Another developer tries to go woke, but only to go broke again.
Wargroove (Chucklefish) is receiving criticism for casting white actors for its POC characters(Dev respond, see threadmark)
This is making the rounds on Twitter at the moment; Wargroove's upcoming DLC features four new primary characters, three of whom are POC, and all of whom are voiced by white actors or actresses. The base game also features what seems to be* a mostly white cast, with the exceptions of
All I can say is let the idiots on both sides tear each other apart.
Some of these game developers/Publishers these days are hell bent on pushing the diversity agenda, without even understanding that the exact audience for this type of stuff will roast you alive if you make just ONE teeny tiny mistake. So they're getting everything that's coming to them.
Also notice the OP (GSR) is already pissed that the game dare features other white characters? Again, the lunatics on both sides can't even appeal to each other, but then wonder "lol why did our game bomb?".
The whole thread is just a demonstration of how totally ignorant they are.
Many of them spend their time deriding "gamers" for being dumb but at the end of the day they are no better once when it comes to having no idea what goes into making a game.
Indie projects like Wargroove will have a budget. Probably a budget that they can't really afford to go over.
It's not something like GTA where you can probably get loads of investors and money to go into the game based on the promise of selling 10s of millions of copies.
So when it comes to voice actors they are probably looking for "cheap and local". Or at least cheap.
Adding voice acting might even be an afterthought. We have a bit of money left over so why not add a bit of extra character to our... characters.
Or maybe they wanted voice acting from the beginning and booked people in advance before characters might even be know.
Even a massive project like Skyrim has limited voice acting with a few actors basically playing loads of different characters.
Some don't even try to hide it.
Wargroove probably sold OK.
I'm sure they wanted to get good voice actors but I doubt they would have the means to do tons of auditions etc.
Probably they just outsourced the recruitment to an agency.
It would be interesting to see exactly how it all went down.
The main point is that none of these absolute clowns know for sure how or why this situation came about.
Maybe the devs had cast the VAs and the characters were originally all white but then they realized that they'd be raked over the coals for having no non-white characters so they did a few color palette changes to have a bit more diversity.
They don't know how or why the situation is what it is but they sure are fast to condemn the developer and start moaning about racism.
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