Just checked, it's backwards compatible with Xbox One as well.
Yeah but can you still buy console dlc for 360 games?
(I'm mostly pc)
Just checked, it's backwards compatible with Xbox One as well.
Yeah but can you still buy console dlc for 360 games?
(I'm mostly pc)
Maybe I can figure out a way to grab it on 360 still.
I think I'm being gaslit by my family and I don't know how to handle it
So here's the situation, my family has been discussing cooking at home recently so we've been talking about meal prep a lot. In two separate conversations my sister said "I don't give a shit about you." when I was giving an opinion on something we were talking about making. It's something I...www.resetera.com
lmao this guy is...27 years old![]()
Parents must be proud of their kids.Another fuck your family, we're your family now topic? OPs dramatization of the incident not matching up with reality and another REE unreliable narrator syndrome?
I'm 27. She's 25. It's dumb and childish I know. It's why I tried to just leave the situation until she decided to just plant in my room.
It's included as DLC for the Xbox 360 version and I assume PS3.
Chocolate bars advertising s’mores similar to cough syrup advertising lean/sizzurp?
Just noticed some s’mores imagery on the packaging on the back of some chocolate bars, and the thought crossed my mind that this is an example of an “unofficial” use of the product and that it felt improper, especially the cute play-on-words like “find s’more to snack on” or something. the...www.resetera.com
Can someone read this and tell me what on earth this 5 star general of faggotness is talking about?
For the PS3, it's not exactly DLC. When you buy Madness Returns, you're giving a licence for the first game and it's a separate download. You're actually not directly told this and will have to download it yourself.
27 years old and living with parents. jesus christ
27 years old and living with parents. jesus christ
Every town has jobs, otherwise it ceases to exist.Getting very common here too since there are no rent vacancies and buying even a small flat is very expensive unless you want to live in a small town with no jobs.
Grow up. Plenty of us move around to find a job and to take care of ourselves. Your obsession with comfy city sprawl is holding you back. I'd argue it's one of the major things holding back western civilization, the childish idealization of "city life" as the beginning and end of one's existence.
I've lived in and out of cities. The era of moving to a city because of the high pay is being demolished by globalism and flexible remote work. It doesn't help that landowners and utility-owners in cities keep everyone under their thumb because they know there's no competition. It is why cities have high regulation compared to outlying towns because the companies know they have a bunch of fresh-faced uni students moving in, willing to pay anything and do anything to live in The Big Apple. These fantasies about "high pay" and "no jobs in small towns" are soft propaganda. It's not like we lack 100s and 100s of years of literature that describe the bottomless, sharp maw of city dwellingCity life is tiring and expensive, but it can pay well. However you won't get that benefit due to the cost of actually living there. So that's why most people commute and hate it.
willing to pay anything and do anything to live in The Big Apple.
Every town has jobs, otherwise it ceases to exist.
City dwellers live in such a naive bubble. I-i-if the population is less than 1.5 million, how on earth can I find a job?!?
Grow up. Plenty of us move around to find a job and to take care of ourselves. Your obsession with comfy city sprawl is holding you back. I'd argue it's one of the major things holding back western civilization, the childish idealization of "city life" as the beginning and end of one's existence.
In fairness, I am speaking from the lens of the USA where we do not have the same cramping issues as many other countries. Even so, the market is becoming ever more disconnected and remote now that intra/international shipping is mostly solved and many tasks can be performed on the internet. The same jobs you would do in the city are starting to be done from a cheap cottage 50m outside of town, or from a cheap factory/shop opened up far outside of the city regulations and taxes. The shift is already in progress.Well in my country anyway, job market is very very limited to non existent especially if you move there from another place and don’t know anyone. Nepotism reigns supreme at those small companies there if they are at all hiring.
By smaller towns I mean places with population of like 5-10k many miles from larger cities. Cities with 150k or larger population has the same housing problems as our big cities.
People want to live on their own but basically can’t.
People want to live on their own but basically can’t.
In fairness, I am speaking from the lens of the USA where we do not have the same cramping issues as many other countries. Even so, the market is becoming ever more disconnected and remote now that intra/international shipping is mostly solved and many tasks can be performed on the internet. The same jobs you would do in the city are starting to be done from a cheap cottage 50m outside of town, or from a cheap factory/shop opened up far outside of the city regulations and taxes. The shift is already in progress.
If I remember correctly, you also need to own Alice Returns as well, IU know I couldn't play the original at one point as I didn't own the sequel at that time
LOL sounds like dude has unresolved issues with his sister![]()
I think I'm being gaslit by my family and I don't know how to handle it
So here's the situation, my family has been discussing cooking at home recently so we've been talking about meal prep a lot. In two separate conversations my sister said "I don't give a shit about you." when I was giving an opinion on something we were talking about making. It's something I...www.resetera.com
lmao this guy is...27 years old![]()
Is it wearing a wig?feminine penis thank you.
Holy fucking shit. That genuinely puts his Alice games in a different light for me. Btw, are there any news regarding a new Alice game? The last thing I heard were rumblings that he was apparently in talks with EA (they have the license).![]()
American McGee - Wikipedia
Just thought that was a crazy back story for this dude
Holy fucking shit. That genuinely puts his Alice games in a different light for me. Btw, are there any news regarding a new Alice game? The last thing I heard were rumblings that he was apparently in talks with EA (they have the license).
American mcgee was trying to get their own game funded
Job markets in the US and Sweden is like not comparable at all. Here there basically dont exist a no skilled job market for one.
One reason to why immigrants have unemployment numbers in numbers of 80-90% is because they don’t have any high tech skills.
Every town has jobs, otherwise it ceases to exist.
To be fair, cities usually have more sophisticated jobs and the best paying jobs. And this is especially true for high level jobs unless the company has a head office in a small town which is totally possible.I've lived in and out of cities. The era of moving to a city because of the high pay is being demolished by globalism and flexible remote work. It doesn't help that landowners and utility-owners in cities keep everyone under their thumb because they know there's no competition. It is why cities have high regulation compared to outlying towns because the companies know they have a bunch of fresh-faced uni students moving in, willing to pay anything and do anything to live in The Big Apple. These fantasies about "high pay" and "no jobs in small towns" are soft propaganda. It's not like we lack 100s and 100s of years of literature that describe the bottomless, sharp maw of city dwelling
I'd liken big cities to the local Gamestop.
It's ostensibly a videogame store, and they'd like you to believe they are the be-all-end-all videogame store, and they do midnight launches and massive console pre-order campaigns as if THIS STORE is the hub of the entire city's videogaming, and they hire "gamers" to staff the store, but you quickly realize that they're just a place that sells videogames (which can be bought online) while underpaying their employees. TherestaurantsFunko Pops and theskyscraperslarge videogame posters and theart sceneXXL hoodies and thelocal culturesweaty videogame collector are all just window-dressing for the process of snagging a videogame and taking it home.
Sweden doesn't have fast food or retail joints? No warehousing or stocking jobs? Janitors or window washers?
that's just anarchy.Am I a liberal or a conservative if I'd pay good money to see Candace Owens and AOC suck each other's toes?![]()
Not many, its mostly full of retards that need 24hr suicide watch.Anyone know what percentage of Resetera are autistic?
Anyone know what percentage of Resetera are autistic?
Holy shit.