oh...I don't know. maybe if whenever mens' groups organized and held a convention, womens' groups didn't ccome up and start shrieking at people they don't know, calling them a sexist...maybe, just
maybe there would be less misogyny in the world.
Because that sounds like a hell of a reason to start to develop some animosity against women.
For sure.
You have this society wide, constant, criticism of men that takes many forms with some people engaging in outright attacks on male identity.
Then the same people doing that start complaining loudly when dudes try to form their own support networks.
All of this propped up by pop culture, mainstream news and media, academia etc.
I am convinced that at lest SOME of the trend in dudes choosing to identify as chicks is down to a desire to just escape from that bullshit.
It always seemed suspicious to me that trans "true believers" who are full on SJWs just happen to have changed their identity at some point.
Like, isn't that convenient that they found a loophole to leave the attacked group only to immediately and enthusiastically join the ranks of attackers.
Then they can't fathom how guys like Jordan Peterson become so very popular and they even have a meltdown over that.
"What the fuck!? The people we are constantly attacking are gravitating towards people who are willing to defend them! Reeeeeeeee!"
A crazy idea might be to give these "men's groups" a bit of space.
Don't misrepresent them.
Don't encourage mainstream media to misrepresent them.
Have a listen to what they have to say but also be skeptical, that's fine.
That's interview with Jordan Peterson and the "so what you're saying is..." lady is the perfect example of how places like ResetEra behave.
They can't just listen to what other people have to say and take those words at face value.
They have to reinterpret everything and then frame it in the worst way possible.
"We just want to have a group that discusses male suicide and mental health etc."
So what you're saying is... you want a group that excludes women?
"No, no, we just enjoy having a few hours a week in a male-only space where we can discuss male-only issues."
So what you're saying is... you hate women so much you need to take a break from them once a week?
"Um... you know what? Forget about it."
So what you're saying is... we should just ignore the gender pay gap and the lack of female superhero movies?
I'd guess the problem is that they have committed themselves too much to the theories of Patriarchy and Misogyny and Toxic Masculinity that it's the only way they know how to frame the real world. So even when men have genuine and serious problems they've been conditioned to immediately look for the way that "men caused this" can be true.
Man wants to kill himself. "It's that awful toxic masculinity. If only you'd been raised to be less male. Why are you men the way you are?"
Man transitions to trans-woman. "Stunning and brave."
Trans-woman wants to kill herself. "Oh my god this society is the worst! You poor thing! We need a special day of awareness! Where can I donate to help?"