Random brainwave..
The kind of raging stupidity you see over on era didn't happen overnight. (Well, on era it did, but that started here and migrated over, you know what I mean)
If Reeeee-ers are coming back, what's to stop the atmosphere from turning into shit again? I understand that last time, it was because there was a subversive mod banning people for BS reasons, but there was build-up long before that. It takes surprisingly few people to affect the general atmosphere of a place even without it being enforced from the top down. Gaf seems like a legitimately chill place to be right now, and it would be nice if it could stay that way. Sincere comments about how offended someone is will, currently, be met with the equivalent of an "okay boomer", but if they start getting taken seriously by the larger community (or what appears to be the larger community because vocal minority), then it's the same path again.
Look at the ban thread over the election period. The REEEEturners were like mosquitos hitting a bug zapper.