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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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I don't think they care.

They are so far up their own ass with self righteousness and how society 'needs to work' and if your opinion differs from them you're a bad person. People like this are way too far gone, it doesn't matter if you're far left or far right, it's a very dangerous road to go down.
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Volcano High Alumnus (Cum Laude)
Imagine being so bent out of shape about the only mainstream game to have what looks to be fairly substantial trans representation (but the wrong kind) that you do a full fucking PhD on it.


Its not just Era, there are a lot of bubble communites that are damaging to people that lack life experience. The actual incel communites push that it's a conspiracy that withholds sex from them due to "The system". There are young boys there that have not worked out the dating game as they are still teenagers that are indoctrinated into this thinking and give up before they even try.

"Cancelling it from ResetEra is not enough! We must get it cancelled everywhere!"


Gold Member
Love it.

A woman can cosplay as a guy. It's fine. Gender is a social construct blah blah blah.

A guy can cosplay as a woman. It's fine. Challenging gender norms. Really important to question our ideas surrounding gender blah blah blah.

A hot woman cosplays as a trans-woman. REEEEEEEEEEE! Its fetishizing the trans experience and is the same as blackface if you think about it. Reeeeee!


What happened to being gender fluid or challenging gender identities and norms? Right out the window the moment it looks like they can turn it into a moral crusade.
Why can't trans peeps be sexy too! Resetera are transphobic confirmed

Daffy Duck

Why can't trans peeps be sexy too! Resetera are transphobic confirmed

It's one thing I dont get.....trans people are deemed to be disgusting by straight people, yet they are fetishized by straight people too? Uhm, what?

I just dont even know how to take this jokers post.....like seriously how fucking stupid are you?

Hang on, CDPR are spreading hate now? Can I get some links to this please?
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I dunno. Maybe we should wait for the game to release before making such bold claims and not just base it off images that could be screenshotted and used to paint a picture that isn't there.

It's a shame there is no room for conversation about this topic, as any thoughts are simply labelled as transphobia and is shut down in an instant and a user banned. Like, I would question the cosplayer point Kyuuji raises if I had the ability, but there's no point, the mind is made up and there's no other conversation to be had.

Same here. There are multiple points I would question people on but they are not willing to listen or discuss.

They come up with an idea "such and such is transphobic" and then attempt to push it through as truth.

Disagreement is then just framed as you being a terrible person.

Like "did you just assume my gender" might truthfully be a joke and a meme but logically it makes sense.

If there are 100s of genders then it's not sensible to assume someone's gender since any given person could be any one of an entire range of genders.

HOWEVER as self aware individuals we would also understand that the vast array of genders means that someone making an innocent comment might misgender us accidentally and so "DID YOU JUST ASSUME MY GENDER" is a hysterical and over the top reaction.

Its like you have to properly break jokes down for people to try and get them to see not only why something is a joke but exactly where and how the humour is supposed to be working.

I think "OMG did you just assume my gender" is like an incongruity resolution joke? Where a seemingly innocent act such as calling someone "he" is met with an over the top taking of offense. In the case of CDPR they were adding another layer on top as they were pretending to be super offended at an innocent comment.

I believe that people with certain developmental disorders, that cause difficulty with social interactions and communication, could have trouble with this kind of humor.

So maybe they are jumping to conclusions and not having anyone there to put the brakes on allows things to get way out of hand.

No discussion is allowed there though so whatever.

CDPR seems to have done a lot to make gender fluidity and ambiguity a part of their game. I don't know why this isn't just widely applauded.

I suppose its kind of like if you wrote a book about a gay superhero and really everything you've done celebrates Pride and really puts everything into being gay and proud and upfront with all of it but then in the story the character describes their sexuality as a preference and the LGBT community goes nuts and tries to cancel you.

CDPR are practically saying "in the future traditional gender doesn't exist and you can be whatever you want cos your body can be modified any way you like" and these folks are screeching "but the person in the poster with tits and a dick is too sexy".

There is basically no way to "win" with them.


Why can't trans peeps be sexy too! Resetera are transphobic confirmed

Its a valid question when it comes to them though.

They are caught between wanting trans people to be accepted by society but also wanting to be pissed off when a hot trans person is deemed attractive by horrible cis white men.

Dress an 11 year old boy up as a woman with make up and all that and these folks will call it stunning and brave and accuse anyone who thinks that's a bit iffy of being an evil transphobe.

Dress an adult woman in a sexy outfit and give her a dick bulge and these folks will call it disgusting and accuse anyone who enjoys the image of being an evil transphobe.


They blame sexism often, or maybe it is because people like Pelosi and Hillary Clinton are very unlikeable people that people don't like em? I dunno. They both come of as grating and very unlikeable and i am not even american. But i guess i am sexist for thinking so lol.

haha. I do not know why they would defend her even we all know she is wrong. Is Pelosi their god or something?


Gold Member


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
This all trans thing is straight up hilarious. May be i just don't get it? Why is Era so obsessed with Trans and what did CDPR do to offend them. I read that huge summary and still scratching my head.


The clown fiesta continues.

At this point, this is just free advertisement for the game. Remember when they tried to cancel Katsura Hashino for the same thing? That turned out well for them, eh?


Gold Member
thank you for saying the same shit you have been saying non stop for, what, a year now?

That's what old GAF and now ERA did. They regurgitated the same topic time and again in order to let it seep into minds as the single truth, then at key times (releases, news articles), started big threads to start a rabble/mob. And eventually the mob policed contrary opinions by themselves. Cyberpunk has already the safe game to hate this year for journo's and they can point at woke shit and trot out some fairly generic criticisms so I expect this to get around 7.5/8 but 10s from users.

Tuff McNutt

This all trans thing is straight up hilarious. May be i just don't get it? Why is Era so obsessed with Trans and what did CDPR do to offend them. I read that huge summary and still scratching my head.

Several mods and many users are trans there, and they have put themselves on top of the oppression olympics, so cunts like Excelsiorlef, Kyuuji, etc have free reign to be total assholes and screech against any perceived injustice. It's similar to the situation here pre-split where you had Bishop and his lap dogs in the BCT dominating the discussions.

CDPR dared to make a dad joke about trans people on Twitter years ago. Even though Cyberpunk 2077 will be the first mainstream AAA game to have a trans option in the character creator, it's still not enough for them.


People who have had to deal with bigotry will recognise the all-too-common apology of "sorry to those offended". The apology isn't a recognition that their actions were transphobic nor a statement that trans identities are valid. Instead it appeals to that which we've just mentioned; those that see trans people as people constantly offended by everything. It doesn't offer a recognition that the act itself was the issue, but that it happened to offend some people.

I'm actually impressed how they even managed to "problematize" apologies. It's never enough.

Let's throw millions of USD away because of one small alt left forum on the internet.

People there pretend to give a shit about developers and crunch, but they actually don't, beyond the obvious virtue signalling. Because each and every single one of them would be happy to have the game cancelled, and would be completely ok with hundreds of developers having utterly wasted the last several years of their lives, seeing no fruit for their labor, and what I would imagine would be utterly catastrophic for their mental health.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
We are reaching a very interesting point on Reeee: Elections + CP 2077.

I never want to bring it up because it would derail the thread, but if I were a betting man reset will take a shower with cdpr success but won't care because they will be celebrating the election results.


Gold Member

Can someone explain what’s vile?
Because that really just hammers home how tone deaf they are about this stuff. It's just superficial, vacuous fetishisation.
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