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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
But seriously... how long?
We got a thread for that:

Cause 4 years does not gives you the whole story.


Since not everyone can see it, I prepared a meal for everyone.

The Menu:



The Appetizers:





The Main Course:




The Dessert:


Entire thing translated for those of you with more sense than to read it all:

“Look chaps, in the hierarchy of our woke forum, I’m afraid that white men and trans women are just more important than you Chinese people, ok? Maybe if you dyed your hair and told us you were transitioning, it would help us actually listen to your opinions? But until then, please quiet down with your reasonable requests for more transparency.”
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If that makes you feel bad, play something else. The good part about gaming is th
You love to see it

Pro tip: Trump bought all the front page Youtube ads for this week during the DNC

I don't see them, but then again like most Savy Internet users, i have adblockers


Lol half the Gemrans don't know the nazis were Germans, you sure a are a German. It is a pretty lengthy mandatory part of the history curriculum at school and is often discussed in media and politics. If even 5% of Germans in Germany did not know the nazis were Germans, this would be tremendously surprising. I have never talked to a German that did not know. And no, nazis were not socialists. They did cooperate with Russia early on for remilitarisation, but - this will surprise you - communist and non-communist ruled countries happen to work together sometimes if their goals (appear to) align.
Learn to read comrade. I said half of under 25's don't know the nazis were German. Mate just look at the state of Germany, it is going full circle back into the early 30-40's.


Gold Member
Apparently communist era now moving from the forum to the discords. Imagine failing this hard when everything was put on a plate for you. Surfing the back of stupid allegations, then within two years appointing power mad and insane mods that make all the community fuck off. They've replaced so many people already, maybe they need to look at the faces that remain while the problems persist............but they need that power, that power of being a moderator on a forum so wll never step away - even when that community is telling them it's for the best. What type of other undemocratically chosen people remain in power while the public demand their removal?

I also laugh at their tears about being called cops and SS. They've literalyl called everyone a nazi for two years. Feels good don't it fuckers? WIll you learn? Not a chanceeeeeee.

Tuff McNutt


LOL at fucking OCD Chewie talking shit about US politics. Dude was scamming the Canadian government for disability for his "crippling" depression (he was living with his parents, who are well off enough to hire a maid to cook and clean) and using it to buy multiple game systems because he didn't he like them to get "dirty", even though he spent all day every day in the same nasty ass sweat pants. He made a really creepy thread about trying to pick up a homeless girl at Burger King (I swear I'm not making that up) and then requested for his account to be deleted -- that dude definitely has some bodies buried in the backyard.

Tuff McNutt



Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Learn to read comrade. I said half of under 25's don't know the nazis were German. Mate just look at the state of Germany, it is going full circle back into the early 30-40's.
I mean, if you count sub-6 years, you sure get highter numbers, but even then you won't reach 50% with unter 25's. It is exceedingly difficult to find people between 16 and 25 who do not know the nazis were German. Maybe some who succeeded in escaping school for years?

God Enel

Everyone in germany knows that the nazis have been German. What the fuck? There’s no need to discuss that at all. From you start talking about this shit in school after 4th grade until you finish school basically.
Maybe if you ask immigrants or refugees they don’t know shit. Though I haven’t been in school for 15 years. So.. maybe things have changed..
guys what happened to wrestling era
why everyone wants to move to discord
any new drama happened with the mods there yesterday
This is one of those splintered communities that still try and have a leg in the gaming side but also in the wrestling side as well but many realised
that it was a pointless exercise as Reeee hates WWE as its pro trump/republican so they just stick to the discord

There were also a few of them are probably too stubborn to come back as they picked the wrong horse to ride off with


i wonder if eventually the woke death cult will start tearing down abortion? this is almost the first step



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let the whining commence



that last one is the best, because despite not seeing the ads he is paying MORE money to Youtube.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
i wonder if eventually the woke death cult will start tearing down abortion? this is almost the first step



I'd say their parents, after seeing the failures they gave birth to, are considering a very very late term abortion right now.


RIP Resetera Stinkles 2017 - 2020


What will Frank do with his free time?
A) actually do some work at 343
B) mount a defence to accusations of grooming
C) be made general manager of Resetera since he makes racist jokes.
he's a waste of oxygen and i hope ms axes him sooner than later
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i wonder if eventually the woke death cult will start tearing down abortion? this is almost the first step




My first thought to that op was "yeah, I wish your mum had swallowed/taken it up the dinner dumper too"...


by the way the answer to hecht's thread is to not entertain critical theory garbage under any circumstances

he's a dumb fuck so he'll never learn that lesson and retardera will continue to burn (as it should)

congrats on being pissed off, see how far your raging emotions get you with the mind virus in your system
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Tuff McNutt


I'll take "Things That Never Happened" for $100, Alex.

Surprised it wasn't yet another "the sky is falling thread" from God of Phwar.


Darkness no more
What could possibly go wrong? Any idea how drunk he is right now?


“The world sucks. We’re all pissed off”

They won’t fix their community until their user base figures out why they are so negative and angry and fix that. Which they will never do because it’s easier to cry on the internet and blame everyone else instead of fixing their own problems.


you can't put a price on sparks
“The world sucks. We’re all pissed off”

They won’t fix their community until their user base figures out why they are so negative and angry and fix that. Which they will never do because it’s easier to cry on the internet and blame everyone else instead of fixing their own problems.

somewhat related, i find it ironic that "suicide threads" stay open longer than stupid joke threads where people are having fun.


I got pneumonia during the summer when I was working in Barcelona.

I was coughing blood and had to be brought to the hospital, I could barely breathe with the agony.

Hospital did their work (extremely efficient I have to say, fair play to the hospital)

Then after X-Rays a young Doctor that spoke English ( I was newish in Spain) insisted I spit in a container so they could test my saliva, I wasn't able to due to the pain. Eventually I managed to

She came back after the test and said she she didn't know how to pronounce what I had in English.

She said I had "mnah mnah".

My lungs were so busted I couldn't even do "doo doo, doo doo doo".

I did laugh but that was a bad idea. Had to keep asking her what she meant.

No fucking way someone with real pneumonia is cycling. I was out of action for months and I was young as well.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I'm surprised Hecht kept it together long enough to reply coherently for longer than an hour. You know that lush was straight bombed within three or four hours of waking up.


LOL at fucking OCD Chewie talking shit about US politics. Dude was scamming the Canadian government for disability for his "crippling" depression (he was living with his parents, who are well off enough to hire a maid to cook and clean) and using it to buy multiple game systems because he didn't he like them to get "dirty", even though he spent all day every day in the same nasty ass sweat pants. He made a really creepy thread about trying to pick up a homeless girl at Burger King (I swear I'm not making that up) and then requested for his account to be deleted -- that dude definitely has some bodies buried in the backyard.
OCD Chewie story continued on the same trajectory over on Era. Of course he had a name change but it was the exact same things, before he was eventually permed. Every post no matter what the subject he would shoehorn in that he had depression.
He met a girl on One of the dating apps, and went full 100% simp after one date. She dropped her glasses in the snow behind his truck and he ran over them, decided he should by new ones for her. Spent the weekend moving all her stuff to a new apartment becuse he had a truck and nobody else would have helped her, visited her at work and was even buying her cat food. One date.
Anyway, she tells him she's poly or bi or some such thing and he promptly dumps her. He then retconned the whole thing into her lying to him about her sexuality and leading him on. When it was suggested that perhaps something like that would have been in her profile he just made excuses about not having read it.



What's the odds on being a furry or a troll?

lmao, posted dua lupa instead of the thread, whooops!
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What's the odds on being a furry or a troll?

lmao, posted dua lupa instead of the thread, whooops!
What's the odds of the wife being a man?

Hello Dave...

Anal Wake

Unconfirmed Member
Is this the time we all going to witness Era imploding and GAF returning to be the only gaming mega-forum on the interwebz? Or we have to wait just a bit longer?


Is this the time we all going to witness Era imploding and GAF returning to be the only gaming mega-forum on the interwebz? Or we have to wait just a bit longer?
It's not going to implode, just another small group becomes more active on a Discord.
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