Sir. You've been here less than a week and now talking about transplants from a forum that ~80% of the userbase likely has/had membership here, lol.wonder how many transplants we'll get now
Sir. You've been here less than a week and now talking about transplants from a forum that ~80% of the userbase likely has/had membership here, lol.wonder how many transplants we'll get now
I only read the end:
"For the sake of the transgender community, and the site as a whole.
Don't let things go like this. Nothing good will come of it. The reactions from the thread being locked already demonstrate that.
Please don't repeat what's already failed.
Please, please listen, even though as a currently banned member, I know I have no right to ask that and especially to keep hounding you with messages like this.
But regardless, the point being, no matter how good the intentions of the staff may be here, this will not end well and will not help so I beg for some reconsideration on this matter.
Thank you for your time.
ShironRedshift said:Thank you for your time, and have a wonderful day.
AKA ShironRedshift (and in the NarutoFan days aka Shiron and MeijinNoKori and IceMasterHitsugayaKun and Payaso Coronado along with a bunch of other names I've forgotten)
As one of my favorite video game quotes go,
"Elapsam semel occasionem non ipse potest Iuppiter reprehendere"
"Not even Jupiter can find a lost opportunity."
I’m seriously toying with requesting an account deletion as well, it seems like a quarter of the people I follow on there are banned at this point and probably half don’t even post much anymoreYeah I'm honestly almost on my last leg over there. I like the insiders and gaming discussion from the quality posters that are there, but the mob rule has gotten really bad lately.
The fact that you can be banned for being a "Trumper" (basically 50% of the US population) is completely sad. If they want to promote an echo chamber, it'll be the end of that board eventually. You're already seeing a bit of an exodus at that place.
It's getting to the point where if you IGNORE the cries of their members to acknowledge that a company is somehow transphobic (with zero proof other than they don't like how certain characters are represented), then you are at risk of getting banned. That's insanity.
That's the thing. I hate Trump with a passion. I think he's a despicable human being.
But if I were American I would have voted Republican because I think their party will do a better job for the country.
Era posters are ether unable or unwilling to look past their personal hatred (or agenda) and consider what is best for the country as a whole.
Black chamber n Vestan should join gafYeah those fuckers are not gonna be happy till both Black Chamber and Vestan are perma banned. This is not about creating a "safe" place for them but about creating a dangerous place for everyone else. If BC and Vestan are banned then the group of trans bullies are gonna use that as a stick to beat anyone and everything they don't like. That forum is pretty much a case of "What the trans group bullies want the trans group bullies get"..
Think it is time I transitioned .............................. to another forum.
That's the thing. I hate Trump with a passion. I think he's a despicable human being.
But if I were American I would have voted Republican because I think their party will do a better job for the country.
Era posters are ether unable or unwilling to look past their personal hatred (or agenda) and consider what is best for the country as a whole.
Sir. You've been here less than a week and now talking about transplants from a forum that ~80% of the userbase likely has/had membership here, lol.
You get to enjoy the next four years of them realizing that voting in another old white guy changes nothing.
Giga transera cuck right here.
Being woke wont make cis women fuck you my dude.
Era has a gestapo now.
Imagine being so uneducated or have your head so far up your ass that you literally become what you say you hate.
How is banning peoples on a political vote even considered sane? And they are jumping in joy at the idea! They got their sacrifices.
For real. I'm pretty sure they don't wanna be associated with them.Actual trans people watching TransEra in action:
I can't believe people would want to stay there after reading what the site admin said. If you suspect someone may like trump report them? What in the actual fuck?
Cheebo is gone? holy shit!
That dude shamed everyone who didn't like The Last Jedi like they were a card carrying Nazi.
Typical ERA poster...
Black chamber got permabanned, the ot for it is now being done by b-dubs and it will be text only and made in collaboration with era's trans community.*checks thread, sees posts from 'yesterday' and there's 20 more pages left to go*
I assume some shit went down? Anyone write a TLDR?
Also one thing to note, even though I'm not trans or anything like that, I'm speaking as someone who knows and respects trans people. That being said, I really hope you guys don't think ResetEra in any way, shape or form represent real trans people, be it online or otherwise. They're a completely different group on the Internet and should only be seen to gawk at. I've friends who are trans and they're just struggling like many of us are, albeit in different ways. We should recognize that struggle and uplift them too instead of making glib comments about their suicide rates or appearance. They're just like us and we should open our arms to them too.
That’s my experience with the one trans person I know as well. Couldn’t be more of a genuine badass honestly.I'll add to this. The trans people I know are NOTHING like the ones on Era. They have a sense of humor, they understand that their visibility as a group is very new to a lot of people and there's going to be missteps among those that didn't know they existed a decade ago, and most of all they don't whine about the most minor of perceived microagressions.
To reiterate, ResetEra's trans community is not a good representation of trans people, please do not hate the entire group because of some fringe always-online lunatics.
This year?! Its mental state has been fucked up since the word go lol.
That’s my experience with the one trans person I know as well. Couldn’t be more of a genuine badass honestly.
Exactly. But these idiots think they've only been acting like that "this year". Like I said before, they absolve themselves from any accountability - so of course let's blame the Corona for being a shithead all the time on Era. They love to deflect from the real problem, their awful personality. I blame the mods and admin, who are probably just as terrible as they are, for enabling this mess.
I used to visit there just about every day to talk about games. Right around when the site opened it was alright, people didn’t seem to be crazy.
Fast forward to early this year. I go into a speculation thread about the Harry Potter game (which wasn’t announced at that point), talk about how excited I am, and somehow cop a week ban. That’s about the point where I went “oh damn. These people really are Goddamn crazy.”
first hand: those people need a metric ton of mental help. I don’t know who failed them early in their lives, but hoo boy are they deranged.
Can't wait for the meltdowns about how the game sells or if it reviews well.
I mean, great sentiment and all, so I don't want to shit on your statement, but that's obvious. The characters in play here specifically are off, trans or cis doesn't have anything to do with it, and generally, being trans doesn't make one / free one from being dubious.To reiterate, ResetEra's trans community is not a good representation of trans people, please do not hate the entire group because of some fringe always-online lunatics.
I know where you are coming from but in the end, they are not worth spending energy on. Just leave that place and be done with it. I doubt anyone will read it but I think you can give a reason when you're writing a ticket for account closure. Back when I was leaving to come over here, I was simply stating that ERA has become exactly what they originally said to be against and that a forum where discussion is actively discouraged when you've got "unpopular" opinions is not only immature and anti-democratic but also not helping anyone. If you want to "solve" an issue, you first need to be able to talk about it openly and freely. You can't solve shit by prohibiting discussion about it and banning everyone who dares to mention it. This was even before ERA was starting to ban discussion about games on a goddamn gaming forum.Resetera has many, many , many problems. They are THICK with projection and that might be their biggest issue but TransERA has got to be the most deranged, damaged and toxic online community I've ever seen. After that CP2077 thread, I think I'm fuckin done. Shit, I think most of the blue checkmark having SJWs, simps and landwhales on there have me on ignore anyway. Does anyone have any ideas at all of how I can perform some sort of account suicide? I'm not above calling out some of the pedophiles on the site on the way out.
ZeoVGM took to Black Chamber's twitter to antagonize him further and play dumb. During the exchange this gem came through.
I don't know how much of a moron you have to be to honestly think that it's okay to call people racial slurs because you sport an avatar of a black person.
The irony of someone who will tell you up and down how they're the most progressive person around being perfectly fine with using racial slurs against black people does not escape me.
Completely two faced.
ZeoVGM took to Black Chamber's twitter to antagonize him further and play dumb. During the exchange this gem came through.
I don't know how much of a moron you have to be to honestly think that it's okay to call people racial slurs because you sport an avatar of a black person.
The irony of someone who will tell you up and down how they're the most progressive person around being perfectly fine with using racial slurs against black people does not escape me.
Completely two faced.
No one expected that trans-era would be mad at this game 3 years ago.Black Chamber sounds like a criminal mastermind playing 6D chess for years for some weird endgame of...tearing apart trans-era?
What a bunch of unhinged, paranoid fucks.
Welcome and enjoy your stay!Hello everyone![]()
That wouldn't be fair to the user(s) who are already working on one, unless they're cool with it too.He has been approached by several GAF Members and was asked to post his incredible OT on neogaf. He wants me to ask here if people would like that (he doesnt have an account though).
As long as no one harasses, insults or dogpiles me just for being excited for Cyberpunk 2077 - I think I mightWelcome and enjoy your stay!
I just want to take this moment to apologise to you.Just approvedBlack Chamber
As long as no one harasses, insults or dogpiles me just for being excited for Cyberpunk 2077 - I think I might![]()