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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Gold Member

If ever there was a better example of how Eras changed since the start


Talk about doing a 180.

So in late 2017 soon after the site got created they had a 1,000+ user poll on legalizing prostitution where 89% said yes. 89% Think about folks. How many touchy polls do you know result in a 90-10 split? Talk about a solid "Yes for Sex"

Hahahah. I'd like to see someone make a poll like that now.

But it makes sense. Back then, most of the people flocking to Reeeee were sexless idiots who can't get laid so of course they would say sex should be legal.

But now, you know what? If that same poll got re-posted, I bet the % of people saying yes would be about the same...... in their head.

It would be 89% yes in their head, but maybe 30% have the balls to say yes. Then soon after, some asexual mod who doesn't want sex, and is too ugly for anyone wanting to have sex with them anyway would lock the thread.

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The craziest thread I ever saw on Gaf/Era was one that asked “would you still be in a relationship with your partner if they transitioned?”

I legitimately couldn’t believe the pages upon pages of responses saying no, they wouldn’t. Then about 3-4 pages in the usual trannies invaded the thread screaming transphobia and everyone bailed.

Which is funny considering all the constant trans-rights hoopla, but none of these people actually want to be in a relationship with one lol.
Fresh off the Kill.. Moronstrike posts this..

He's getting picked on... in college.. he's 26.. surrounded by 18 year olds, okay.

Why is he getting picked on?

Does ban baiting people and getting them kicked off Reeeeeeera make him a better or worse person than the people making fun of him in real life?
It warms my cold heart to see assholes get a taste of their own medicine.

If ever there was a better example of how Eras changed since the start

Where is the imaged post from? Because that's some SWERF shit that I know a lot of people over there would not be happy with. Pretty much the only plausible deniability they have is the stereotype of Thailand being all child prostitution.

I do wonder if he still would have gotten banned if Thailand was removed from the post and only Amsterdam was mentioned. Because if so, there'd be no excuse.


Neo Member
The craziest thread I ever saw on Gaf/Era was one that asked “would you still be in a relationship with your partner if they transitioned?”

I legitimately couldn’t believe the pages upon pages of responses saying no, they wouldn’t. Then about 3-4 pages in the usual trannies invaded the thread screaming transphobia and everyone bailed.

Which is funny considering all the constant trans-rights hoopla, but none of these people actually want to be in a relationship with one lol.
If my wife wanted to look like a hairy bodybuilder and get a fake penis I'd bail too.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
I dunno, man. Like... If you got married to a girl, and she transitioned, wouldn't it basically be just like... a girl pegging you or something? Some people are into that. I get it, but it is a bit odd.


Fresh off the Kill.. Moronstrike posts this..

He's getting picked on... in college.. he's 26.. surrounded by 18 year olds, okay.

Why is he getting picked on?

Does ban baiting people and getting them kicked off Reeeeeeera make him a better or worse person than the people making fun of him in real life?

4 posts into that thread.... G-g-g-go gogo report them to the “relevant school society” lmao fuck these pricks are a bunch of spineless cowards.

Could you imagine being a University Employee and you have some fat 26 year old wearing a Pokémon shirt walk up to you and tell you 18 year olds are making fun of him 😂

14 posts in “get a lawyer” jfc
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God Enel

The thing is, love and sex are already complicated enough. Why do people feel like they need to throw all these pronouns in and make the minefield even more complicated to traverse?
We all like what we like and are attracted to whatever we are attracted to. Can’t we just end it at that?

Instead we get this weird, I’m a MtF transsexual, who only dates FtM transsexuals. Which still results in a penIs going into a Vagina, it’s like the long way around being straight, but now the man is getting pregnant and giving birth?

And the penIs is no longer a male sexual organ.

I absolutely agree with you. Would be nice to hear what other
Nice find.

The permanently banned user is correct. It makes no sense and is contradictory.

"I am trans, a woman, pansexual, a lesbian, demisexual."

Tran-woman - OK pretty self explanatory. Born as a male human but transitioned (or transitioning) to pass as female. Will refer to as woman out of politeness.

Lesbian - The definition is a homosexual woman and this would be categorized by being sexually attracted to other women. If we are letting the trans thing slide (which I am pretty sure MANY lesbians would not) then we are still OK here. A trans-woman who is attracted to other women (trans or otherwise).

So far so good. There's probably room for debate but it's not a big deal.

Pansexual - the sexual, romantic or emotional attraction towards people REGARDLESS of their sex or gender identity.

So they are trying to pull a little bit of a switcheroo here by saying that they are sexually attracted to men and woman and all points in between but romantically attracted to ONLY women.

So they'll fuck a guy, no worries, get fucked by a guy, no worries, but they can love ONLY women therefore they are a lesbian.

Hmmmm... smells like bullshit. There is a glaring contradiction there.
The lesbian descriptor is redundant since it is already covered under pansexual.

This is somehow FURTHER contradicted by the next big reveal.

Demisexual - a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone.

Sounds like a fuckin virgin to me but whatever.

So... in summary.

Born a male.
Now a female.
Sexually attracted to both women and men, pansexual
BUUUUT only romantically attracted to women so also lesbian.
Bu-Bu-Buuuuuut also only sexually attracted to people who they have a strong emotional connection with (like as in romantic attraction?), demisexual.

So yeah, it's a mess of needless redundancies and contradictions that is probably designed specifically for moments like those seen in the quoted. A chance to get offended and get someone in trouble when they call you out for talking absolute shite.

Demisexual covers all of it and you don't even need to use that phrase at all to be honest.

Why not just say "I'm a trans woman but I would only have sex with someone I feel a close connection to"?
Simple and reasonably unambiguous.

It's a good example of what I said before about feeling pushed away by the near constant contradictions and mixed messages of the far left and if you try to untangle the knots you just get booted out.

"I'm a lesbian but I also like to fuck dudes".
Right, so you mean bisexual?
NO! I need to have an emotional connection first.
OK... *consults cheatsheet* so you are demi-sexual.
NO! I am a lesbian and pansexual and demisexual!
Right but you can't be a lesbian if you are also fucking me-USER BANNED! PERMANENT!

Imagine being so desperate to call yourself a lesbian that you need an entire system of jargon and logic to explain away the fact that you also claim to be sexually attracted to dudes.

Or being so desperate to not be defined as a mere bisexual that you have a whole mental routine that centers around describing the fact that you are attracted to both men and women in ANY way other than "I'm bisexual".

Amazing. It's like a human Rubik's Cube.

Or some crazy riddle.

I'd bang a dude, I'd bang a chick.
But I could only love a woman's dick.
I can't get laid, Incels are the worst,
So I need to "feel emotion" first.
What am I?

TIL:what a pansexual, Demisexual is.

Tl dr: feisty is a transsexual that is bi, (man - now women having sex with both) correct me if I’m wrong.

So.. what’s up with this demi stuff? If you’re into both and going to have sex with both why is the romantic deep emotional bond important? Sometime he/she gives, sometimes he/she receives. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Dr. Claus

I absolutely agree with you. Would be nice to hear what other

TIL:what a pansexual, Demisexual is.

Tl dr: feisty is a transsexual that is bi, (man - now women having sex with both) correct me if I’m wrong.

So.. what’s up with this demi stuff? If you’re into both and going to have sex with both why is the romantic deep emotional bond important? Sometime he/she gives, sometimes he/she receives. 🤷🏻‍♂️

They want to feel unique because they were raised to believe they were unique special snowflakes. In their bid to realize that dream, they have homogenized their idiocy and are the furthest thing from uniqueness (IE: mentally ill NPC).


Where is the imaged post from? Because that's some SWERF shit that I know a lot of people over there would not be happy with. Pretty much the only plausible deniability they have is the stereotype of Thailand being all child prostitution.

I do wonder if he still would have gotten banned if Thailand was removed from the post and only Amsterdam was mentioned. Because if so, there'd be no excuse.
Naturally an I'm going to Thailand topic.
Where is the imaged post from? Because that's some SWERF shit that I know a lot of people over there would not be happy with. Pretty much the only plausible deniability they have is the stereotype of Thailand being all child prostitution.

I do wonder if he still would have gotten banned if Thailand was removed from the post and only Amsterdam was mentioned. Because if so, there'd be no excuse.



At time of posting 15 minutes and NO replies...

Autists now trying to get on the Reee oppression ladder?

This weeks going to be great as everyone now wants a piece.
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At time of posting 15 minutes and NO replies...

Autists now trying to get on the Reee oppression ladder?

This weeks going to be great as everyone now wants a piece.
But you can't know if a baby is autistic or mentally deficcient just by checking an ultrasound, so this is just a big pile of bullshit


Good point.

Where's that so called video game journalist Jason Schreier? All this stuff is public too. Hey Jason, forget about all your Anthem articles. How about a nice recap article on KetKat and Reeee, complete with editorial opinion?
Jason Schreier wouldn't be welcome on resetera or even the video game journalism community if they knew the comments he made on LueLinks over the years.



Gold Member

If ever there was a better example of how Eras changed since the start

Holy shit the amount of banned people in that thread.

They are like one of those companies with insanely high staff turnover rates. Only the directors and manager's stick around high giving each other saying "it's the people who are the problem".



At time of posting 15 minutes and NO replies...

Autists now trying to get on the Reee oppression ladder?

This weeks going to be great as everyone now wants a piece.

Yes, which is a backflip from the usual women have the right to choose no matter what position

Kagey K

But you can't know if a baby is autistic or mentally deficcient just by checking an ultrasound, so this is just a big pile of bullshit
We were given An option of doing an amniocentesis test while pregnant, so we could have the option to abort if they suspected the kid could have a severe handicap.

We opted not to, but the choice is definitely there if a parent wanted it.


We were given An option of doing an amniocentesis test while pregnant, so we could have the option to abort if they suspected the kid could have a severe handicap.

We opted not to, but the choice is definitely there if a parent wanted it.
Yeah ok, now i've asked my wife and she confirmed that technically it is possible, but the test is both invasive and expensive (at least in our country).

We we did a ultrasound test, an extra blood test (which is only recommended when the USG test shows something is off, but so fucking cheap that it was a no brainer to do it anyway) and called it a day. They did offer a super-duper genetic test from blood, but that was waaaay to expensive to even think about it.

Kagey K

Yeah ok, now i've asked my wife and she confirmed that technically it is possible, but the test is both invasive and expensive (at least in our country).

We we did a ultrasound test, an extra blood test (which is only recommended when the USG test shows something is off, but so fucking cheap that it was a no brainer to do it anyway) and called it a day. They did offer a super-duper genetic test from blood, but that was waaaay to expensive to even think about it.
Yeah the amniocenisis, involves them sticking a giant needle through her belly button, and removing some fluid from the sac.

The problem is, it can can cause the sac to burst, like a ballon. So even if the kid was healthy, you could accidentally abort it.

They offered it to us because my gf had an incident at 5 months and started bleeding profusely. We were supposed to lose him, but he ended up safe. They wanted to make sure there wasn’t significant damage done to the child.

At time of posting 15 minutes and NO replies...

Autists now trying to get on the Reee oppression ladder?

This weeks going to be great as everyone now wants a piece.

they’ve had these threads recently. It’s ban worthy to suggest that autism is something to fix.

this shit actually makes my blood bothough. Like take the snowflake / politics out of it. I get how it could be confronting if you had a disability like autism and people are saying oh it’s bad we should fix it.

But like wouldn’t you want others not to suffer from it? Like would a paraplegic not want someone else to walk?

it’s like the deaf communities that refuse to get their kids hearing aids. It’s child abuse.

all I can say is these people are definitely not parents. I’ve only got a toddler but you want your kids to be happy and healthy. It doesn’t mean a disability or mental condition is a death sentence but if you could fix it- or have the option of ensuring it didn’t happen beforeit got too far along- why wouldn’t you?


That MJ thread is something else.
By the way, I keep reading here about "the fall of Resetera" and how the site's traffic and whatnot is in a constant down spiral, but I can't find anything that proves that?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
That MJ thread is something else.
By the way, I keep reading here about "the fall of Resetera" and how the site's traffic and whatnot is in a constant down spiral, but I can't find anything that proves that?

I don't think there is any evidence of that happening in a significant way. I do feel like there used to be more members logged in and more total visitors at any given time last year, but I don't have any concrete numbers, so it may just be a hunch.


Do go on...
Let's just say LLs scrubbed his comments from the site and made it clear if anyone referenced posts he made there prior to getting a journalism job would be banned for life, etc.

With the climate of today, he would be toast likely.
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At time of posting 15 minutes and NO replies...

Autists now trying to get on the Reee oppression ladder?

This weeks going to be great as everyone now wants a piece.

And of course now the topic is a competition between idiots to find the reeeesetter with the higher number of "neurological conditions". I had no doubt that Feistyboots was racing for the 1st place! 6 dignosed mental handicaps (I'll add one, you are a REEEEE member), a dozen sexual orientations and gender identities or whatever they are. How many oppressions points will she score at the end of the games?
Jesus Christ these incels.... oops sorry I meant ACE, I didn't want to offend them

edit: I actually think that people like Feistyboots, Onilink, Redmercury, that woke champion halo developer, are actually troll having fun at Resetera. I mean, they are too much, people like this don't really exist
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Gold Member
And of course now the topic is a competition between idiots to find the reeeesetter with the higher number of "neurological conditions". I had no doubt that Feistyboots was racing for the 1st place! 6 dignosed mental handicaps (I'll add one, you are a REEEEE member), a dozen sexual orientations and gender identities or whatever they are. How many oppressions points will she score at the end of the games?
Jesus Christ these incels.... oops sorry I meant ACE, I didn't want to offend them

That MJ thread is something else.
By the way, I keep reading here about "the fall of Resetera" and how the site's traffic and whatnot is in a constant down spiral, but I can't find anything that proves that?

Traffic isn't on a downward spiral, just a minor downward trend. YOY numbers are down, but not significantly. For example, there were 7290 unique posters over a 24 hour period on Nov 16 2018, but only 6528 on the same day this year.

I've already given my opinion on how I think Era's lifespan will play out here. I actually didn't see the Ketkat drama coming, but it is unintentionally in line with some of the things I said. There's no way to look at that without assuming a big rift is forming that will most definitely lead to big issues down the line. Whether that leads to a massive implosion or a death by a thousand cuts is still up in the air.
Let's just say LLs scrubbed his comments from the site and made it clear if anyone referenced posts he made there prior to getting a journalism job would be banned for life, etc.

With the climate of today, he would be toast likely.

I can back this up. LUE was quite the place. Jason shared his aspirations of one day becoming a games journalist there multiple times and I wished him the best. A savory, wholesome scenario...

...except it happened on LUE, in the early 2000s at that, so also, everyone was constantly speaking in ways that would trigger a calamity unparalleled if certain prominent ResetEra posters ever encountered even a single sentence.


Traffic isn't on a downward spiral, just a minor downward trend. YOY numbers are down, but not significantly. For example, there were 7290 unique posters over a 24 hour period on Nov 16 2018, but only 6528 on the same day this year.

I've already given my opinion on how I think Era's lifespan will play out here. I actually didn't see the Ketkat drama coming, but it is unintentionally in line with some of the things I said. There's no way to look at that without assuming a big rift is forming that will most definitely lead to big issues down the line. Whether that leads to a massive implosion or a death by a thousand cuts is still up in the air.

After pedoera and how they actively covered it up, had insiders on Reddit banning discussion about it too it's clear they will throw out any of thier moral grandstanding to protect the mothership. I also said at the time it's not going to be a single event that decimates them but a lot of smaller ones until the site is irrelevant and you just have a few core remaining users just sitting around agreeing with each other and saying how much nicer Resetera is these (future) days.
After pedoera and how they actively covered it up, had insiders on Reddit banning discussion about it too it's clear they will throw out any of thier moral grandstanding to protect the mothership. I also said at the time it's not going to be a single event that decimates them but a lot of smaller ones until the site is irrelevant and you just have a few core remaining users just sitting around agreeing with each other and saying how much nicer Resetera is these (future) days.

I somehow missed the entire PedoEra ordeal. I think it might have happened at a busy time for me or something. If you don’t mind, could you summarize the incident?


I somehow missed the entire PedoEra ordeal. I think it might have happened at a busy time for me or something. If you don’t mind, could you summarize the incident?

You know I completely forgot about the whole pedo thing. That means there weren't two, but THREE big controversies this year.

I wonder what 2020 will hold for the site.


Darkness no more
These kids take their chicken sandwiches too seriously



These kids take their chicken sandwiches too seriously

lol just saw this. Is this an actual discussion that happened in real life? Sounds like it’s made up for woke points on the board.

“But but but they stopped donating to anti-gay causes..”
“They made no commitment to do this” 😂😂

At least the the other members of the fam sound somewhat normal.

Thanks. Took me a while to get through that but I’m appropriately disgusted now that I have! What the hell.
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