These same sjws are threatening people defending Chris Pratt, calling Zoe all kinds of n words etc. People sending death threats are all fucking idiots, idiots that are on both sides doing it.
The Rise of Skywalker came out all the Reylos over there were furious. even before that, they were trying to crucify John Boyega as a sexist for making a joke about "laying pipe". then it was fuming at JJ and the cast for saying bad things about
The Last Jedi. then we found out that Reylos all over Twitter were sending death threats to JJ, Boyega, harassing Adam Driver, etc. immediately they switched to "Star Wars fans are trash" as if they had nothing to do with that at all.
you cannot expect to organize a harassment campaign which paints a company as morally evil, stretched across multiple threads that all have hundreds of thousands of views on it, telling people to MAKE THEIR VOICE HEARD and to NEVER BACK DOWN, making it your personal crusade to escalate the outrage, banning anyone who says a positive thing about the company,
then act surprised when people use Twitter to send death threats. that is
total bullshit.