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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Kid needs more blue hair.



idg. "being fetishized" is just a consequence of being part of society. we live in a capitalist society, and sex sells, and thus, all popular sexual identities will be commodified. black people were part of sexual fantasy literature before they had civil rights. gay people were fetishized in porn and extremely fetishistic pride parades long before they had gay marriage. sex leads, culture follows. we let people into our beds, we change our hearts, this is the way ignorance leads past tolerance and towards love.

is it offensive for a cisgendered person to portray a trans person? why? if gender identity is NOT tied to sex or biology, then how is that not mere gender fluidity? isn't being offended at that the same as bigotry towards the concept of Genderqueer? after all, a trans person is a cis person who has gone through the process of transforming into a trans person. which is exactly what this cis woman is doing in the ad, she is altering her body to be trans, embracing a new identity not tied to traditional sexual roles. is that not a desired thing for trans people?

perhaps you could argue it is offensive that she then changes back to a cis person by removing the "costume". yet doesn't LGBT recognize the concept of Gender Fluid people? if someone is gender fluid, this is literally what they do, change genders throughout the day. how they they be mad if a cisgendered person is exhibiting behaviors of a gender fluid person? none of these questions seem to come up for these people, it's just unbridled male rage, cloaked in neo idpol feminism.
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community

Yet the piece of shit pretends he's some grizzled developer that has a clue about managing budgets etc.

I find this odd. I worked for a little bit in the industry and as far as I know, game localization is very flat in terms of hierarchy:

- There's the translators that work for the translation mills who get sent the excels with the game dialogue and are paid by line translated.
- There's the localization testers.
- There's the manager at the translation mill.
- There's the manager of localization testing.


There are several layers of ignore functions, yet a certain subset of Era refuses to use to utilize those features in favor of endlessly reporting members or begging moderation to out right censor games/companies they don't like, completely. That's a level of chicken shittery I just can't wrap my head around.
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Claven, like so many other "purple checkmarks" seems more like a fringe player in the "industry".
Kinda like "Weltall Zero" who is working on a student project.

Nothing wrong with that, but it's super annoying how they leverage that purple checkmark as if they are Miyamoto and Gabe rolled into one.

Already had 2077 preordered for months, will get 2 more and 3 Harry Potter games.
Not because I want to play them but because I support TERFs and hate Transfolks /s

*some people on ERA actually think like that
Lol look at this white knight jesus tittyfucking christ. Why the fuck you calling yourself cis gender male? Why the fuck is the transtrenders labeling people for?


That's quite the impressive density of pathetic virtue signalling horse-shit right there. What a pathetic worm.

Nobody has ever asked a trans person to "justify their existence" there. Nobody fucking asks them to "explain their being" either, because who really gives a fuck? What tends to happen is that these extremist activists guilt and shame anyone who doesn't automatic and wholeheartedly join their hysterical accusations and rage about every fucking thing, and mock and attack anyone who has the gall to ask benign and honest questions in order to understand where the fuck they're coming from.

Banshee always sounds like an absolute moron in any case. Their posts never make any fucking sense and sound like they're written by an 8 year old. Yet every thread they fucking make is validated to hell and back with dozens of pages of applause and pathetic snivelling like the post you quoted.

I consider myself a leftist yet these people fucking terrify me with their insanity.
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Lol, really? I wonder which special snowflakes those were. Doesn't seem like anything of value was lost either way. Maybe banshee and their ilk should go hide in their discord hole too and whine about transphobic this or that 24/7, good riddance.
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I remember when ResetERA.com started lots of people pledged to pay for the site so it wouldn't have ads, could fund inner city child video game development and wouldn't compromise their values. And then the thread was locked, the OP banned and everyone moved on happily ever after.

edit: My favorite thread still:
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I remember when ResetERA.com started lots of people pledged to pay for the site so it wouldn't have ads, could fund inner city child video game development and wouldn't compromise their values. And then the thread was locked, the OP banned and everyone moved on happily ever after.

edit: My favorite thread still:

Ah I remember that thread, think the OP was banned because he wouldn't shut up about it. Everyone seemed to think they had part ownership when the forum started.

As for the site having open books with the financial side, what planet are they on.

Thankfully the mod who closed the thread stuck around.


Ohhh ... erm ... oh well.
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Fingerlickin' Good!
I remember when ResetERA.com started lots of people pledged to pay for the site so it wouldn't have ads, could fund inner city child video game development and wouldn't compromise their values. And then the thread was locked, the OP banned and everyone moved on happily ever after.

edit: My favorite thread still:

Are the freedom fighters who want to dictate how others live, think and feel beating the nazis yet? I would ask this question on era but I would be immediately silenced and anyone with an opinion would be afraid to speak up. Hopefully they keep socially out casting people who fail the purity tests they themselves don't even live up to (i.e.Hitler being a fit, blonde haired and blue eyed man himself). Every person weeded out in the name of defeating an overly generalized enemy is one less person who can prevent their anti fascism.

/S obviously
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He, like many of the people on REEEEEEE, need to take a break and stop posting online. It's all people who can't cope with constant attacks on the internet but are addicted and keep crawling back for attention and abuse. Stop posting on twitter, REEEEEEEE, etc. and go talk to someone and get help dealing with the things you're struggling with.

I think John is great, who knows what he's going thru offline. Making fun of people with mental health problems is how resetera helped push Etika over the edge.


Gold Member
I think it shows the self esteem of a lot of normies who still post there tbh. The only reason is to be part of the group. They need to break free and need less depednency on online validation.


Guess how this ends.

Great thread. All the people thinking they can't browse or use dark mode unless they're logged in.

These posts are especially funny;


Oops forgot the best one.

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Wasn't there a trans user complaining about trans sexualisation and fetishism while being a porn model?

Yes. Lots of them there have insta and onlyfans flashing their button mushrooms off.

Remember, Trans trenders are homophobic (I'm MTF Tans that's a lesbian). It's not about them being sexualized, it's the thought of men and not "Hot lesbians" jerking off to them that's "Ikky".
True. One poster even posted that it is sexism we blame Pelosi. I called him an astroturfer for that. Prime example

They blame sexism often, or maybe it is because people like Pelosi and Hillary Clinton are very unlikeable people that people don't like em? I dunno. They both come of as grating and very unlikeable and i am not even american. But i guess i am sexist for thinking so lol.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I remember when ResetERA.com started lots of people pledged to pay for the site so it wouldn't have ads, could fund inner city child video game development and wouldn't compromise their values. And then the thread was locked, the OP banned and everyone moved on happily ever after.

edit: My favorite thread still:

And the OP is happily back here posting despite the evil capitalism. I did give thousands to good charitable causes every year and all of that had to end when they burned down GAF. Highly unlikely Cerium gives anything. Foolish manchildren.


Gold Member
Love it.

A woman can cosplay as a guy. It's fine. Gender is a social construct blah blah blah.

A guy can cosplay as a woman. It's fine. Challenging gender norms. Really important to question our ideas surrounding gender blah blah blah.

A hot woman cosplays as a trans-woman. REEEEEEEEEEE! Its fetishizing the trans experience and is the same as blackface if you think about it. Reeeeee!


What happened to being gender fluid or challenging gender identities and norms? Right out the window the moment it looks like they can turn it into a moral crusade.
‘member when some parts of the Internet thought Billy Dee Williams was genderfluid? Hysterical.
I think it shows the self esteem of a lot of normies who still post there tbh. The only reason is to be part of the group. They need to break free and need less depednency on online validation.

Did Etika frequent there? Man that's messed up as shit on their part, funny that when you go to wikipedia it says Reera was created to be a more "positive" alternative to gaf. Huh where is all that positivity going to? All I see is people being whiny snowflakes and mods and the admin being rude dickheads.


The clown fiesta continues.



The clown fiesta continues.

Cyberpunk release will be a bloodbath on Ree. What will they do? Buy this massive game and not talk about it at all, or say they didn't buy it to prevent being ousted? Gamertags will be exposed anyway lol.
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Cyberpunk release will be a bloodbath on Ree. What will they do? Buy this massive game and not talk about it at all, or say they didn't buy it to prevent being ousted? Gamertags will be exposed anyway lol.

People already getting shit on in the thread for stating they will purchase the game anyway. xD

But once game comes out those lunatics as usual will be drowned out by people loving it in the review/ot threads.
The clown fiesta continues.

"Oh, thank you so much for making this thread!"

Daffy Duck

The clown fiesta continues.

I dunno. Maybe we should wait for the game to release before making such bold claims and not just base it off images that could be screenshotted and used to paint a picture that isn't there.

It's a shame there is no room for conversation about this topic, as any thoughts are simply labelled as transphobia and is shut down in an instant and a user banned. Like, I would question the cosplayer point Kyuuji raises if I had the ability, but there's no point, the mind is made up and there's no other conversation to be had.
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And the OP is happily back here posting despite the evil capitalism. I did give thousands to good charitable causes every year and all of that had to end when they burned down GAF. Highly unlikely Cerium gives anything. Foolish manchildren.
Hey, it's me, your brother!
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Cyberpunk release will be a bloodbath on Ree. What will they do? Buy this massive game and not talk about it at all, or say they didn't buy it to prevent being ousted? Gamertags will be exposed anyway lol.

First 4 posts...then it goes on and on. Jesus fuck, what a bunch of snivelling shits. That OP looks like it took a week to make, Im always impressed at how little these people have to do in life and what they choose to focus all their energy on.



yall weren't joking Kyuj has written a tome nearly as long as the first Dune book for that damn OP

the tranny must be losing her mind over this game


Daffy Duck

It's also interesting they choose to selectively quote the artists response, this part missing:

Redesiuk said that the world of Cyberpunk 2077 includes many people who are gender-nonconforming, some of whom enjoy showing off their bodies in public. They are a demographic group with significant purchasing power, and so, megacorporations use their likenesses to sell soft drinks. It’s supposed to be a play on the same sort of hypersexualized advertising that modern companies use to sell products today, just brought in line with the kind of future CD Projekt wants to portray.

Like Kyuuji is claiming to speak for all trans people, whats to say there are not people who would be comfortable acting this way, does that make them wrong for acting in a different way to what Kyuuji would feel comfortable doing?
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So i was on google which directed me to a era page, this page was six months old and i noticed that half of the people who had been posting in this 20 page thread had been banned. now i don't know the reasons, but what i do know is that creating a place where no other opinion except a extreme left one is accepted is ultra dangerous, even for people who think they are ultra left.

once these kids enter society, or get out of the bubble they are in, they will get confronted with opinions where they simply dont have a answer to except to reply to it with anger, evading behavior or degenerating the person because they do not share the same opinion and these kids will spend most of their lives getting fired or pushed out by the real society, because in real life, people dont accept that bullshit

Now, as I've said before, i am a centrist, there are right things i agree with and left things i agree with, but I absolutely believe that the extreme of both sides is not healthy.

I also wonder if they have any idea how every other community, from reddit to 9gag to gaf is making fun of them and they have become the joke of the internet.
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