I don't understand how ERA can even keep this up. I feel for this guy, if legit, and others like him, but these people want the impossible. How can a safe environment exist for everyone when people have differing values, experiences, and needs in life? There's no quarter at ERA to even be human, because being so is to inevitably give offense even when not intending to through such distinctions. The real irony of ERA that fails them is that by attempting to make the site safer and more inclusive for everyone, it's making it safer and more inclusive for absolutely no one.Don’t want to triple post, but I just saw this gem from eras new fav mod and felt it deserved to be shared.
We need to have a discussion about how members treat other members on this site and among other issues.
First off, I wanted to say that I am sorry for the experiences you've been through, both on the site and in real life, that have caused you such pain. Also, I wanted to thank you for making this thread; it is incredibly well thought out and you make many good points. Now, to address
*Unless you are a Cis White Male.
If they truly desire to create a safe space on the net, they should introduce "offense/trigger tags" in line with spoiler tags that people could use while posting if they're at all dubious about how what they say may be construed, hence explicitly shifting the responsibility of the offense taken into the lap of the one who deems to click on it. Because I honestly don't see any other way this forum can operate as it does into the foreseeable future when the moderation is getting to the point where simply being human is a bannable offense. Since these people are utterly incapable of taking responsibility for their own feelings and must run to the mods, make them take responsibility for their own actions that lead to them instead.
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