryside!!
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all-white towns that kill any black people who pass through, yet somehow nobody in the news is talking about them.

some guy on the internet said it so it must be true.

cue the screaming TDS


they stopped existing around 1968 but don't let that fact color your feelings. its so sad to watch ignorant bigots "learn" bad history from propaganda tv shows and other idiots online, and then shit out their ignorant opinions all over the interwebs.
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all-white towns that kill any black people who pass through, yet somehow nobody in the news is talking about them.

some guy on the internet said it so it must be true.

cue the screaming TDS


they stopped existing around 1968 but don't let that fact color your feelings. its so sad to watch ignorant bigots "learn" bad history from propaganda tv shows and other idiots online, and then shit out their ignorant opinions all over the interwebs.

I honestly would not be too shocked if these still existed in some form, Americas a big place, easy to get "Lost" in, I mean Mason was not that long ago


what is "Mason" you are referring to? i googled it and didn't find anything.

America is a big place, yet we hear about it the minute a single white person is racist on the other side of the country. if someone gives a black person a dirty look in a restaurant the whole world knows about it within the hour. the internet has flattened geography and time. so i don't get it do they not have cell phones in these black holes of racism? gonna need more than "it probably happens"
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^lol this is your evidence that sundown towns exist? wake up bro it is not the year 1920.

furthermore those towns existed in the north too, ironic to see you whitewashing history based on your racist southerner strawman.

55% of minorities live below the Mason Dixon line. it is hilarious when people who have no idea what they are talking about think the south is this racist haven. this is where most black people live!
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so over the weekend BLM protesters tried to kill a man and beat a trans woman. how does Era phrase this?


ah yes of course, it was all the cops' fault
^lol this is your evidence that sundown towns exist? wake up bro it is not the year 1920.

furthermore those towns existed in the north too, ironic to see you whitewashing history based on your racist southerner strawman.

55% of minorities live below the Mason Dixon line. it is hilarious when people who have no idea what they are talking about think the south is this racist haven. this is where most black people live!
No, I was just explaining what the "Mason" is. That's why that was the only part I quoted.
So you actually knew and were just playing dumb?



"We don't find that this thread meets our sourcing guidelines for sensitive topics. "
aka please don't post videos of black people looting and assaulting someone


Gold Member
"We don't find that this thread meets our sourcing guidelines for sensitive topics. "
aka please don't post videos of black people looting and assaulting someone

where can I find said guideline?

Oof, looks like they nuked the Asian summit thread from the orbit after the Asian unwashed told the white moderators that the summit was a waste of time, yikes not a good look
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