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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Avatar shaming... :messenger_grinning_smiling:

Antagonizing another member? Now that is a selective use of the TOS.
Why is "banned" misspelled?


Gold Member
and this is the delightful Kyuuyis "Backstory"


The loudest activists on Era are the ones that never got over being bullied in high school.

So “she” is an ugly ginger guy that got beaten at school. It’s all starting to make sense now...

Can I just pop in and ask how the fuck is it legal to buy a living person, much less buying a wife. Like what the actual fuck. And how fucked up is it that people on ERA seem OK with it? Like isn't buying a wife the most misogynistic shit you could do?
What the fuck is going on.

I would guess it’s an arranged marriage with a dowry. They are still common in Asian countries, or the UK where there is a high Asian population (think that fool is here in the UK). Amounts to the same thing in my eyes though - if you are unable to find a wife, probably best you don’t breed imo :)

On ERA they will look over that because he is a minority and its part of his “religious belief” so he get a pass. Of course stoning is part of religious belief too in some cultures, but hey as long as you are a minority then you have a “safe space” on REEE.
Can I just pop in and ask how the fuck is it legal to buy a living person, much less buying a wife. Like what the actual fuck. And how fucked up is it that people on ERA seem OK with it? Like isn't buying a wife the most misogynistic shit you could do?
What the fuck is going on.

Arranged marriages are still practiced by some in the south asian diaspora, in the UK at least. The brides are not 'bought', the couple are brought together by their parents and if they hit it off, marriage ensures and sometimes a dowry is paid. Some people say that this is superior system in terms if success than the western way. It's different to forced marriages where the bride has no choice. Those are illegal.

People shouldn't really be laughing at arranged marriages, it's culturally alien but if both parties consent, it's not wrong per se.


Arranged marriages are still practiced by some in the south asian diaspora, in the UK at least. The brides are not 'bought', the couple are brought together by their parents and if they hit it off, marriage ensures and sometimes a dowry is paid. Some people say that this is superior system in terms if success than the western way. It's different to forced marriages where the bride has no choice. Those are illegal.

People shouldn't really be laughing at arranged marriages, it's culturally alien but if both parties consent, it's not wrong per se.

I think the main issue is here that he's "Mr Male feminist" (Unless a woman isnt pro-trans of course then he'll be right there in the cancelling).
I think the main issue is here that he's "Mr Male feminist" (Unless a woman isnt pro-trans of course then he'll be right there in the cancelling).

Aye but the concept of arranged marriage isn't anti-feminist...I suppose - I mean they have equal choice in theory. I suppose it is a bit sus when a dowry is brought into the equation
People shouldn't really be laughing at arranged marriages, it's culturally alien but if both parties consent, it's not wrong per se.

The problem is that in many cases both set of parents consent but one of the parties involved is doing so out of the best interest of their family. Hence you see a lot of Forced marriages and Child marriages that are masked at being "consent" because they are doing what the family is asking of them. I agree it is not funny but in the case of Messyfangeww it was probably the only way he could get a female to marry him.
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Gold Member
So “she” is an ugly ginger guy that got beaten at school. It’s all starting to make sense now...

I would guess it’s an arranged marriage with a dowry. They are still common in Asian countries, or the UK where there is a high Asian population (think that fool is here in the UK). Amounts to the same thing in my eyes though - if you are unable to find a wife, probably best you don’t breed imo :)

On ERA they will look over that because he is a minority and its part of his “religious belief” so he get a pass. Of course stoning is part of religious belief too in some cultures, but hey as long as you are a minority then you have a “safe space” on REEE.
Arranged marriages are still practiced by some in the south asian diaspora, in the UK at least. The brides are not 'bought', the couple are brought together by their parents and if they hit it off, marriage ensures and sometimes a dowry is paid. Some people say that this is superior system in terms if success than the western way. It's different to forced marriages where the bride has no choice. Those are illegal.

People shouldn't really be laughing at arranged marriages, it's culturally alien but if both parties consent, it's not wrong per se.
Thank you for explaining that to me. I admit that it still seems very weird to me but, as you said, everyone involved consents then who am I to disagree? But I still find it highly ironic that this shit seems to fly on ERA where at the same time they're behaving like petulant children when it comes to Cyberpunk.
Thank you for explaining that to me. I admit that it still seems very weird to me but, as you said, everyone involved consents then who am I to disagree? But I still find it highly ironic that this shit seems to fly on ERA where at the same time they're behaving like petulant children when it comes to Cyberpunk.

Being real, I'm not sure it would fly if they decided to apply their usual scrutiny to the subject. Although there would be a certain amount of feminism vs respect for cultural practices in play. And like other people pointed out, the difference between arranged and forced I guess isn't always crystal clear. And then there is the (rare) spectre of 'honour killings' when things go wrong (basically sometimes the wives get murdered by their family if they try and leave the marriage - this is not normal but it happens)


I have seen a contract for an arranged marriage.

This was an actual contract. (Legally binding and signed by a lawyer).

I'm not saying it's normal but it flat out said pay x amount now and x amount after a period of time.

I only saw it as she took refuge where I lived after the husband beat the shit out of her and she escaped with her son.

A contract like that is slavery, it happens and I saw it. I should have scanned it but was so disgusted I ripped it up and binned it. She had already left for somewhere else.
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In the thread: Should white AC:NH Players be allowed to use the new hairstyles???

I have to give them credit for this one, the entire first page was “This is stupid”, and I went to the last post to see if anything changed and it was “This is what happens when white guilt and Twitter meet”


Yeah arranged marriage flies entirely in the face of all their shit they supposedly care about. It is like the most patriarchal form of marriage. If it was a Christian thing they would call this guy a fundie and ban him forever but since it’s an “oppressed” religion he gets a free pass. Even though they still literally kill people for being gay in places run by this religion. That guy just won’t shut up about cancelling people meanwhile his parents set up his own marriage how fucked is that?
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Gold Member

Took a while.


Careful there, Gabe...

”Banned: using a mobile browser that doesn’t show users’ gender”

Im pretty sure trashlamp changed her gender just before she contacted the mods to get marzoo banned.
I was just thinking this the other day. Wouldn’t put it above some of they/them.
The fact that Lamp allegedly just transitioned just makes the idea so much more hilarious.


im sorry its just, when you write dumb shit like this, and you have an arranged marriage, you deserve to be dogpiled for it. dude is going on about privileged microtransactions



keep in mind the ReAl LiFe AbUsE Mr. Arranged Marriage is bitching about here amounts to two years old tweets and a photo of a cosplayer wearing a fake dick


hahaha and he is going on about how people don't really care about marginalized and are just using them for woke points. this guy isn't trans! he's just a man married to a woman! he is literally using the trans issue as his personal soapbox.

face it, you are a married man, you are not trans, you are just using them to browbeat and bully people on the internet. EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE ACCUSING OTHERS OF.

dig the projection here. it's so typical to accuse people of the very thing you are doing.
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To be honest I doubt she even stuck around at this stage.

The dude just rants for attention.

That's ERA now, people who rant and trolls.

(you better pay me Hecht!)


After all this, what baffles me the most is that the ERA activists truly believed they could stop the majority of people on ERA from buying/playing the game. Do they have no idea of the hype of this game? That's it's the first open world Cyberpunk game ever made? People wanna fucking play that shit. Look, the ERA activists have their concerns and that's fine. I don't care. But expecting EVERYONE to share those concerns and partake in a boycot? They really thought they could achieve that.
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Orange Man Bad might’ve lost the election, but Cyberpunks hype, popularity and success will be an equally pleasing meltdown to consume from these fucking losers 🤣

Can’t wait. Also, prepare for the influx of Reee’ers stampeding into the OT after theirs is shutdown for the day 🤣
Looks like the Trans Thread irregulars have pulled out of the Cyberpunk thread today after a bunch of confirmed kills yesterday. Thread has settled down to normal game/hype chat. Until the next incursion.

Lady Bird

Matsuno's Goebbels
Resetera is the only place I've seen where some of the protected members are indistinguishable from real trolls. Like, who needs trolls when the very members you spoil with your moderation practices manage to wreck your community and ignore your site's rules with impunity?

No wonder era's mods claim to have such a hard time catching the real trolls. The subtle difference between those and the morally virtuous assholes is the intention behind their words. You can have a troll and a spoiled narcissist post the very same words side-by-side, and the only criteria to ban one and not the other is not what they say, but who they are.

The Terms of Service, the posting rules, all those things exist to estabilish what is allowed and what is not allowed to be said, so that the community and the moderation staff can be all on the same page. The purpose of a troll is to try to circumvent them. When the trans-trenders do the exact same thing, openly thread-derailing, stalking and insulting other posters (all things against the ToS), while being protected by the moderation team, then they are, effectively, trolls, even if trolling isn't their intention.
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What's the backstory here ? Bought his wife ? how can you buy a human being in this day and age? That's super illegal and unethical wtf. Did he mean brought ? as in arranged marriage ? Like his parents introduced them ?
Someone else already answered but arranged marriages are common in the Middle-East and even some parts of Turkey. Most countries are very patriarchal, you need the father's permission to marry her daughter. It's considered as some kind of collateral/insurance so that their daughter doesn't get abducted. It could be anything depending on the local economy, cattle, livestock, acres of ground, houses, vehicles, gold or straight-up money. However in the end it's just a transaction, give your daughter away to the scummiest but wealthiest bastard in exchange for a paltry sum.

Let your daughters get raped so you can feed your other children. That dude totally bought his wife, no woman would want to sleep with such filth.


Looks like the Trans Thread irregulars have pulled out of the Cyberpunk thread today after a bunch of confirmed kills yesterday. Thread has settled down to normal game/hype chat. Until the next incursion.
I've never seen a popular message board allow certain members to actively bridgade and talk about brigading other members on the site.


Apparently Messofanego is an IAPT counselor, wonder how many white men he'll yell at to kill themselves for oppressing minorities



Lol and closed.

Interesting that this is the game that made them tighten up policies about new threads.
rEaLlY dOn'T nEeD aNoThEr ThReAd fOr ThIs LoL

I bet Mr. Rainbow avy wouldn't say shit if it was another game tho...

And I doubt it's a new policy. Unless "new news, new thread" is no longer a thing. Watch them go back to the usual routine of threads being created left and right about any random game their activist brigade hasn't vilified.
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rEaLlY dOn'T nEeD aNoThEr ThReAd fOr ThIs LoL

I bet Mr. Rainbow avy wouldn't say shit if it was another game tho...

And I doubt it's a new policy. Unless "new news, new thread" is no longer a thing. Watch them go back to the usual routine of threads being being created left and right about any random game their activist brigade hasn't vilified.
You mean like the read dead online thread created today while the game is in the wild already and they should just add a thread mark to an existing thread.


You mean like the read dead online thread created today while the game is in the wild already and they should just add a thread mark to an existing thread.

This is what happens when the braindead admins/mods put themselves in the awkward position of trying to appease both the foaming at the mouth SJWs and the people that don't give a fuck about their screeching and just wanna talk about the game. Now certain games can only have a limited number of threads created about them while almost everything else can have as many as people want. There's a thread for a godawful Jaden Smith song in Miles Morales yet threads that were created to discuss something that's actually worth discussing such as gameplay videos about Cyberpunk 2077 are a no-no. Bunch of retards. And nobody seems to have a problem with SilentPanda spamming 50 threads a day, a lot of that shit is hardly thread worthy and doesn't get more than a dozen replies, some of them don't get any at all.
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