Daffy Duck
I think it's sad that these communities are forced to retreat into discord because that forum is no longer fit for any kind of normal, healthy discussion.
Yep, it shows that it’s no longer a forum.
I think it's sad that these communities are forced to retreat into discord because that forum is no longer fit for any kind of normal, healthy discussion.
I'm glad someone there finally said it. If you're a white dude, ERA isn't really for you. That's not an intrinsically bad thing but I wouldn't feel comfortable being at a never ending meeting conducted by the NAACP for instance. It just says to me that ERA isn't really meant for people like me.
Hahaha, they actually read this thread. Amazing!![]()
Hahaha, they actually read this thread. Amazing!![]()
I don't usually post about Reset here, but this was too good.
They‘re all missing the fucking point that the movie is rated TV-MA and isn’t obviously directed at an acceptable audience of 8-13 year olds.
If it was some Disney channel dancing movie for kids then whatever. That’s not what this is!
I'm glad someone there finally said it. If you're a white dude, ERA isn't really for you. That's not an intrinsically bad thing but I wouldn't feel comfortable being at a never ending meeting conducted by the NAACP for instance. It just says to me that ERA isn't really meant for people like me.
I don't usually post about Reset here, but this was too good.
I don't usually post about Reset here, but this was too good.
you can't complain to POC unless you pay them lol
Broader than that. Era isn’t a place for anyone who doesn’t toe the left wing, socialist line. White, black, brown, male, female. If you don’t hold the right values, you’re not wanted.
Can you imagine being a straight woman who had understandable issues with trans women occupying women only spaces? What kind of abuse she’d get for voicing her opinion? The misogyny and hate that would be thrown her way just for voicing a genuine concern?
Us white dudes are fine... it’s all the people from other genders and ethnicities who don’t share the groupthink that I feel sorry for.
She had a very tough day in the pharmacy, doing her JOB. Give her a break.
Working the till while the actual pharmacist makes up the orders is tough.
Especially when you have to serve white people.
You are correct, sir. For example, they have banned lesbians for saying they would not want to date/have sex with MTF trans people. For all of their screeching about being inclusive, it really is a bunch of white men (I count the fashion trans posters like KetKat and Excelsiorlef in that) dominating the narrative on the forum.
Hey, give Neppy a break. Making those payments on a 7%/7 year car loan for a Versa and putting together furry suits is eating up a lot of their paycheck.
That is inappropriate, though.
Sony tops from the bottom, thank you very much.
I said to give her a break in my post.
I wouldn't be surprised if hecht is stealing drugs from the pharmacy and has an addiction.She had a very tough day in the pharmacy, doing her JOB. Give her a break.
Working the till while the actual pharmacist makes up the orders is tough.
Especially when you have to serve white people.
Hecht is too drunk to pull the wool over anyone's eyes. You'd smell the stale alcohol and puke a mile off.I wouldn't be surprised if hecht is stealing drugs from the pharmacy and has an addiction.
what about a power bottom?
Self-deprecating humour to support a console launch.I don't usually post about Reset here, but this was too good.
you know what’s funny? I considered saying the exact same thing earlier in the year,I really did feel like I was not welcome there as a straight white dude, but I knew I’d get the “white fragility” and “clutch your fucking pearls “ insults. The utter hatred they have for cis white people is crazy
looks like a bunch of bans happened here. it's a graveyard LOL
Dutch researchers find antibodies against coronavirus in breast milk News - COVID
Translated from the OG source by Teller Report. Original Dutch source: https://www.nu.nl/coronavirus/6071790/nederlandse-onderzoekers-vinden-antistoffen-tegen-coronavirus-in-moedermelk.htmlwww.resetera.com
looks like a bunch of bans happened here. it's a graveyard LOL
Dutch researchers find antibodies against coronavirus in breast milk News - COVID
Translated from the OG source by Teller Report. Original Dutch source: https://www.nu.nl/coronavirus/6071790/nederlandse-onderzoekers-vinden-antistoffen-tegen-coronavirus-in-moedermelk.htmlwww.resetera.com
Idk, its a difficult situation and they have a right to raise concerns, but people that say things like that, be women or men also rarely try to offer solutions, usually get in 'i don' t want those sick men dressed as women in our barthrooms' arguments wich ARE pretty transphobicBroader than that. Era isn’t a place for anyone who doesn’t toe the left wing, socialist line. White, black, brown, male, female. If you don’t hold the right values, you’re not wanted.
Can you imagine being a straight woman who had understandable issues with trans women occupying women only spaces? What kind of abuse she’d get for voicing her opinion? The misogyny and hate that would be thrown her way just for voicing a genuine concern?
Us white dudes are fine... it’s all the people from other genders and ethnicities who don’t share the groupthink that I feel sorry for.
What you get banned for? Sexualising breast milk
The Nazis weren't directly socialist, but they were certainly anti-capitalist, seeing business as another aspect of the evil Jews.Your argument is pretty dumb, because word a having word b as a component does not necessarily mean a is a special form of b. I am sure there are many English examples as well, but since I am a German native speaker (and also national socialists is originally a German term): A "halve hahn" is not half a chicken (German: Hahn), it is bread with cheese. A kalter kaffee (literal: cold coffee) is not a coffee, but it's Cola mixed with lemonade. And even if this was the semantics behind compound words, it was a self-descriptor, not a term chosen by neutral observers. It will be easy for you to find out what happened to the parties on the left spectrum and their adherents after Hitler took over (communists, socialists and social democrats).
funny enough they do just that.Probably just give him a new account.