I honestly can't be certain if the whole site isn't some chan-esque LARP operation.Era is a trolls paradise
I honestly can't be certain if the whole site isn't some chan-esque LARP operation.Era is a trolls paradise
We could do that.....or we could keep it as a video game discussion place.Just a thought, why can't we raise Trans Awareness here, but doing it in a much better way than Era, like without insulting/harassment and really breaking down what the problems are, help providing support and solutions. It would be kind of funny if we achieve much more that way.
We could do that.....or we could keep it as a video game discussion place.
You see what happens when you let these sort of issues infect discussion when people just want to talk about video games.....I'm sure there are many places people can go on the internet to discuss Trans issues if it's important to them.
Off topic...sure,no issues there.There's nothing wrong with having a thread on this forum, provided it's moderated well and free of people who don't want to engage but enjoy trolling. There's an off-topic discussion tab here for a reason. I'm sure having this discussion matters to some people here, and it doesn't hurt raising awareness
I think the better moderation of GAF would ensure that threads aren't just turned into shitshows of people screeching TRANS RIGHTS and posters would instead be held accountable for derailing topics.Off topic...sure,no issues there.
I mean like what's happening over on Resetera where people are being looked down on for simply wanting to talk about a game in a game thread.
It really is. Its absolutely out of control and mods are doing jackshit. Or did they abandon the ship?![]()
Cyberpunk 2077 Night City WIRE: Episode 5 |OT| Time moves in one direction, memory in another [Media Impressions, Console Footage & Discussion] OT
Completely agree with all of these posts. Just ban all CP2077 threads from now on. Out of respect for the trans community. I mean, 3 threads is too much, but 2 threads is allowed? That's nonsense. Era does not support CDP nor this game, so no threads should be
Total Civil War: the game
These phishing schemes are getting more and more sophisticated. Anyone could have fallen for thatI choose to believe it's real
"He tricked me into using friends and family payment"
How did he trick you?
"He just asked me - he seemed nice"
Well that's true.Personally when I enter a video game thread I'm not going into it to discuss Trans issues,I've no interest in the topic.I think the better moderation of GAF would ensure that threads aren't just turned into shitshows of people screeching TRANS RIGHTS and posters would instead be held accountable for derailing topics.
Very well written and I agree. But I also had to think how you would get banned over there for "dismissing concerns about transphobia" over there.Well that's true.Personally when I enter a video game thread I'm not going into it to discuss Trans issues,I've no interest in the topic.
As long as people are allowed to have no interest in a topic then I've no issues....what's happening at Resetera right now is that people are basically telling others what to think.....if you aren't interested in discussing Trans issues regarding Cyberpunk 2077 then you are some sort of monster.It's complete bollocks.
I'm not a big fan of being told what I should or shouldn't be thinking about.People are allowed to have issues that they are passionate about and people are allowed to have zero interest in the same issues.
I think the biggest minority group on era is people who play games
They just wanted to shit up that thread which they've done. The last 3 pages are full of garbage although I really enjoy seeing Claven finally being called out for his bullshit. That guy might be the worst poster on that board![]()
Cyberpunk 2077 Night City WIRE: Episode 5 |OT| Time moves in one direction, memory in another [Media Impressions, Console Footage & Discussion] OT
Completely agree with all of these posts. Just ban all CP2077 threads from now on. Out of respect for the trans community. I mean, 3 threads is too much, but 2 threads is allowed? That's nonsense. Era does not support CDP nor this game, so no threads should be
Total Civil War: the game
Cyberpunk 2077 Night City WIRE: Episode 5 |OT| Time moves in one direction, memory in another [Media Impressions, Console Footage & Discussion] OT
Completely agree with all of these posts. Just ban all CP2077 threads from now on. Out of respect for the trans community. I mean, 3 threads is too much, but 2 threads is allowed? That's nonsense. Era does not support CDP nor this game, so no threads should be
Total Civil War: the game
Yea,of course I'd be banned...there is no freedom of speech on that are literally told what you can and can't say,lol.Very well written and I agree. But I also had to think how you would get banned over there for "dismissing concerns about transphobia" over there.
The CP2077 threads are for discussions about the game, they already have a stickied thread where they can shit on CDPR, no need to shit in the other CP2077 threads as well where people actually want to discuss the game.
Aside from locking every CP77 thread where the fuck are the mods at whilst all this shit is going down?
They jumped in an emergency bunker waiting for it to sort itself out so they don’t have to make a decision?
they are in a difficult situation because transera isn't satisfied with how the situation is unfolding. not enough people are taking the bait and getting banned. people have mostly learned that it's pointless to talk to these people and that all you are getting for trying is a perm ban for "downplaying issues around transphobia" or something like that if you are not 100% agreeing with their world view so they are all on someone's ignore list or people simply don't respond to them anymore.
they self admitted that the low engagement in the trans awareness thread and the lack of interest in their perceived issues is mighty triggering to them. they are trying to escalate things further by shitting up the remaining cyberpunk threads. but they are unable to because eventually mods have to step in and stop the shitposting as it just getting too blatant. i think they might change their strategy and push for a complete ban of cyberpunk discussion fairly soon, probably after "discovering" something new in cyberpunk 2077 that they deem to be transphobic. this puts the site admins/mods in a difficult situation because completly banning cyberpunk discussion might hurt their bottom line. there might actually be a site exodus if you won't let normal people simply talk about cyberpunk anymore. it's also slippery slope because what studio is getting the next ban? blizzard, bioware, naughty dog and rockstar have done far more problematic things in their history than cdpr. are you going to ban discussion about the next mass effect and gta 6? eventually the site owner is going to lose money. what if transera won't feel safe on the site anymore if people are allowed to discuss these games? what do you do?
The future we can only hope for.yeah it's the precedent that is the problem. Banning Cyberpunk would be one thing, they could survive that, but once you put that marker down people will compare 'hey you banned CDPR because of a tweet but X company has a history of actual harassment, surely that's worse, we should ban them too " and then you're snookered because puritanical people like banning things so people will keep pushing and before you know it you have deleted your gaming board on your gaming forum.
Damn, you ain't kidding. That thread is an absolute trainwreck.They just wanted to shit up that thread which they've done. The last 3 pages are full of garbage although I really enjoy seeing Claven finally being called out for his bullshit. That guy might be the worst poster on that board
A recurring justification for these threads is hearing trans people re: the game and it's treatment of them. But if ya'll just ignore trans criticism and carry on discussing raytracing and system requirements and shit, that justification just sorta... disappears.
this is so on point. it's like the purdge. they are killing one another. that thread is massacre.![]()
Cyberpunk 2077 Night City WIRE: Episode 5 |OT| Time moves in one direction, memory in another [Media Impressions, Console Footage & Discussion] OT
Completely agree with all of these posts. Just ban all CP2077 threads from now on. Out of respect for the trans community. I mean, 3 threads is too much, but 2 threads is allowed? That's nonsense. Era does not support CDP nor this game, so no threads should be
Total Civil War: the game
And its glorious!!!![]()
Cyberpunk 2077 Night City WIRE: Episode 5 |OT| Time moves in one direction, memory in another [Media Impressions, Console Footage & Discussion] OT
Completely agree with all of these posts. Just ban all CP2077 threads from now on. Out of respect for the trans community. I mean, 3 threads is too much, but 2 threads is allowed? That's nonsense. Era does not support CDP nor this game, so no threads should be
Total Civil War: the game
reading post after post from era's trans community, i am pretty sure they are just practising bullying. i don't think they were able to get in touch with their mean side when they were kids(when most people do) so now they are going at it. sad cp funs have to deal with it there.this one is annoying af. the trans loonies are really shitting up the place w endless thread whining.
Im gonna need to know which thread this is
i think what they are really mad about is that they know their cause is not widely supported. they know their idea of gender or non existance of it, will never be fully accepted. not like gay right or gender equality. thats why they whine and cry where ever they can. they never miss an oppurtunity to label people as bigots where they can because they don't get that chance very often.I think part of the problem is while they say they want a safe space, there is no actual fun in a forum where no-one argues back so you can dog-pile them and have them banned. Just ranting and then having everyone go 'thank you for this' only goes so far. Eventually you want someone to bite but unfortunately you have made it so everyone is crystal clear on the consequences for doing that. So now this is happening. People complaining that other people won't 'engage' with them despite spending three years ensuring that the forum is set up so that people aren't allowed to do that.
What's the backstory?
RIP redbat, we barely knew thee.
Damn, you ain't kidding. That thread is an absolute trainwreck.
This is exactly why Black Chamber never should have acknowledged those who demanded that he acknowledge them. They were never going to be okay with his CP2077 discussion threads.
this thread is also one to watch. people are posting hogwarts like they have no care in the world. and others only post "not hogwarts" just to pat themselves on the back.
If blackchamber cares about being there though I could see his account getting banned for not playing ball sadly, if he likes posting there then thats his risk.Damn, you ain't kidding. That thread is an absolute trainwreck.
This is exactly why Black Chamber never should have acknowledged those who demanded that he acknowledge them. They were never going to be okay with his CP2077 discussion threads.