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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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This all trans thing is straight up hilarious. May be i just don't get it? Why is Era so obsessed with Trans and what did CDPR do to offend them. I read that huge summary and still scratching my head.
In summary:
- there's only 1 vagina option in the character creator
- you cant have a male voice and be a "she"

The hilarity of that dumpster site is neverending, i love it!


Meanwhile, these guys just keep on trucking like nothing is happening

Just goes to show that actual gaming fans give zero fucks about all this era controversy and their countless shitting on cdpr threads. They over there just discussing the game and being hyped about it with no transphobia mentions etc. xD


People there pretend to give a shit about developers and crunch, but they actually don't, beyond the obvious virtue signalling. Because each and every single one of them would be happy to have the game cancelled, and would be completely ok with hundreds of developers having utterly wasted the last several years of their lives, seeing no fruit for their labor, and what I would imagine would be utterly catastrophic for their mental health.
they dont give a fuck about trans and devs,and as a exdev and friend of a lot of them,devs HATE resetera with passion



"Cancelling it from ResetEra is not enough! We must get it cancelled everywhere!"
Yes, please. Even better, why don't you ask Mike Pondsmith, the BLACK designer of the original Cyberpunk rpg, what does he think about cancel culture and this obsession to be offended for everything?




Gold Member
I love it. They are like let people leave if they don't want an OT while not doing that themselves in the middle of an outrage. All the threats that the identity groups would leave and its the gamin communities who are leaving like PC era etc.

I could never be an admin lol because id just say go on then. Fucking leave you mongs.




Black Chamber MUST PAY for CDPR's sins!


Their voices are being silenced...by silence!

Fucking LMAO!

I love Razmos answer, this is the type of silent aggression you see all the time, like a kid staring down another kid:

"mentions guy doing the Night Wire OT is probably a transphobic nazi, but hey! we should not point fingers at users guys!"
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Asking mods to punish someone for respecting the thread rules and keeping their thoughts to themselves is an interesting tactic. Especially when one of the thread rules is: “Do not engage in personal attacks on other members, direct or indirect, whether they’re participating in this thread or not.”


They want to ban all Cyberpunk 2077 discussion for the first 24-48 hours of the games release: https://www.resetera.com/threads/cd...-making-excuses-for-them.307474/post-48681562
May I suggest maybe stopping or closing the game's OT during launch day for one day or two? Then reopen. That will show protest and solidarity. Will be more symbolic than a sticky thread and such.
So this is my suggestion (fake edit: what Fercho said, basically): leave up the OT until a few hours after it has released in all territories. Then, from that point until the transgender day of remembrance is over in most timezones, close all the cyberpunk threads to new posts and make this an awareness protest/event. The how and why should be very clear. If anyone tries to circumvent with new threads, they're gone until after the game awards, at least. Then open the threads with a threadmark linking to this or another resource thread. A 24-36 hour "inconvenience" won't harm anyone.
Yeah I agree that a blanket ban for this game should take place between the 19th and 21st of November. I feel that doing that will show this forum's solidarity with the trans community.
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Asking mods to punish someone for respecting the thread rules and keeping their thoughts to themselves is an interesting tactic. Especially when one of the thread rules is: “Do not engage in personal attacks on other members, direct or indirect, whether they’re participating in this thread or not.”

Its fucking unbelievable how the guy is being attacked simply for NOT engaging in the trans bullshit discussion.

We already know that expressing any opinion outside of the razor thin slice that is approved is bannable, but now you're not allowed to fucking stay out of the discussion either?

99.99% of people buying this game won't give a shit about any of this, yet they're so deep in their bubble that they truly believe it should be top of mind for any potential buyer or discussion.
Holy shit the posts about that user maintaining their Cyberpunk threads are blowing my mind!

I didn't even want to buy Cyberpunks but these guys make me want to do it just to spite them. I know they'll see my Neogaf posts about it :messenger_tears_of_joy:

So what exactly had upset them about Cyberpunk 2077 this time? I am sure it is an over reaction.

Chick with neon dick won CDPR's cosplay competition with suit based on in-game ad that generated a shitstorm last year

Meanwhile, these guys just keep on trucking like nothing is happening

I’m in there, doing my part 😚

There are already idiots taking over the thread. It’s gonna be interesting how everything is gonna unfold in the next couple of hours, they have some crazy demands for the admins/ mods.
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Damn, look at those:

They need to calm down. It's only a game.
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when you are being ignored, go shit up someone else's thread




Black Chamber is driving them insane and there's nothing they can do about it.

I think Rockman handled linking to the other thread poorly (it should have been done without trying to shame people for buying the game from the start) but it does kind of feel like you and a few others are poking at people who care about the very real issues with posts like this.

I'm not trying to get you into a corner here but it's hard not to notice that you avoid most (all?) discussion regarding the issues with CDPR and Cyberpunk.

Do you have any thoughts on the thread that was linked earlier?

They keep trying but the guy won't budge.
Guys guys please don’t miss this.
This is golden. literal mine gold xD

The other thread completely ignores these clowns and continue to post hype shit. It is obvious they’re trying to make the clowns angry. Just go and look. Suddenly dozens of members show up and type “So hype” “cant wait” and “best game evah”
You can’t make this up lmao

I’m having a blast just pretending to be ULTRA SUPER LEFT and agreeing with every post these clown make esp the Banshee one. It’s just so easy spreading chaos there xD
Guys guys please don’t miss this.
This is golden. literal mine gold xD

The other thread completely ignores these clowns and continue to post hype shit. It is obvious they’re trying to make the clowns angry. Just go and look. Suddenly dozens of members show up and type “So hype” “cant wait” and “best game evah”
You can’t make this up lmao

I’m having a blast just pretending to be ULTRA SUPER LEFT and agreeing with every post these clown make esp the Banshee one. It’s just so easy spreading chaos there xD

Can you DM me your username there? I think confirming that not all the insane posts are legit will help my sanity.


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the equating of trans struggle with the black struggle is one of those YIKES moments for me

it is in fact entirely racist as fuck to think your "struggle" being a white Canadian pothead socialist who wears dresses and is offended by a model with a glowing cock is the same as the struggle of a people who were enslaved across the world for hundreds of years.
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