They did the same for Ruth probably.I actually like the Nats, the announcers sucking Soto off every time he blinked was what got old real quick. Plus, y'all aren't the Dodgers.
One of the mods must have changed it when I mentioned my dislike of the word junior being bandied about by the REEs to talk down to newer posters. Junior member title is long gone in GAF but for a second I thought I had a, how did you end up with "Junior"? i checked the ban list
Yeah just kidding around was allOne of the mods must have changed it when I mentioned my dislike of the word junior being bandied about by the REEs to talk down to newer posters. Junior member title is long gone in GAF but for a second I thought I had a warning.
Are you sure we shouldn't Give Them A Chance™Maybe my expectations of someone coming over from reee and realising they don’t have to follow the herd off a cliff are misguided......ahh well back to the popcorn fest
That's all a bit...sad? Why waste time doing that kinda shit?
Saw a thread about Mt Rushmore on Era and it’s times like these that I’m glad I don’t post there anymore. Every thread turns into who can be the most woke.
I think this is the winner:
Yep, arguably the most important person in african american history and he's cancelled now.Seriously? Even Lincoln is canceled now?
People are banned from making threads about the PC exclusive DLC for Death Stranding because it is Cyberpunk 2077 centric. So now the bloated Cyberpunk 2077 OT hosts all discussion ranging from console technical issues, PC performance discussion, constant attempts at thread derailment, and now Death Stranding discussion. It's like they're willfully pretending that the next year isn't gonna be filled with Cyberpunk 2077 DLC for other games.
Wait, that user is back on Era? I thought they got banned?
"Buys game for mature audiences, cannot handle mature content"
care to elaborate?This is the kind of shit that scares me. Neopuritans coninuously trying to censor and make taboo content they don't like. Villains in a fictional world shouting "Get raped!" should never be an issue. You don't like it? Go play something else! It's what I do. It's what every normal, functioning human being does! But not these authoritarians. They don't like it, so nobody must be allowed to.
Really the biggest reason to boycott PlayStation 5 and Sony. Say no to censorship.
care to elaborate?
In case you haven't noticed there is nothing that is NOT sad about Hobbes.Thanks.
That's all a bit...sad? Why waste time doing that kinda shit?
Why was Hobbess banned? Pretty disappointing to be honest. He did nothing that deserved a ban, and it seems he was being honest and genuine. I probably disagree with 99% of his postings on resetera, but it was a fascinating opportunity to engage with him and have a discourse. Dunno, seems needlessly cruel. I guess I'm just regretful I didn't even get a chance to ask him anything. I was compiling a list.
"Buys game for mature audiences, cannot handle mature content"
Hell I'm so old I remember when Gone with the Wind was ok with Hollywood and even a bit progressive because Hattie McDaniel got an oscar for it. Oh wait that was like 10-15 years ago.Seriously? Even Lincoln is canceled now?
Well that's useful. God I wish era had one!
It sucks that Hobbes is banned, but transgender people that I know, one that I've been friends with before they figured themselves out, believes that Resetera has done far more harm towards trans acceptance than even the most transphobic video game you can think of.
Saw a thread about Mt Rushmore on Era and it’s times like these that I’m glad I don’t post there anymore. Every thread turns into who can be the most woke.
I think this is the winner:
Saw a thread about Mt Rushmore on Era and it’s times like these that I’m glad I don’t post there anymore. Every thread turns into who can be the most woke.
I think this is the winner:
blackface was seen a progressive at one point. it was the first forays of black culture into the mass popular consciousness. slavery itself was seen as more humanitarian than the murderous genocide which it replaced.Hell I'm so old I remember when Gone with the Wind was ok with Hollywood and even a bit progressive because Hattie McDaniel got an oscar for it. Oh wait that was like 10-15 years ago.
Given the lunacy and outrage in recent weeks at Resetera, I'm not even sure if the farms troll as much as REEEEERA does at this point.There is a ban aggregator for Era, although its run by a well-known trolling site, so I won't link it here. You could google it.
FUCK Lincoln. Sure, he freed the slaves, but he wasn't sufficiently woke to 2020 standards. Piece of shit. I mean obviously if *I* was around in the 1800s, I would have been just as woke as I performatively am now on a videogame forum one the internet, and I would have done stuff SO much better than abolishing slavery.
I notice that literally nothing in this post talks about Native Americans, aka the only people who have a right to be upset about the sculpture. The history behind the Black Hills is very unpleasant. This is well worth a read.Saw a thread about Mt Rushmore on Era and it’s times like these that I’m glad I don’t post there anymore. Every thread turns into who can be the most woke.
I think this is the winner:
I tried pounding sand once. Got a nasty rash.Go pound sand
Ehh, I use the same username (and avatar) here and there.
If they ban me over the fact I had the nerve of posting somewhere else on the internet, so be it.
I'm sure there are people already sifting through my posts to find dirt on me.
I've thought about it some more
Fuck that dumb tiger
You are wise beyond your years sir
What makes this worse is the tentacles of this attitude can reach into ridiculous directions. Just as an example Boston University is seriously considering renaming its mascot because his name is Rhett. Yes he's named after Rhett Butler which I guess is too racist these days.(Basically they called him Rhett because nobody loves Scarlet more than Rhett.) I also find in funny they're fine throwing around the term "Uncle Tom" but have probably never read the book. For anybody that hasn't read the book you want to know who absolutely isn't an Uncle Tom? Uncle Tom.blackface was seen a progressive at one point. it was the first forays of black culture into the mass popular consciousness. slavery itself was seen as more humanitarian than the murderous genocide which it replaced.
progressive pop culture is not free from cancelling. Charlie Chan was once seen as a progressive figure that worked against Asian stereotypes. nowadays it's seen as blatant racist Orientalism. what was once a progressive representation inevitably gets cancelled because progressives were always racist too. that's the problem with cancel culture, it doesn't just cancel "bad stuff". by erasing history you are erasing the racism of progressives.
there is tons of problematic shit nowadays that gets a free pass due to politics, it doesn't matter, it will be censored in time if we keep going down this road. that is why Gone With the Wind, the first movie where a black lead won an Oscar, was removed. tbh it's not hard to imagine a future in 10-15 years where people look back on The Last Jedi and think it incredibly racist due to all the age-old Stephin Fetchit tropes it saddles it's black lead with.
not to mention if you go down the road of censorship in the name of progress, erasing history to support your bright shining cultural purity, you are literally doing the same as Nazis. they thought they were "on the right side of history" too!
Jesus Christ that last one. Notre Dame doesn't even rhyme with flame. Fucking hell..He was an uncool kid desperate for recognition and tried to get in with "the cool kids" on Resetera. The tolerated him just because he would kiss ass and tell them what they wanted to hear. He constantly overestimated his "Popularity" and they kept slapping him with bans to keep him in line.
can't wait to see ZeroVGM here too
Please no. Might be the most annoying teenager there.