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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Daffy Duck

haha the new thread on the wages issue from CDPR...man, they are such closed minded idiots who really hav eno idea wtf they are talking about cause they havent left their little province ever.

While i think crunch is not a good thing, people around the world are so sensitive nowadays that anything that pushes them a little bit os going overboard. You should see argentina, all protected by dumb ass laws that say that if they feel bullied they have a right to sue their employer lmao.

PLOT TWIST: She was fresh out of uni to that job! So could well have been a junior, but yes, it's CDPR at fault here. Pay juniors a million euro an hour.

Do we have a link?

No, can't find it.
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How can they consider themselves liberals and in favor of free speech if they don't even allow open discussions? Meaningful discussions based on different opinions, actual facts? They NEVER try to understand why something happens, why someone might have certain opinions. It's either "you're with me or against me". And all that bullshit of someone not being able to have centrist politic views is fucking disgusting. The US left is basically my country's centrist right, so how the fuck centrist positions don't exist? They really live in their own bubble. They're so fucking out of touch, it's astonishing.

Look at the world around you, don't be blinded by the political and social agendas. Learn the whys and the hows.

Anyway, it's still pretty funny to see the meltdowns there. And cringe-worthy.

liberals largely aren't in favor of free speech anymore, just look at Senator Markey from Massachusetts who claims social media isn't censoring conservatives enough



I think what bothers me most about Era is how the bring up philosophically complex questions and only give rudimentary one-dimensional echoing answers. "Should we be bothered that slave labor went into the products we buy" should have far better and more intriguing answers than it does there.


Haha this seems specifically made to trigger the Reeee

the ad itself isn’t in the OP, which links to an article. the article doesn’t even embed the ad, you have to click through a trigger warning. LOL there are videos of real murders getting reposted that have less trigger warning than this

lol they're triggered because one character is 14 years old. Should've been 9, right REEE?

Lol the yanks are shocked at wages outside of America. Hahahahaha fucking dorks.

Also note this was from 7 YEARS ago. It's an irrelevant number, and she was probably a Jr. But of course they will use that to shit on CDPR even more.
I think what bothers me most about Era is how the bring up philosophically complex questions and only give rudimentary one-dimensional echoing answers. "Should we be bothered that slave labor went into the products we buy" should have far better and more intriguing answers than it does there.

Do you think anyone there ACTUALLY spends a few minutes researching the topics they claim to give a fuck about, let alone seconds? These are insanely complex issues with a ton of nuance, yet the only acceptable responses are those generated within 0.05 seconds after viewing a headline. This goes for literally any issue they "discuss". I have been banned multiple times for injecting just a LITTLE bit of nuance into issues they deem black and white, but which in reality are not and have no easy solution.


PLOT TWIST: She was fresh out of uni to that job! So could well have been a junior, but yes, it's CDPR at fault here. Pay juniors a million euro an hour.

No, can't find it.
I would think it's the post saying he'll gladly get banned to tell someone to go fuck themselves but I forget what thread that was.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Had to take a peek to see if there was a thread about the GDP growth numbers. Of course not.

We really are in our respective bubbles :messenger_frowning_
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Lol the yanks are shocked at wages outside of America. Hahahahaha fucking dorks.

IN my country With $400 a month you would live like a king, don't know how it is in Poland, but my old country is close to them so it might be similar, especially if you're just out of college.

Just trying to wrap my brain around this shit for a few minutes before I move on with my day.

Like, you got a debilitating back injury and you're working at a nursery lugging heavy plants and mulch and dirt around? Go to a fucking temp agency and get assigned to work in a call center sitting on your ass for 8 hours a day. And how can you not get on disability when you're hit by a fucking car and have the medical records to show? This is not rocket science. And this stain has an ex-wife and kids out there? Good grief...

Oh and the OP is poly of course. Wonder what the husband thinks about this "boyfriend". Imagine that conversation: "Honey we should go POLY!" "Uh ok, I guess" "Great I found a huge loser to start with and throw a huge wrench in our lives!"

Isn't this the guy that blew $15k on a fling in NYC a couple of weeks back?


IN my country With $400 a month you would live like a king, don't know how it is in Poland, but my old country is close to them so it might be similar, especially if you're just out of college.

Isn't this the guy that blew $15k on a fling in NYC a couple of weeks back?
No, different loser altogether, but its getting hard to distinguish them at this rate.
10 pages of....


Nasty fucking place.

1- It was her 1st job, she had exactly ZERO experience
2- This was in 2014, 7 years ago, before Witcher 3 was even out. They were a different company then, no bearing on today's wages.
3- She was on contract
4- They were the only ones to give her an opportunity, and that being on her resume obviously opened up so many opportunities for her. Time to complain about my pay, 7 years later!

Entitled snob.


But let's be real they'd probably do the equivalent of a book burning if anyone ever dare post or mention anything related to the above lecture or person lol.

Just a heaping pile of Harry Potter novels, Trump's Art of the Deal, and Dilbert compilations set ablaze

They sure showed us
That delay gave them another 3 extra weeks to scream about CDPR and try to get the game banned.

I’m fairly certain that the people in charge at Ree realize that actually banning Cyberpunk would completely expose their “gaming” forum for what it really is and they will do anything and everything to avoid it. But the screamers aren’t shutting up and they built the forum entirely around the screamers always getting their way so this is an interesting dilemma for them. Let’s see what happens!


lol someone is saying "They probably had nazis on staff!"

as if it's impossible for some 90s edgelord teen to draw a swastika without being a real nazi

that page is a masterpiece tho. so much going on in there!
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lol someone is saying "They probably had nazis on staff!"

as if it's impossible for some 90s edgelord teen to draw a swastika without being a real nazi

that page is a masterpiece tho. so much going on in there!

I worked for a gaming company in England many years ago. In the dev department we would troll each other without mercy, top bants. I story I heard from before I started was that there were a lot of Japanese gaming mags at the place, and of course in those mags were drawings of anime nazi girls.

This one Jewish producer came back from lunch one day to find his whole desk decorated with said anime Nazis.

Of course out multi cultural office had no real nazis.
That's what's so funny about the "especially when ZeoVGM quoted their post..." line. I mean, that's Exhibit A for why you shouldn't respond! Hello! I think most people on there are aware of what he's trying to pull.

Serious question, is ZeoVGM actually a Schreier alt?

The amount of sycophantic responses makes me wonder if it can only come from him to bolster Schreir's position without exposing himself.


"their mouthpiece at GI"

lol that thread was full of people saying "This read like a press release!" and im thinking, holy shit, you people are morons, entertainment media press is almost always 50% regurgitating press releases, you miserable fucks
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"their mouthpiece at GI"

lol that thread was full of people saying "This read like a press release!" and im thinking, holy shit, you people are morons, entertainment media press is almost always 50% regurgitating press releases, you miserable fucks

Someone on GI on some podcast mentioned that she heard from someone on the team that the crunch situation is being greatly exaggerated and it's not that bad, and suddenly she's now cemented as a "GI mouthpiece" and GI is mocked as being on CDPR's payroll every 5 seconds. That's the level of logic and analysis these shit stains have. Just venomous rage and vitriol against anyone who says something slightly different than their God of the Weasels, Jason Schrier.
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Someone on GI on some podcast mentioned that she heard from someone on the team that the crunch situation is being greatly exaggerated and it's not that bad, and suddenly she's now cemented as a "GI mouthpiece" and GI is mocked as being on CDPR's payroll every 5 seconds. That's the level of logic and analysis these shit stains have. Just venomous rage and vitriol against anyone who says something slightly different than their God of the Weasels, Jason Schrier.
Those capital G gamers up to no good again.


Someone on GI on some podcast mentioned that she heard from someone on the team that the crunch situation is being greatly exaggerated and it's not that bad, and suddenly she's now cemented as a "GI mouthpiece" and GI is mocked as being on CDPR's payroll every 5 seconds. That's the level of logic and analysis these shit stains have. Just venomous rage and vitriol against anyone who says something slightly different than their God of the Weasels, Jason Schrier.
and Jason, self styled "Hero of the Little People", now works for this evil fuck



So, even though the Cyberpunk delay totally fucked their Tranny Awareness Day OT lock plans...


They’ll just be locking it anyway the day after release instead

They wanna lock the OT for Tranny awareness lm
Every time he needs a slap because he thinks he's more popular and untouchable then he actually is.




Oh my god, I laughed so hard at this.

the mods there are very toxic. I am really happy they left Neogaf. it was as bad when they were here. EviLore EviLore really gave them too much credit. Glad that things worked out for the better as a community at least.
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Jason Schreier isn't a journalist, he's a pear shaped, effeminate instigator. All he does is follow the smoke until he reaches the fire, then he throws out any logic or good intentions about the story, only focuses on the negative aspects and then he starts writing. He is not to be respected, he should be treated as a pariah and one that should be ostracized from any and all media. He's a chronic liar, a career agitator and a worthless human being.

Dude needs to get off the internet for a while ASAP Every other day he posts the most depressing threads that honestly make me feel exhausted. Would say he's living up to his username but man the last thing I want is for someone to hurt themselves because they kept getting influenced by a mob.
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