I do not understand what in the hell people like this are expecting? They are safe, nobody is picking on them or talking bad about them. Nobody is attacking them and they are free to do and say as they please?
Why in the fuck do they feel they have the fucking right to push their shit on everyone else?
"Inclusive space" does not mean you are better than other people and does not mean you can bully other people. AND fucking cuckold era even gives them the freedom to thread shit and give the ban dildo to anyone that pretty much tries to speak up.
Nobody with any authority on era has the sack to stand up or say anything because then their own shit gets put into the light and whichever persecuted group they rep for.
Yeah, in this context "feeling safe" would have to mean "not even seeing words that make me feel challenged". This is really impossible on any Internet forum since differences of opinion will occur.
"CDPR are transpbobic" is not even an objective fact in itself so you need to have extreme moderation practices if you want to not even have that premise challenged at all. Never mind adding "I don't even want to see their game being mentioned here at all, ever, unless its to criticise the developers."
Ultimately its like saying you don't feel safe unless you have not only complete control of what gets posted but also have a unbeatable security system set up so that there isn't even the chance of seeing some naughty opinion.
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