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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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its entirely backwards thinking to me.

if you have racist people in your family and you are progressive wouldn't you want to HELP them not be racist? wouldn't you want to do all you can AS AN "ALLY" to convert a racist into a non racist? they are literally part of you, they are a living racist part of you, and rather than confront that fact, you will just "run away".

what do you think that does to someone, if they are already thinking liberals are crazy, to have their own family disown them? who does this help? it only makes the SJW feel good.

you aren't going to prove anything other than yes, liberals are crazy, and they are so crazy they drove your own family against you. way to go.

in the end, the "progressive" "ally" in this case is throwing away a good learning opportunity all for the sake of self glorification. if you educate and tolerate then there is no chance to OWN someone. there is no chance to dominate and virtue signal. which is the real reason why the SJW is in this situation in the first place. adherence to the secular death cult, which demands daily sacrifice.

so they will always take the easy/coward/prideful way out. far easier to just pretend you can throw away your family (you can't) than it is to "do the work" that you are always going on about how hard it is to do.

it's the same thing with "good cops" deciding to leave their job rather than make it better. WAY TO GO you are "one of the good ones" and have decided to just be selfish instead of staying and enduring to help people. so you have actively made it so that more of the bad cops are in charge. all for your fake personal morality. again, way to go.

it's transparent, most of these SJWs have all the character of cave slime.

Wait.....wait hold on a minute here....





We may have finally cracked the case folx. It appears these sorts of people only behave this way in order to fill a gaping void within themselves. A cavernous void that can apparently be filled only by the most narcissistic of actions. This may be a breakthrough in our studies.
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punch a wall = need to hire a contractor to fix = pay money to a Trump voter to fix your wall

- you pissed off your Trump loving family, now they will make sure to vote
- you gave money to the blue collar worker who fixed your wall, he is donating some of that to Trump, also voting for him
- you get kicked out of your parents house, now you need to find a place to live. voting rolls don't have your new address so you have just disenfranchised yourself. congrats.

but you posted on Era and a bunch of Canadian men in dresses think you are a hero = BIG WIN
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Burn the White House,seize the property, eat the rich, kill the evil white men... but all in the comfort and safety of your gumer chair.
I wonder what the protestors from the 70s would think of this generation.
Nothing, probably, since most of them became exactly what they were fighting against.

The protesters who manage to be successful, speaking with their rebellious teenager 25 years from now: "Hey I didn't sell out, I bought in"


Big China fan club over there! They like the way those genocidal communists think

It’s like they want to forget that 45 million Chinese died in the man made famines of the 1950s. Let’s just listen to these people who murder millions! They are so much smarter than America!
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I know there was a subreddit dedicated to NeoGAF that turned pretty vile and gross.

im thinking of making a subreddit for resetera and try and keep it from turning into a racist shithole.

is there any interest? Or is this thread enough


I know there was a subreddit dedicated to NeoGAF that turned pretty vile and gross.

im thinking of making a subreddit for resetera and try and keep it from turning into a racist shithole.

is there any interest? Or is this thread enough

There's pro Resetera mods all over Reddit. I'm being serious, they were frantically stamping out anything to do with pedoera when it happened. You can try but it won't last long I fear, to criticize era is to be labeled alt-right. So it will be mass reported as a hate sub not in line with Reddits community guidelines.

Go for it, link us up and let's see what happens. There's a lot more people that dislike Era than just on a couple of forums.


Gold Member
There's pro Resetera mods all over Reddit. I'm being serious, they were frantically stamping out anything to do with pedoera when it happened. You can try but it won't last long I fear, to criticize era is to be labeled alt-right. So it will be mass reported as a hate sub not in line with Reddits community guidelines.

This is true, there have been people trying and poking various places on the net, I believe wiki is there by default and even urban dictionary has refused multiple entries. Reddit is crawling with them. Basically all the lonely, socially awkward bastards in the world who feel their part of a collective. Remember how Catholics would use their identity to demonstrate they were better than dirty proddies, they were more pure etc. It's how you prove you're different BUT better, despite being largely the same.

Which is apt when you read Nick Cave's comments



This is true, there have been people trying and poking various places on the net, I believe wiki is there by default and even urban dictionary has refused multiple entries. Reddit is crawling with them. Basically all the lonely, socially awkward bastards in the world who feel their part of a collective. Remember how Catholics would use their identity to demonstrate they were better than dirty proddies, they were more pure etc. It's how you prove you're different BUT better, despite being largely the same.

Which is apt when you read Nick Cave's comments

Great post and article.

Not really a fan of his music ( not my kind of thing ) but he's bloody right in what he says.

Also never knew he was with PJ Harvey, kinda makes sense though as they would be a fitting match.


That's all their insiders are. You have low level morons at companies like "Iridium studios" throwing shade about other companies not making good games and marking themselves as "verified" insiders.

Or "indie" developers, working from home that have not even put a game out.
One could just as easily ask if there are thousands of games out there with all kinds of options and possibilities what difference does it make if a handful of games insist on a single difficulty level?

It's always framed as "just do it for the people with disabilities" but the truth is there is nothing to stop them from playing the game.
They just might not be able to complete the game.
That's OK.

It's like, pre covid, there was nothing to stop you from participating in most big city marathons.
However if you can't run or walk or crawl or use a wheelchair for the full 26 miles they aren't going to let you hop a taxi to the finish line.
They'll let you drop out at any time if you can't do it.
If you can't physically run (or roll) the full 26.2 miles then you can't and that's it.
The point is the challenge and a lot of people with disabilities will rise to that challenge on their own without asking for the entire thing to be restructured just for them.

If we are being honest here the "accessibility" argument is a front for people who are not disabled to argue "I want to complete the difficult game" and also have an angle to shame anyone who says "well just practice the game until you are good enough."

There must surely be a small range of disabilities where an individual is able to load up and start and play a great many videogames BUT there's a handful of games that rely on being cautious and careful and learning your opponents moves and somehow those are just too inaccessible?

Isn't it interesting that the main games people go after with this happen to be ones that the usual special snowflakes have trouble beating?
Isn't it interesting how the same unique individuals take a strop when a game jokingly names easy mode as "baby mode" or something like that?
Isn't it interesting that they use the same tactic they seem to use everywhere else by trying to shame and demonize anyone who doesn't see it their way?

Is anyone here, or anywhere, going to argue that Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and even Sekiro require nothing more than lightening quick reflexes and offer no other options such as character builds, special moves and items, opportunities to "cheese" bosses or community help and advice to get through the games?

Those games ARE accessible. They are also difficult. They are also very beatable without any particularly complicated button combos or anything like that.

They only argument I could see is "I don't have time to learn to beat that boss fight" but that has nothing to do with disability.

It's bullshit.
I have nowhere near the skill or the patience for modern-day 'Nintendo Hard' games, but the idea of demanding "accommodation" for my lack of skill is alien to me.

If you want a 'Games Journalist' difficulty that's ok, if you don't that's also ok.


Ignore "issue" completely and miss out on woke points or be furious, get your sweet woke points, and agree with the conservative right

I would love to see this thread in an alternate reality where it was a couple of US-born black men who started this operation up as opposed to native Spaniards.

I swear to God these people want to go back to the medieval guild system of commerce.


In early 2017 I was still hooking up regulary with this, kinda goth lookin' , early twenties girl who'd tell me about all the family members she'd no longer talk to because they'd voted for Trump. I'd always thought that was the weirdest thing, and would try to explain to her that while she thinks she's super progressive, she's clearly missing the bigger picture. Her family loved her, despite her views differing from their own - so why couldn't she?

I've seen the same sentiments echoed on Era in the past. It's this weird "either you think exactly like us, or we're against you" mentality. For people who pride themselves as humanitarians, it's no way to treat people.

There's nothing particularly surprising about that. Family structures are an enemy in socialism after all and is viewed as oppressive, sometimes compared to slave ownership. In the end its also another obstacle to *true equality* after all. Valuing your own family members over others is evil after all, so selling them out if they misbehave is just the right thing to do.

Of course, any normal person at this point would have alarm clocks ringing in their head, but the sad truth is that you can use this on a wide variety of impressionable people, both from those that grew up in crappy families to those that just go through puberty and have a difficult time. Manipulating people is easier than ever thanks to the internet.


Volcano High Alumnus (Cum Laude)


Darkness no more
A Trump has died. I’m sure the replies won’t be disgusting



Gabriel Knight
A Trump has died. I’m sure the replies won’t be disgusting

that site is the absolutely lowest of the low the internet has to offer


A Trump has died. I’m sure the replies won’t be disgusting

I was just going to post the same thing, without even checking Hate-Era the forum of love, understanding and inclusiveness.

Scotty W

Jun 11, 2020
Imagine still defending the first amendment



Silenpanda really upping the Chinese propaganda over there herr comrade has a ton of threads on the front page regurgitating the usual media outlets but also lots of pro China shit keep an eye on this one

like lol u are from China and U spend all day posting stories on American politics? what is the deal haha
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Gold Member
Jun 11, 2020
Imagine still defending the first amendment

I can identify with this. Lying there awake in the wee embers of the night after my smashing my wife, thiknig about how soon I will go and complain on the interet about a mountain of faces. Then suggest we carve them off. It's the stuff that makes me feel alive like nothing else.


That Robert Trump passing thread is fucking gross. Someone lost their family member, show some empathy. It doesn’t matter if you don’t like Trump, or if you feel that “he wouldn’t show empathy”. Then be better than him. Even that other thread with the OP asking for help because his brother has become a conservative. Mother Fucker, who cares if you don’t share the same politics as your brother, you only have one family.


is anyone able to see the results for this? bet the results are disturbing.

these people are total sociopaths. they would voluntarily happily march into slavery if it meant they had access to all the media.


WRT the underlined, I think it's more that they will no longer be in control of their lives - Now they don't have to make the "big, scary" decisions, they no longer have to think for themselves, they can just sit back and be told what to do. I think this is what most of those Reeees want, because they never grew up, they only grew old. No responsibilities, only play time. Like children.

Does the poster mean female voice or vagina?
Ban (permanent) inflammatory support of placing normative genders on the penis and vagina.

(FYI the poster meant voice, you know the shorthand of voice is v).🤔🤯 I hope you can place a Hulk Hogan voice on a female character and watch the media start dancing around why an obviously male voice is playing a woman.
The main character's name is "V".
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