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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Another developer tries to go woke, but only to go broke again.


All I can say is let the idiots on both sides tear each other apart.

Some of these game developers/Publishers these days are hell bent on pushing the diversity agenda, without even understanding that the exact audience for this type of stuff will roast you alive if you make just ONE teeny tiny mistake. So they're getting everything that's coming to them.

Also notice the OP (GSR) is already pissed that the game dare features other white characters? Again, the lunatics on both sides can't even appeal to each other, but then wonder "lol why did our game bomb?".

The whole thread is just a demonstration of how totally ignorant they are.
Many of them spend their time deriding "gamers" for being dumb but at the end of the day they are no better once when it comes to having no idea what goes into making a game.

Indie projects like Wargroove will have a budget. Probably a budget that they can't really afford to go over.
It's not something like GTA where you can probably get loads of investors and money to go into the game based on the promise of selling 10s of millions of copies.

So when it comes to voice actors they are probably looking for "cheap and local". Or at least cheap.
Adding voice acting might even be an afterthought. We have a bit of money left over so why not add a bit of extra character to our... characters.
Or maybe they wanted voice acting from the beginning and booked people in advance before characters might even be know.

Even a massive project like Skyrim has limited voice acting with a few actors basically playing loads of different characters.
Some don't even try to hide it.

Wargroove probably sold OK.
I'm sure they wanted to get good voice actors but I doubt they would have the means to do tons of auditions etc.
Probably they just outsourced the recruitment to an agency.

It would be interesting to see exactly how it all went down.

The main point is that none of these absolute clowns know for sure how or why this situation came about.

Maybe the devs had cast the VAs and the characters were originally all white but then they realized that they'd be raked over the coals for having no non-white characters so they did a few color palette changes to have a bit more diversity.

They don't know how or why the situation is what it is but they sure are fast to condemn the developer and start moaning about racism.
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The whole thread is just a demonstration of how totally ignorant they are.
Many of them spend their time deriding "gamers" for being dumb but at the end of the day they are no better once when it comes to having no idea what goes into making a game.

Indie projects like Wargroove will have a budget. Probably a budget that they can't really afford to go over.
It's not something like GTA where you can probably get loads of investors and money to go into the game based on the promise of selling 10s of millions of copies.

So when it comes to voice actors they are probably looking for "cheap and local". Or at least cheap.
Adding voice acting might even be an afterthought. We have a bit of money left over so why not add a bit of extra character to our... characters.
Or maybe they wanted voice acting from the beginning and booked people in advance before characters might even be know.

Even a massive project like Skyrim has limited voice acting with a few actors basically playing loads of different characters.
Some don't even try to hide it.

Wargroove probably sold OK.
I'm sure they wanted to get good voice actors but I doubt they would have the means to do tons of auditions etc.
Probably they just outsourced the recruitment to an agency.

It would be interesting to see exactly how it all went down.

The main point is that none of these absolute clowns know for sure how or why this situation came about.

Maybe the devs had cast the VAs and the characters were originally all white but then they realized that they'd be raked over the coals for having no non-white characters so they did a few color palette changes to have a bit more diversity.

They don't know how or why the situation is what it is but they sure are fast to condemn the developer and start moaning about racism.
Yet the mob will also deride a company if they hire a minority (at least a minority that earns virtue points in our current pop-culture version of fairness) and does not pay them enough*. That's even worse and will quickly be compared to slavery, blacksploitation, etc

*enough, as determined by the current whims of the mob based on no consistent logic whatsoever

So if you're paying attention, Saruhashi, when you start a business here are your instructions: Correct Behavior is to not only hire the minority, but to make sure you pay them extra to avoid accusations of prejudice. Pray to God that you didn't hire a Smollett Jr who lies about discrimination anyway and destroys your business. Forced wealth redistribution or else you're a racist.

Isn't it funny how it all comes back to socialism? Another good reminder that the intersectionalism's invasion of gaming was a vanguard effort to affect politics in the West.

I'm going to love the articles in 5 years about how "indie games are lagging behind the industry because they can't afford to pay expensive Kotaku-shilled voice actors".


Harrasment Campaign? What a bullshit title. I looked at that thread and I didn't see anyone in it starting any campaigns or encouraging others to harass the developers. The common opinion in there seemed to be the games industry should hire more diverse voice actors. I don't know why anyone would be against that. There's a couple of loons in there trying to stir up trouble with other posters, but it's Resetera, that's par for the course. I get Resetera has it's loons but posting hyperbolic clickbait threads on here don't make Gaf look better.

Call it whatever you want.
The bottom line is that bullying indie developers over bullshit like this should be condemned.

Nobody seems to have any facts about the situation but they are fine going after a small developer because it makes them feel like they are "fighting" for social justice.


Imagine having so little of actual importance going on in your 'life' that this is an issue for you.
That is the real mystery. Don’t these people have jobs? ...a life? How do they have so much time on their hands that they can spend it all finding ways to be mad at the world?


Regarding this Wargroove thing, why stop at the VAs? Are the artists who designed the characters also PoC? Won't be long until we see someone post something like "a white artist can't create a PoC character that truly represents a PoC".
Reeeee can't stop this crusade until we reach 100% purity.


Every time someone have to state their "I am non binary alien fe-cunt-male-dog" I hear the sound of meat grinder and wish they would fall into it.

If you have to state your gender/sexuality/whatever to others, you are mentally unstable/ill and attention whore.

Seems like meat grinder would overheat if it would meet RetardEra people.

Funny how white/male characters can be turned into black/female, but not the other way around. (In games it doesnt matter as long as the voice actor does the job)

It basically means that these people are lazy, untalented and have too low IQ to write their own characters instead of stealing others.

Well, look at the global IQ maps and it kind of explains why certain ethnicities do it
Quite the angry post you've made here. I'm most interested in this last line. Would you care to elaborate?


Rapid Response Threadmaker
The one actress for Vesper is saying that she was told that the role called for a "Cruella de Vil" voice with an English accent.

It's possible a lot of these voice actors don't see the characters they are voicing beforehand.

Why is the OP just a random post?


Regarding this Wargroove thing, why stop at the VAs? Are the artists who designed the characters also PoC? Won't be long until we see someone post something like "a white artist can't create a PoC character that truly represents a PoC".
Reeeee can't stop this crusade until we reach 100% purity.
That's actually an interesting topic.

Where do SJW's draw the line? They want rap music to be based around race. They want voice actors to be based around race. They want certain words to be based around race. So why do they clearly ignore the actual artists behind these games?

I think it's safe to assume a company like Nintendo is made up of 99% Japanese staff, and yet it's still non-whites who most likely animated Mario. Where is Resetera to call Nintendo a bunch of Nazis for this?


Or how about the comic book industry? No boycotts for the fact the artist behind Spawn is White?


But of course, SJW's don't operate on any consistency. They only want to scream racism as a means of pissing off other people, not because they actually believe in "justice".
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An entire website summed up in one post.

I kind of feel bad for them. They can't find happiness period. No matter what they do and how much good stuff does happen in the world, they will never find happiness no matter what. That's a shitty way to live life and it's not something they can just snap out of their head.


You ain't the brightest server in the coffee shop are you son

You can whine all you want about the terminology of the thread title but you're absolutely deflecting.
Do you think an attack is warranted on an indie developer for not having black people voice black characters?


Response from the developer explaining what happened. An apology if you will.
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Off-Site Inflammatory Member
You can whine all you want about the terminology of the thread title but you're absolutely deflecting.
Do you think an attack is warranted on an indie developer for not having black people voice black characters?


Response from the developer explaining what happened. An apology if you will.

So they hired based on merit, and that's a problem. A problem so serious they had to apologize for "harm" they caused? WHAT HARM?

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


You can whine all you want about the terminology of the thread title but you're absolutely deflecting.
Do you think an attack is warranted on an indie developer for not having black people voice black characters?


Response from the developer explaining what happened. An apology if you will.
I really wish developers can just respond with 'It's none of your fucking business'. The team are the ones pouring in the hard work into making this game., no the idiots at Era. They don't get to decide how the creative process goes.


Did you not want to be verified over there or did they never vett you for some reason?

They vetted me and even told me that I was vetted, but used the excuse that I wasn't an actual game developer. Without that "verified" label, I was continuously trolled as being a "know-it-all".

Kev Kev

Got perma-banned today. Yay!

I’m trying my best to keep my mouth shut over there but only because I want to continue participating in the sober community.

Currently banned for 3 days because I told a mod their opinion sucked, which apparently was “aggressive” enough to warrant the ban.

Yeah I’m feeling it’s only a matter of time before I get perma’d as well, which is a shame because I know I’ve contributed a lot to that sober thread which has helped people. The thread helped me get sober as well. But no, none of that matters if I don’t fall in line with being offended by every little thing and agreeing with the cry babies. Smh, fucking idiots


Holy shit.... With the way this news read, I was expecting some cinematic game with realistic graphics, motion capture, and high tier writing/acting.

This is the game they're mad about:


What a bunch of whiny cunts.


Gold Member
They vetted me and even told me that I was vetted, but used the excuse that I wasn't an actual game developer. Without that "verified" label, I was continuously trolled as being a "know-it-all".

Don't worry. They pull that with everyone. They only verify people if that person can benefit them in some way. You'd have to be a game developer they could use as an inside source.

For example, I run one of the bigger MCU sites. I broke the news that Marvel would be making an Eternals movie, Endgame would have a five-year time jump and time travel, that they were doing a solo Hawkeye project that then became the Disney+ series with Kate Bishop, what Katherine Langford's role in Endgame was. I also have a verified Twitter account with 90K followers. Because I have actual sources, but I'd NEVER give up their names in order to protect their livelihoods.

So last May, ResetEra decided to shake me down demanding I provide them proof. The admins, including Zhuge, PMed me demanding evidence.

I'd NEVER EVER give up sources names or anything identifying about them. Could you imagine if Disney got a call from someone named ZhugeEX asking them if a named employee was leaking stuff? That person would be fired immediately.

So I gave them some cropped Twitter DMs that hid the person's name, picture, etc. That wasn't good enough for them:


"We'd ultimately need more than Twitter DMs" because they wanted names and identifying information for confidential sources.

They tried to shake me down over the summer regarding who was leaking the Joker script, so I just cited the California Shield Law to them so they could go fuck themselves.
Can someone tell me where/when this bullshit ends? Will we reach a point when the insanity stops?
When these devs stop pandering their games to them (wargroove prime example) and when journalists become objective and push back on the madness not supporting the weirdos.


What a bunch of garbage.

Obviously the same type of people that felt I deserved a ban when all I said was voice actors have availability issues. Some are booked and can't do it, some can.

In every instance, I would hope, the team would want a good and talented group of voice actors. They're not going to turn them away because of their skin color.

Honestly, it shouldn't fucking matter. A good actor is a good actor.
I would make a thread on the overall nothingness of outrage culture, but in time.

Whenever these 'issues' pop up on Twitter, especially Twitter. I am always reminded of what Issac Asimov had to say on predicting the future from a 1964 perspective:

Predictions Isaac Asimov Made About 2014 in 1964

The human race would be incurably bored

In what Asimov declared his "most somber speculation I can make about A.D. 2014," the writer believed society would fall into a sense of enforced leisure: "Mankind will suffer badly from the disease of boredom, a disease spreading more widely each year and growing in intensity. This will have serious mental, emotional and sociological consequences, and I dare say that psychiatry will be far and away the most important medical specialty in 2014. The lucky few who can be involved in creative work of any sort will be the true elite of mankind, for they alone will do more than serve a machine."

More here:



We come from a culture who’s gone thru hundreds of years of ottoman slavery, had our culture and lands raped and burned.

see us crying? Never ... we fight instead. And why? Because the United States of America and western civ gave us the opportunity.

children today are spoiled pussies.... and retarded
..... μπαρδόν;


I’m trying my best to keep my mouth shut over there but only because I want to continue participating in the sober community.

Currently banned for 3 days because I told a mod their opinion sucked, which apparently was “aggressive” enough to warrant the ban.

Yeah I’m feeling it’s only a matter of time before I get perma’d as well, which is a shame because I know I’ve contributed a lot to that sober thread which has helped people. The thread helped me get sober as well. But no, none of that matters if I don’t fall in line with being offended by every little thing and agreeing with the cry babies. Smh, fucking idiots

I posted normally for just over a year, and by normally by Resetera standards that means avoiding posting anything in topics that were related to gender, race or politics. I was a good solid pillar of a community topic just as you are. Then I got three bans almost back to back, the last one being for "Trolling" (Disagreeing with someone in real terms).

You know the forth ban is a perma if your a cis white male not in a protected group. Just like that 80's action hero movie trope about the retired hero just wanting to live out his life in peace as I'd given up that troll life a long long time ago I was fucking insulted to get a ban for trolling when I wasn't trolling at all. I am/was a fucking MASTER TROLL, YOU WANT TO SEE TROLLING ree Mods? I'll fucking show you trolling. Back for one last mission smooth and silent just as always. You wont even fucking see it coming.

Here's the thing, since I started actually actively trolling them I've received exactly ZERO fucking bans. I don't screencap my trolls here, but on more that one occasion the farms have, believing they are real or screencapped the fallout from one of my trolls (shoutout to DriveByTrolling).

I just want to be Thanos chilling in the garden but just like Batman the ree mods made their own supervillain. Reap what you sow.


Στους δύο τρίτος χωρεί;
Και τέταρτος ;)

We come from a culture who’s gone thru hundreds of years of ottoman slavery, had our culture and lands raped and burned.

see us crying? Never ... we fight instead. And why? Because the United States of America and western civ gave us the opportunity.

children today are spoiled pussies.... and retarded

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I’m trying my best to keep my mouth shut over there but only because I want to continue participating in the sober community.

Currently banned for 3 days because I told a mod their opinion sucked, which apparently was “aggressive” enough to warrant the ban.

Yeah I’m feeling it’s only a matter of time before I get perma’d as well, which is a shame because I know I’ve contributed a lot to that sober thread which has helped people. The thread helped me get sober as well. But no, none of that matters if I don’t fall in line with being offended by every little thing and agreeing with the cry babies. Smh, fucking idiots

I can start a community thread for you over here if you like. I’m overdue for some sobriety


Don't worry. They pull that with everyone. They only verify people if that person can benefit them in some way. You'd have to be a game developer they could use as an inside source.

For example, I run one of the bigger MCU sites. I broke the news that Marvel would be making an Eternals movie, Endgame would have a five-year time jump and time travel, that they were doing a solo Hawkeye project that then became the Disney+ series with Kate Bishop, what Katherine Langford's role in Endgame was. I also have a verified Twitter account with 90K followers. Because I have actual sources, but I'd NEVER give up their names in order to protect their livelihoods.

So last May, ResetEra decided to shake me down demanding I provide them proof. The admins, including Zhuge, PMed me demanding evidence.

I'd NEVER EVER give up sources names or anything identifying about them. Could you imagine if Disney got a call from someone named ZhugeEX asking them if a named employee was leaking stuff? That person would be fired immediately.

So I gave them some cropped Twitter DMs that hid the person's name, picture, etc. That wasn't good enough for them:


"We'd ultimately need more than Twitter DMs" because they wanted names and identifying information for confidential sources.

They tried to shake me down over the summer regarding who was leaking the Joker script, so I just cited the California Shield Law to them so they could go fuck themselves.

What a bunch of morons.


Gold Member
Honestly I think its an American thing where they are so afraid of getting sued for making a pass. Everybody else can read the room.

I mean i'm american and its always been just take a swing and a miss but I guess I am from a different generation being in my early 30's

Also pitchforks are out

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