Kid needs more bluehairglowing penis.
Even my most leftist friends are bashing Pelosi in a group chat currently.
It's all fun and games until someone fucks with your 'free money' supposedly.
Yet the piece of shit pretends he's some grizzled developer that has a clue about managing budgets etc.
Lol look at this white knight jesus tittyfucking christ. Why the fuck you calling yourself cis gender male? Why the fuck is the transtrenders labeling people for?
I remember when started lots of people pledged to pay for the site so it wouldn't have ads, could fund inner city child video game development and wouldn't compromise their values. And then the thread was locked, the OP banned and everyone moved on happily ever after.
edit: My favorite thread still:
Resetera revenue should go back to the community and gaming charity causes
NeoGAF was the most popular video game forum. I suspect that era is over now. One of my concerns, and many, many other members' concerns with that forum is how the owner financially managed it. It became user hostile with viglinks, intrusive ads, and hijack your browser mobile ads.
I remember when started lots of people pledged to pay for the site so it wouldn't have ads, could fund inner city child video game development and wouldn't compromise their values. And then the thread was locked, the OP banned and everyone moved on happily ever after.
edit: My favorite thread still:
Resetera revenue should go back to the community and gaming charity causes
NeoGAF was the most popular video game forum. I suspect that era is over now. One of my concerns, and many, many other members' concerns with that forum is how the owner financially managed it. It became user hostile with viglinks, intrusive ads, and hijack your browser mobile ads.
He, like many of the people on REEEEEEE, need to take a break and stop posting online. It's all people who can't cope with constant attacks on the internet but are addicted and keep crawling back for attention and abuse. Stop posting on twitter, REEEEEEEE, etc. and go talk to someone and get help dealing with the things you're struggling with.
This is extra funny to me because now his hot takes in politigaf make sense. He can't go back.
Guess how this ends.
The worst thing about being banned is...
... that you can't engage in all the holy shit hot takes. I was screaming at the screen for the last two weeks... you hot takers you!
Wasn't there a trans user complaining about trans sexualisation and fetishism while being a porn model?
True. One poster even posted that it is sexism we blame Pelosi. I called him an astroturfer for that. Prime example
I remember when started lots of people pledged to pay for the site so it wouldn't have ads, could fund inner city child video game development and wouldn't compromise their values. And then the thread was locked, the OP banned and everyone moved on happily ever after.
edit: My favorite thread still:
Resetera revenue should go back to the community and gaming charity causes
NeoGAF was the most popular video game forum. I suspect that era is over now. One of my concerns, and many, many other members' concerns with that forum is how the owner financially managed it. It became user hostile with viglinks, intrusive ads, and hijack your browser mobile ads.
‘member when some parts of the Internet thought Billy Dee Williams was genderfluid? Hysterical.Love it.
A woman can cosplay as a guy. It's fine. Gender is a social construct blah blah blah.
A guy can cosplay as a woman. It's fine. Challenging gender norms. Really important to question our ideas surrounding gender blah blah blah.
A hot woman cosplays as a trans-woman. REEEEEEEEEEE! Its fetishizing the trans experience and is the same as blackface if you think about it. Reeeeee!
What happened to being gender fluid or challenging gender identities and norms? Right out the window the moment it looks like they can turn it into a moral crusade.
I think it shows the self esteem of a lot of normies who still post there tbh. The only reason is to be part of the group. They need to break free and need less depednency on online validation.
Did Etika frequent there? Man that's messed up as shit on their part, funny that when you go to wikipedia it says Reera was created to be a more "positive" alternative to gaf. Huh where is all that positivity going to? All I see is people being whiny snowflakes and mods and the admin being rude dickheads.
The clown fiesta continues.
CDPR is a transphobic company. It's time we stop making excuses for them.
Preface: To avoid the usual suspects I want to start out by saying that you are not being shamed for your purchase of Cyberpunk 2077. If you feel slightly bad about buying the game as a result of the issues being highlighted then, honestly, good. Interfacing with problematic products
Cyberpunk release will be a bloodbath on Ree. What will they do? Buy this massive game and not talk about it at all, or say they didn't buy it to prevent being ousted? Gamertags will be exposed anyway lol.
"Oh, thank you so much for making this thread!"The clown fiesta continues.
CDPR is a transphobic company. It's time we stop making excuses for them.
Preface: To avoid the usual suspects I want to start out by saying that you are not being shamed for your purchase of Cyberpunk 2077. If you feel slightly bad about buying the game as a result of the issues being highlighted then, honestly, good. Interfacing with problematic products
The clown fiesta continues.
CDPR is a transphobic company. It's time we stop making excuses for them.
Preface: To avoid the usual suspects I want to start out by saying that you are not being shamed for your purchase of Cyberpunk 2077. If you feel slightly bad about buying the game as a result of the issues being highlighted then, honestly, good. Interfacing with problematic products
Hey, it's me, your brother!And the OP is happily back here posting despite the evil capitalism. I did give thousands to good charitable causes every year and all of that had to end when they burned down GAF. Highly unlikely Cerium gives anything. Foolish manchildren.
Cyberpunk release will be a bloodbath on Ree. What will they do? Buy this massive game and not talk about it at all, or say they didn't buy it to prevent being ousted? Gamertags will be exposed anyway lol.
Lots of them there have insta and onlyfans flashing their button mushrooms off.
Redesiuk said that the world of Cyberpunk 2077 includes many people who are gender-nonconforming, some of whom enjoy showing off their bodies in public. They are a demographic group with significant purchasing power, and so, megacorporations use their likenesses to sell soft drinks. It’s supposed to be a play on the same sort of hypersexualized advertising that modern companies use to sell products today, just brought in line with the kind of future CD Projekt wants to portray.
not that i disagree with you but please don't refer to gay ppl and lesbians as "homosexuals" it's considered derogatory