They are talking about Trump dismanteling the current legal system because he is a 'fascist'. "Vote for our lives", "The final election in American history""
The only way something close to that could happen is if their rioting gets severe enough for Trump to declare a stage of emergency (very unlikely).
It's more believable that a large percentage of American voters will choose Trump in this election BECAUSE of the rioting. I severly doubt any genuine changes to the voting and/or government systems will spring from that, though.
According to the Era members who were here, Trump being elected would lead to death squads going around putting people into concentration camps, the economy going into chaos, us getting into war with North Korea/China/Iraq, and so on. I think Trump is a moron and am not a fan of him, but before COVID hit, none of this happened at all, in fact the economy was the strongest it's bene in quite a while.
If anything, how the far left is acting is driving more moderates towards Trump. People are getting sick of being screeched at that what they say is wrong. I consider myself fairly liberal, but have conservative leanings (like I am for drug law reform/decriminalization but support gun rights) and to those people I'm considered a Nazi. That sort of thing just comes off as incredibly disrespectful not only to me, but to those in my family that fought against actual Nazis and Communists.
And don't get me started on the whole bullshit "white privilege" or "minorities can't be racist" arguments. I've been extremely poor at times in my life (like having $10 to buy food for a week poor, not "I can't afford a $100 Amiibo poor" and my skin color if anything was more of a target in the neighborhoods I was living in.
A lot of biggest screechers on REEE are full of shit and have never experienced any real hardship. Like Nepenthe, who likens herself to a civil rights crusader in the 60s, but in reality, they live in a middle class neighborhood and work a decent job, while still having the free time to be a cunt on Era and make furry suits.