Nice find.
The permanently banned user is correct. It makes no sense and is contradictory.
"I am trans, a woman, pansexual, a lesbian, demisexual."
Tran-woman - OK pretty self explanatory. Born as a male human but transitioned (or transitioning) to pass as female. Will refer to as woman out of politeness.
Lesbian - The definition is a homosexual woman and this would be categorized by being sexually attracted to other women. If we are letting the trans thing slide (which I am pretty sure MANY lesbians would not) then we are still OK here. A trans-woman who is attracted to other women (trans or otherwise).
So far so good. There's probably room for debate but it's not a big deal.
Pansexual - the sexual, romantic or emotional attraction towards people REGARDLESS of their sex or gender identity.
So they are trying to pull a little bit of a switcheroo here by saying that they are sexually attracted to men and woman and all points in between but romantically attracted to ONLY women.
So they'll fuck a guy, no worries, get fucked by a guy, no worries, but they can love ONLY women therefore they are a lesbian.
Hmmmm... smells like bullshit. There is a glaring contradiction there.
The lesbian descriptor is redundant since it is already covered under pansexual.
This is somehow FURTHER contradicted by the next big reveal.
Demisexual - a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone.
Sounds like a fuckin virgin to me but whatever.
So... in summary.
Born a male.
Now a female.
Sexually attracted to both women and men, pansexual
BUUUUT only romantically attracted to women so also lesbian.
Bu-Bu-Buuuuuut also only sexually attracted to people who they have a strong emotional connection with (like as in romantic attraction?), demisexual.
So yeah, it's a mess of needless redundancies and contradictions that is probably designed specifically for moments like those seen in the quoted. A chance to get offended and get someone in trouble when they call you out for talking absolute shite.
Demisexual covers all of it and you don't even need to use that phrase at all to be honest.
Why not just say "I'm a trans woman but I would only have sex with someone I feel a close connection to"?
Simple and reasonably unambiguous.
It's a good example of what I said before about feeling pushed away by the near constant contradictions and mixed messages of the far left and if you try to untangle the knots you just get booted out.
"I'm a lesbian but I also like to fuck dudes".
Right, so you mean bisexual?
NO! I need to have an emotional connection first.
OK... *consults cheatsheet* so you are demi-sexual.
NO! I am a lesbian and pansexual and demisexual!
Right but you can't be a lesbian if you are also fucking me-USER BANNED! PERMANENT!
Imagine being so desperate to call yourself a lesbian that you need an entire system of jargon and logic to explain away the fact that you also claim to be sexually attracted to dudes.
Or being so desperate to not be defined as a mere bisexual that you have a whole mental routine that centers around describing the fact that you are attracted to both men and women in ANY way other than "I'm bisexual".
Amazing. It's like a human Rubik's Cube.
Or some crazy riddle.
I'd bang a dude, I'd bang a chick.
But I could only love a woman's dick.
I can't get laid, Incels are the worst,
So I need to "feel emotion" first.
What am I?