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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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I also find in funny they're fine throwing around the term "Uncle Tom" but have probably never read the book. For anybody that hasn't read the book you want to know who absolutely isn't an Uncle Tom? Uncle Tom.
One of my pet frustrations. It's so deeply frustrating that racists took the Christ allegory character (Tom) from a hugely influential anti-slavery book-slash-tract and turned him into a mockery. A depowering parody that black people have unfortunately absorbed. African Americans need to reclaim the OG Uncle Tom.

Anyone who considers themselves a fan of reading owes it to themselves to at least skim Uncle Tom's Cabin. Uncle Tom is supposed to be inspirational character to religious audiences who is so righteous that he is an exemplary slave, but also so Christ-like he will die before he will raise his hand against another, and he will die before he betrays runaway slaves. And at the books' climax, he is beaten to death because he won't betray two runaway slaves. And the men who kill him have a Road to Damascus moment. It's preachy. Unashamedly so. Lest we forget the abolitionist movement was fundamentally religious in nature, to its very bones. There is a widespread ignorance around the history of modern slavery, and the critical role that devout people played in fighting it. Uncle Tom's Cabin is a bit hokey in places, but it's an insight into the mind of a period abolitionist. People should read the thing. Instead, they regurgitate a racist parody of its protagonist.
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One of my pet frustrations. It's so deeply frustrating that racists took the Christ allegory character (Tom) from a hugely influential anti-slavery book-slash-tract and turned him into a mockery. A depowering parody that black people have unfortunately absorbed. African Americans need to reclaim the OG Uncle Tom.

Anyone who considers themselves a fan of reading owes it to themselves to at least skim Uncle Tom's Cabin. Uncle Tom is supposed to be inspirational character to religious audiences who is so righteous that he is an exemplary slave, but also so Christ-like he will die before he will raise his hand against another, and he will die before he betrays runaway slaves. And at the books' climax, he is beaten to death because he won't betray two runaway slaves. And the men who kill him have a Road to Damascus moment. It's preachy. Unashamedly so. Lest we forget the abolitionist movement was fundamentally religious in nature, to its very bones. There is a widespread ignorance around the history of modern slavery, and the critical role that devout people played in fighting it. Uncle Tom's Cabin is a bit hokey in places, but it's an insight into the mind of a period abolitionist. People should read the thing. Instead, they regurgitate a racist parody of its protagonist.
I read it in college and they really did make us understand that Tom was a "Messianic character who died for the sins of slavery" aspect to the book and was definitely no sell out.(I think they might have said he's basically black jesus.)

Astral Dog

i wonder what ERA mods/TransEra would think of Hobbes getting banned from GAF for being too toxic, that is if they remember him at all 🤔


Nothing to worry about on that front.

Did he really come back to this alt right nazi super haven to try and get people banned? How miserable must his life be.
We're in the nihilist phase in the Constructive Community Thread OT. Users are starting to think the staff is going to be insufficient to their demands, which are already astronomically high to begin with because this whole thing started with a fucking advertising poster in a video game. We'll have to see if they get tired or mad again. Either way, it's still an interesting chapter in this chaotic situation driven by mentally ill people.


We're in the nihilist phase in the Constructive Community Thread OT. Users are starting to think the staff is going to be insufficient to their demands, which are already astronomically high to begin with because this whole thing started with a fucking advertising poster in a video game. We'll have to see if they get tired or mad again. Either way, it's still an interesting chapter in this chaotic situation driven by mentally ill people.

Screenshots!!11 We wanna enjoy the full story ;> Thx!


Banshee is a troll for sure. Did you see the puffy vagina comment about Cyberpunk? Almost certainly confirms it for me.

100%, no doubt about it.

Question is who are they and why are they immune?

A Ketkat has 9 lives after all.
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Neighbours from Hell
Not to sidetrack the thread but look at how many people are banned on era and think of if these kinds of people get out into the work force and into positions of power the same rate of people would be fired, blacklisted, or imprisoned over absolutely nothing.

scary times


Well shit, it looks like I missed out on some very entertaining last couple of pages. Too bad that guy was banned before I had a chance to ask him the many, many questions I have.
Well shit, it looks like I missed out on some very entertaining last couple of pages. Too bad that guy was banned before I had a chance to ask him the many, many questions I have.
After reading through it and seeing EviLore EviLore 's post on people having their fill of fun yet, nothing of value was missed. It's like a dog returning to its feces and then bringing you some of it because they want to share the gloriousness of it.


After reading through it and seeing EviLore EviLore 's post on people having their fill of fun yet, nothing of value was missed. It's like a dog returning to its feces and then bringing you some of it because they want to share the gloriousness of it.
Ohh don't get me wrong, I'm not upset that he was banned. That was definitely the right move. We don't need that shit over here. It's just a very rare opportunity to actually have an uncensored discussion with one of "them" without being banned in one post for disagreeing with anything they have to say.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
After reading through it and seeing EviLore EviLore 's post on people having their fill of fun yet, nothing of value was missed. It's like a dog returning to its feces and then bringing you some of it because they want to share the gloriousness of it.

It was kinda grosser than that.

It was like an ex girlfriend (Hobbes) trying to make their recent ex boyfriend (Era) jealous by sitting at the same lunch table as an even older ex boyfriend (GAF).

Complete with a “we are not getting back together and I’m still in love with my recent ex” beginning.

Like who would put up with that?
It was kinda grosser than that.

It was like an ex girlfriend (Hobbes) trying to make their recent ex boyfriend (Era) jealous by sitting at the same lunch table as an even older ex boyfriend (GAF).

Complete with a “we are not getting back together and I’m still in love with my recent ex” beginning.

Like who would put up with that?
The only thing that matters is I got noticed by the dude with the sickest PoundMates summoning.


"they're only going to get craftier"

Black Chamber Black Chamber What did you do to these people?
At this point if these people stub their toe on a rock in their back yard they probably think Black Chamber must have snuck in their yard to re-arrange the rocks the night before because "I know where every rock is because I'm a genius so the only way for it to happen is someone must have moved them which is obviously BC."
It's funny that an incident which involves a black admin telling a tranny whiner to fuck off with their hurt feelings, it is the black admin who is now seen as the victim because other users "appropriated his 'no justice no peace'" slogan when in fact they were just pointing out his hypocrisy when dealing with another group exhibiting the same behavior (not allowing peace until there is justice). And the best part is, the whiners are so confused about their wokeness that they're gladly accepting the shame of doing so. What a bunch of fucking confused, easily manipulated idiots. I'm tempted to point that out in the thread, but there's going to be more of these blow-ups and I want to be around to gently push the narrative into the most destructive of places.

So yes to the army of REEEEEEEEtards that read this thread, some of us on ERA do our best to make it burn. Why? 1 - it's fun. 2 - it's really fun. 3 - pound sand, dummies
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I had to go look up what neurodivergent was

Having an atypical neurological configuration, for example a person who has a developmental disorder and/or a mental illness. The word "Neurodiverse" refers to a group of people where some of the members of that group are neurodivergent.

A neurodivergent person is defined as one whose neurological development and state are atypical, usually viewed as abnormal or extreme. The term was coined in the neurodiversity movement as an opposite for "neurotypical" - previously the term "neurodiverse" was sometimes applied to individuals for this purpose.

Several recognised types of neurodivergence, include autism, Asperger's syndrome, dyslexia, dyscalculia, epilepsy, hyperlexia, dyspraxia, ADHD, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and Tourette syndrome (TS). Left-handedness, transgender and homosexuality are sometimes also included.

Holy shit, I'm WhatYaMaCallIt too. I have mixed handedness. :messenger_beaming: (I do a lot of things left handed but I'm still primarily right handed.)
wow @ the guy who is a homewrecker fucking another man's wife while he is off serving his country. and he is mocking the man on a message board like a true socialists keyboard bitch! you have to be shitting me.

fuck that piece of shit to a million pieces. holy shit. never have i wanted to punch someone i didn't know so much.
That Gold gift has been refunded.



Man, even when they're not screeching, the posts are entertaining as fuck. "I wasn't being racist, I am just neurodivergent!"

The trans community is using all kinds of metaphors in that topic (and usually metaphores concerning the black community) and the black community is not having it...at all. That is the reason people get banned.

Tbh I think the black community (like every other community for that matter) is getting a bit sick of the transEra community.
And lets be honest....we know why. A large part of the Era trans genders are guys who decided to one day become a 'lesbian'. And the communities who are actually experiencing hardships because they are a minorty ain't having that shit. If you actually face forms of discrimination... and some shits on a forum who are suddenly non binary or a-sexual or some shit like that proclaim they are the 'most marginalized community' ...you're gonna be pissed.

And that is what you are seeing in that thread.


It's time, everyone, Resetera has found a new victim to ruin his life:

I read all the tweets in this thread, watched the videos, and I couldn't find ANYTHING that's "bad". The guy does some cringe flirting. The girls accept it and flirt back. It gets sexual, consensually. But now he's evil for ... reasons. I hate Resetera and its cancel culture so much :/ Dear companies, stop listening to them ...

Xaero Gravity

It's time, everyone, Resetera has found a new victim to ruin his life:

I read all the tweets in this thread, watched the videos, and I couldn't find ANYTHING that's "bad". The guy does some cringe flirting. The girls accept it and flirt back. It gets sexual, consensually. But now he's evil for ... reasons. I hate Resetera and its cancel culture so much :/ Dear companies, stop listening to them ...
In the conversation screenshot he specifically says "more videos", which to me says he was sent some before. Going to remain skeptical as this comes across as consensual
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The trans community is using all kinds of metaphors in that topic (and usually metaphores concerning the black community) and the black community is not having it...at all. That is the reason people get banned.

Tbh I think the black community (like every other community for that matter) is getting a bit sick of the transEra community.
And lets be honest....we know why. A large part of the Era trans genders are guys who decided to one day become a 'lesbian'. And the communities who are actually experiencing hardships because they are a minorty ain't having that shit. If you actually face forms of discrimination... and some shits on a forum who are suddenly non binary or a-sexual or some shit like that proclaim they are the 'most marginalized community' ...you're gonna be pissed.

And that is what you are seeing in that thread.
Both of those communities get coddled on ERA, so fuck 'em both for being full of nothing but whiners for whom nothing is ever good enough. ACAB! (All crybabies are bastards).
It's time, everyone, Resetera has found a new victim to ruin his life:

I read all the tweets in this thread, watched the videos, and I couldn't find ANYTHING that's "bad". The guy does some cringe flirting. The girls accept it and flirt back. It gets sexual, consensually. But now he's evil for ... reasons. I hate Resetera and its cancel culture so much :/ Dear companies, stop listening to them ...

It blows me away that people in the public sphere in even the MILDEST way don't think twice about sending shit like this, knowing it can be screenshotted and weaponized publicly anytime. I would expect a bit more caution these days. Not saying these are inherently horrible or non-consensual (obviously we're not shown the context and before and after convos), but they can be so easily shared in order to decimate the individual and ruin their life/career.
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Both of those communities get coddled on ERA, so fuck 'em both for being full of nothing but whiners for whom nothing is ever good enough. ACAB! (All crybabies are bastards).

Maybe, but I bet a black person has more actual problems with oppression than a 'trans' that is just a dude proclaiming to be a lesbian at a website. So I don't blame the black community to be pissed at them.
Maybe, but I bet a black person has more actual problems with oppression than a 'trans' that is just a dude proclaiming to be a lesbian at a website. So I don't blame the black community to be pissed at them.
The black community at ERA is never not pissed. Never not righteously indignant. It's so pathetic. If they got their wish and cops were eliminated, their lives would get exponentially worse. They're too busy crying to see that though.
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