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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Kevin “Kawaidude420” Smith mutters to himself “You did good today” as he turns off his anime night light. Earlier today he sent a death threat on Twitter to a company that develops video games. They did something he doesnt agree with. He puts on his cpap machine and drifts off to sleep. Sleep well Kawaidude420, tomorrow awaits another day where you will improve the world.
Man, Kevin Smith really has gone downhill...

Kagey K

Not just voiced but also motion captured.



Pretty soon they'll demand only minorities can do the motion capture of minority characters.
So it’s OK to whitewash a character as long as the voice actor and mocap actor are black?

Shouldnt Kratos have been voiced by a Greek dude? Or do the same standards not apply?
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Ryu Kaiba

This same argument came up around the time Uncharted 4 launched and Naughty Dog brought sense to it by saying

“That, to me, is what’s so awesome about our medium,” he continued, describing the ability to have actors play characters that don’t look like them. “Your awkward appearance doesn’t matter at all. If it did, Troy [Baker] couldn’t play Joel in The Last of Us. Ashley Johnson couldn’t play Ellie. In a movie version they couldn’t play those roles, but they played them to perfection.” -Neil Druckmann
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Jelly Belly

Ah yes, segregation. Now there's a sensible, non-racist idea.

Yeah fuck that. I go where I please.

Funny thing is that I’m a pretty big Jazz freak and whenever I visit a concert I dont see any black artist (mostly from USA) being annoyed by the sheer respect they get from the mostly white audience.
And if one genre got his roots being discriminated and segregated it’s Jazz.
Why does it not work that way in Jazz but it does in Hiphop? Or is this an American thing? There are plenty of rapper coming over to give a concert here to (mostly) white people. I don’t see them hating their audience. Or do they?
It's always that ONE mod that just hates you and wants to see you off of the forums.
Only one of them? Amateur.

Slightly related...I tried to appeal my permaban by using that kiwi site to see all my "actioned" posts. I went through 4 or 5 of them and pointed out why they were bullshit bans.

It's been a month, but im sure i'll be hearing back from resetera with my unbanning announcement any day now...


I am mad. Seriously, how the fuck is this possible in today's day and age?
The VA for the dwarf is AT LEAST 1.80m! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH TODAY'S WORLD? Do they not think how this hurts the representation of people with dwarfism? I don't actually play video games, but I am definitely going to boycott this game.


What exactly are they saying, anyway?
OP provided no links, no context, just a pot shot and "lol at them, do it".
Need a little more meat in these outrage threads, guys, you know what I'm saying?


Every time someone have to state their "I am non binary alien fe-cunt-male-dog" I hear the sound of meat grinder and wish they would fall into it.

If you have to state your gender/sexuality/whatever to others, you are mentally unstable/ill and attention whore.

Seems like meat grinder would overheat if it would meet RetardEra people.

Funny how white/male characters can be turned into black/female, but not the other way around. (In games it doesnt matter as long as the voice actor does the job)

It basically means that these people are lazy, untalented and have too low IQ to write their own characters instead of stealing others.

Well, look at the global IQ maps and it kind of explains why certain ethnicities do it
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Gold Member

A lot of retarded people who can even enjoy some fucking jokes...

I was gonna write: i'm blow away by his carrier change, i hope she doesn's suck at gaming....but it will probably cost me a ban...

Why even post a topic like that if you can't enjoy some innocent jokes??
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It's sad really.
Chucklefish did post on Resetera directly post game release and I myself was contributing to that conversation and they listened to feedback and complaints. I thought to myself "that's nice".
This sort of behavior is going to drive developers away from any gaming forum.

Sad thing is nobody would have noticed if they didn't post the pictures of the actors in that tweet.


I've finally worked out what I despise about these pwogwwesives.

It's that fucking tone they take. The 'Yikes y'all, why you got to be like that. Try harder y'all'.

My suspicion is it's a form of linguisitic 'blackface' - trying to sound like a ninety year old Louisiana grandpa who shits wisdom and 'tells them there kids what the troof is.'

In reality, it's probably a twenty year old white, vegan graphic designer living in New York and working on a screenplay until his parents rent cheques stop arriving.

They are all cunts.
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Winter John

Harrasment Campaign? What a bullshit title. I looked at that thread and I didn't see anyone in it starting any campaigns or encouraging others to harass the developers. The common opinion in there seemed to be the games industry should hire more diverse voice actors. I don't know why anyone would be against that. There's a couple of loons in there trying to stir up trouble with other posters, but it's Resetera, that's par for the course. I get Resetera has it's loons but posting hyperbolic clickbait threads on here don't make Gaf look better.
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If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Where do these cretins find the time for all this faux outrage? This is what happens when people no longer need to struggle to survive. A bunch of pampered wind bags who probably never worked a real day in their lives or had any real responsibility.
Harrasment Campaign? What a bullshit title. I looked at that thread and I didn't see anyone in it starting any campaigns or encouraging others to harass the developers.

Criticism = harassment. Welcome to 2019.

Also, calling people's attention to accusations of racism against Chucklefish actually *is* a harassment campaign. Stop downplaying this. In sheer volume It's rather small atm, but I wanted to counter these crazies pro-actively this time.


Harrasment Campaign? What a bullshit title. I looked at that thread and I didn't see anyone in it starting any campaigns or encouraging others to harass the developers. The common opinion in there seemed to be the games industry should hire more diverse voice actors. I don't know why anyone would be against that. There's a couple of loons in there trying to stir up trouble with other posters, but it's Resetera, that's par for the course. I get Resetera has it's loons but posting hyperbolic clickbait threads on here don't make Gaf look better.
Give it another day or so on resetera while it spreads to twitter and see where it escalates and then I'll quote you again and laugh at how you think this is all harmless.
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To drag an indie developer over something as small and insignificant as this is total bullshit.

Especially when they probably know absolutely nothing about the development process.

We don't know if the character designs were finalized when the actors were cast. Or if the actors were cast before there even were characters.

Seems to me like smaller dev might just say "OK we need 6 or 7 cheap voice actors for the upcoming game so book them for 2 weeks work in July and we'll figure it out as we go along".

I could see the point if this was something with a huge budget and a huge mainstream presence. Like it would be weird to have an Avengers game where Nike Fury was voiced by Norman Reedus or something.

This is a small indie project we are talking about so maybe cut them some slack?
My man! High five Greek brotha!🇬🇷

Why do people still go to the other site? Haven’t for the longest time but when I did I felt like I needed to take a shower after I left.
I can't speak for everybody, but I personally force myself to watch it as an example of what I could have become, as I could tick a few intersectional boxes myself. Had I remained a poor food service drone instead of becoming a trucker I can easily imagine becoming that bitter and miserable. Hell I was that bitter and miserable back then.

That and the lulz.
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