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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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This could be one to watch for the retcons now Chis Chan is a "Her".

Chris fucking Chan. :messenger_grimmacing_


Which they’ll cheerfully ignore, call the woman who wrote the article a cunt who should die, and carry on living lives in which they think that doing those things makes them the good guys.


It's almost as if they are not aware they are proving her right.

This could be one to watch for the retcons now Chis Chan is a "Her".

Chris fucking Chan. :messenger_grimmacing_

To be fair, alot of the people who continued to watch and go after Chris Chan obsessedly at that time were almost as cringy as he himself.
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Oh look another clown with this stupid opinion because the game doesn’t talk about American politics like Trump being in office and police brutality.

Why don’t you just try waiting until the game is out and people have played it before pulling the “not political” crap?
What's next, the next witcher game doesn't talk enough about US politics? Isn't the whole point of an Eastern European developed game to be able to play through stories that for once aren't all about US politics lol?

It is funny cause one of the commentors just blew up his premise by showing sexualized men.

Resetera are a bunch of prudes still anyway soo.

They would have never survived the PS2/GC/Xbox era
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Daffy Duck

It is funny cause one of the commentors just blew up his premise by showing sexualized men.

Resetera are a bunch of prudes still anyway soo.

They would have never survived the PS2/GC/Xbox era

what a clown. He’s so desperate to understand the message he can’t see the message being said.

And locked whilst reviewing reports, how long does it take these fools to think if something is wrong or not? If you don’t like the posts act on it, locking a thread is just hilarious to me, moderation takes that long because several goons need to bash heads together to get a conclusion.
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These people are the leftist version of the ones on Fox News etc who are upset about sexual content in video games.

That type of prude puritan feminism is fucking boring as hell. Why do you even want to advocate It? Where are sexual freedom feminsists from The 60s when you need them? Slap these damn prudes in line lol.
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Daffy Duck


Meanwhile in the stealth “let’s piss and moan about everything we hate on this forum in here because nobody read this thread” thread they’re already moaning about the closed thread.

Yes the behaviour on the forum has got more aggressive because that’s the environment that has been carefully cultivated on ResetERA. There is no conversation to be had, it’s just shouting at other posters, telling them how disgusting they are for having an alternate view to you, and that’s been classed as A OK by the admin team.

Not everything needs a justification and a reason for existing in a game. Christ almighty they think every last thing in a game has to be reasoned through. “Oh there’s a lamp here in the room, what’s the message they’re saying here? What reason is it in the room?”
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And yet again he cherry picked all the ads to pretend there's nothing with men on the poster when there's a lot also. Shocking that they would misrepresent something just to make a stupid point that isn't real...

lol "purseowner" admits overt sexualization is part of cyberpunk but it doesn't count this time because "reasons":

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And yet again he cherry picked all the ads to pretend there's nothing with men on the poster when there's a lot also. Shocking that they would misrepresent something just to make a stupid point that isn't real...

lol "purseowner" admits overt sexualization is part of cyberpunk but it doesn't count this time because "reasons":

How does he know? Has he played the game yet? That is the problem with these Cyberpunk 2077. None of these clowns bitching about it hasn't even played the game yet. *Of course assuming that they had planned on doing so in the first place*
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Daffy Duck

And yet again he cherry picked all the ads to pretend there's nothing with men on the poster when there's a lot also. Shocking that they would misrepresent something just to make a stupid point that isn't real...

lol "purseowner" admits overt sexualization is part of cyberpunk but it doesn't count this time because "reasons":


when you go looking to be offended you usually find things to be offended by. CDPR and CP2077 has got major legs for them and their hate boner.
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OP also wants you to know he most definitely is NOT an idiot :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Also purseowner already whining in the women thread since the other thread got locked for them to whine in. They don't see a justification for such things even though it's part of cyberpunk....

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Meanwhile in the stealth “let’s piss and moan about everything we hate on this forum in here because nobody read this thread” thread they’re already moaning about the closed thread.

Yes the behaviour on the forum has got more aggressive because that’s the environment that has been carefully cultivated on ResetERA. There is no conversation to be had, it’s just shouting at other posters, telling them how disgusting they are for having an alternate view to you, and that’s been classed as A OK by the admin team.

Not everything needs a justification and a reason for existing in a game. Christ almighty they think every last thing in a game has to be reasoned through. “Oh there’s a lamp here in the room, what’s the message they’re saying here? What reason is it in the room?”
That OP is weaponized cringe.




Don't even get me started on the tumblr bingo.


And locked whilst reviewing reports, how long does it take these fools to think if something is wrong or not?

Annnd temporarily locked because people got trigger-happy with the report button...

Topics get locked not for "Review" but because there are so many people that have been trained to use the report button like some kind of skinner box. The report post mod queue across the whole forum at any time must be insane and never ending.

When things are quiet I do a bit of ban fishing for higher profile targets, looking for under the radar posts I can be "Offended" about. Only caused a warn and a two week ban over the weekend, slim pickings.

Scotty W

Yeah, no. Your take on what radical feminism is off kilter. No feminist or sane women under this earth would agree with you that the womens primary role is to produce babies,

There you have an example of the leftist’s slippery way with words.

No one apart from the lunatic fringe is saying that Women’s divine metaphysical existential purpose in this world is only to have babies.

In the same way, you will not find many men whose purpose in life is simply impregnate women, apart from some boors.

But if you leave the internet for a short while, you will find that most, but not all women, really really want to have babies, just like most men really really want to fuck.

But the typical leftist move is to take a commonly observed and easily explainable phenomenon and think that someone is trying to make a binding metaphysical claim. The only person who has tried to make that claim about men, that I can think of, was Sade- who is not a serious philosopher.

These fallacies, they’re crazy. What did James Lindsay say? They start with name calling, misread, name call, take the worst possible interpretation and carry that thread back to the house fire that is their discourse, ne call, then call in their friends on twitter to help ne call.


if you want to be normalized, i'm sorry, you will be sexualized. you will be exploited.

they want trans people to be accepted by society, well i'm sorry, society exploits and sexualizes people.

you don't get a special privilege of "nobody can sexualize us but us". if you want to be accepted by greater society then you have to be treated by everyone else.


No feminist or sane women under this earth would agree with you that the womens primary role is to produce babies
so whose is it then? men? lol.

only sane women would agree with this. it is biological fact. most women unfortunately have been driven insane by feminism.

ofc feminists will deny it, they live in a fantasy world. they have retreated into their college years of consequence free sex, which is a lie that only ends in self annihliation. the ending of millions of years of evolution because you want "more me time". is this the real primary role? "more me time"? is that really more important than perpetuating the species? or "to have a career". are a couple decades spent blogging or hawking corporate product really more important than producing the next generation of humans?

women producing children is the only way to perpetuate the species. if you think otherwise you are insane.
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advanced basic bitch
I can’t imagine being forced to drink with some of those people. They’ve already shown that they can’t handle busting balls or even light ribbing so good luck spending more than 5 minutes in a bar with a bunch of dudes.
Imagine trying to talk about sex and dating with these people. "Hey look at that girl over there she's really hot." "Should I go talk to her?" "No way." "First, she might not be a woman, and secondly talking to her without a consent form is harassment. " "Now let's continue talking about The View. "
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Imagine trying to talk about sex and dating with these people. "Hey look at that girl over there she's really hot." "Should I go talk to her?" "No way." "First, she might not be a woman, and secondly talking to her without a consent form is harassment. " "Now let's continue talking about The View. "
"That's boy's club rhetoric."

Daffy Duck


This post is fucking gold because of what it says...hahahahahahaha, “how dare you say stop being offended on OffendedERA”.
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Daffy Duck

Imagine trying to talk about sex and dating with these people. "Hey look at that girl over there she's really hot." "Should I go talk to her?" "No way." "First, she might not be a woman, and secondly talking to her without a consent form is harassment. " "Now let's continue talking about The View. "

i would hate having a real world conversation with people like the moderators on Era. They would not be interested in any form of con yams would simply be shouting over you about how they are right and only their view matters, they’d end up walking away slamming the door on the way out thinking they’d won the argument, when there wasn’t even an argument it was a conversation/debate.



This post is fucking gold because of what it says...hahahahahahaha, “how dare you say stop being offended on OffendedERA”.
I also enjoy how Resetera believes it is there play to speak for all women.


It's that they see the sex industry as nothing but abuse. Also, they're virgins and they love their view from their ivory tower.

I said this a few months ago in this thread, and I think it bears repeating here.

Their ideal world is one in which every woman is free to sell sex without judgment or shame for it, but no man actually buys it. That's why they hate it. It appeals to that evil "male gaze".

Daffy Duck

I’m not one to profess my deep knowledge of the Cyberpunk (not the catch all genre, the actual works this game is based on) but reading the first rule set book seems to paint the game as a very faithful recreation of the RPG, I’d be intrigued to know how much the posters on era actually know about the source material for the game vs their perceived notions of the Cyberpunk genre.
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