I don't think that forum even has real trans people. I've met one trans person in real life and a handful online. Every one of them is against this woke shit and none of them act like this. People I've seen who know trans people say the same thing.
I think RE is a collection of mentally ill, angry people with weird gender dysphoria and identity crises and they take all that anger out on the world.
They've probably contemplated homicides and violence for quite a while.
Trans people, as only 0.5% of the population, are definitely over-represented there, especially with several being mods or admins. From what I have seen from their social media profiles, the majority of "trans" posters on REE are basically just dudes in dresses with shitty "feminine" haircuts and terrible makeup (aka "fashion trans"). It's basically white guys "mansplaining" (UGH) to actual minorities, which is one of the things I thought REE was supposed to be against.
As I have posted before, I have zero issues with trans people. I have a trans cousin who is an awesome person, and I used to live in the "gay" part of my city and got to know several trans people, all of whom were genuinely nice, even though they went through a lot of bullshit in their life.
The trans people on REE are just insufferable cunts who use being trans as an excuse to be temper tantrum throwing toddlers who must get their way 100% of the time because they're so oppressed. Like Excelsiorlef, who is so oppressed that they can watch 10+ hours of WWE programming a week.