its entirely backwards thinking to me.
if you have racist people in your family and you are progressive wouldn't you want to HELP them not be racist? wouldn't you want to do all you can AS AN "ALLY" to convert a racist into a non racist? they are literally part of you, they are a living racist part of you, and rather than confront that fact, you will just "run away".
what do you think that does to someone, if they are already thinking liberals are crazy, to have their own family disown them? who does this help? it only makes the SJW feel good.
you aren't going to prove anything other than yes, liberals are crazy, and they are so crazy they drove your own family against you. way to go.
in the end, the "progressive" "ally" in this case is throwing away a good learning opportunity all for the sake of self glorification. if you educate and tolerate then there is no chance to OWN someone. there is no chance to dominate and virtue signal. which is the real reason why the SJW is in this situation in the first place. adherence to the secular death cult, which demands daily sacrifice.
so they will always take the easy/coward/prideful way out. far easier to just pretend you can throw away your family (you can't) than it is to "do the work" that you are always going on about how hard it is to do.
it's the same thing with "good cops" deciding to leave their job rather than make it better. WAY TO GO you are "one of the good ones" and have decided to just be selfish instead of staying and enduring to help people. so you have actively made it so that more of the bad cops are in charge. all for your fake personal morality. again, way to go.
it's transparent, most of these SJWs have all the character of cave slime.
Wait.....wait hold on a minute here....


We may have finally cracked the case folx. It appears these sorts of people only behave this way in order to fill a gaping void within themselves. A cavernous void that can apparently be filled only by the most narcissistic of actions. This may be a breakthrough in our studies.
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