The Elite
This might be the most insufferable human being on the planet.
This might be the most insufferable human being on the planet.
I mean i'm american and its always been just take a swing and a miss but I guess I am from a different generation being in my early 30's
Also pitchforks are out
Have to say it sucks that my thread was deleted and posts put in here. It's not about Resetera, but Chucklefish, a game dev, being attacked by.the mob on Twitter, supported by Resetera. This deserved a thread. Oh well ... :/
Anyways, Chucklefish bowed to the crazies and apologized. Don't think I'll support Chucklefish going forward. I'm just sick of developers encouring the toxic behavior of the mob.
I have already seen the future:A portion of the autistic community has been trying to rebrand autism away from being a disorder to instead use words like "neurodivergent". Problem is that they now have a propensity to get angry at anyone implying that autism is a disorder. Some people with autism would rather be "neurotypical", are they just going to silence them?
Have to say it sucks that my thread was deleted and posts put in here. It's not about Resetera, but Chucklefish, a game dev, being attacked by.the mob on Twitter, supported by Resetera. This deserved a thread. Oh well ... :/
Anyways, Chucklefish bowed to the crazies and apologized. Don't think I'll support Chucklefish going forward. I'm just sick of developers encouring the toxic behavior of the mob.
Believe it or not, there are more important things in my life than worrying about a developer handling an interview poorly and being a small team that is overwhelmed by a toxic community. Why should I allow that to impact my enjoyment of the game? Many people are able to separate the art from the artist but I also still don't believe these developers are some sort of woman-hating nazis. A small team can only do so much to control the toxicity of their community and as many others have said, a majority of multiplayer games have toxic communities. This game/team just appears to be the pick of the week because of a poorly handled interview
Generally if it's about how ResetERA is behaving, it goes here. Keeps the boards much cleaner, too, I've noticed.Have to say it sucks that my thread was deleted and posts put in here. It's not about Resetera, but Chucklefish, a game dev, being attacked by.the mob on Twitter, supported by Resetera. This deserved a thread. Oh well ... :/
Anyways, Chucklefish bowed to the crazies and apologized. Don't think I'll support Chucklefish going forward. I'm just sick of developers encouring the toxic behavior of the mob.
Is there anything feistyboots isn't?? Now he's autistic?? geezThis might be the most insufferable human being on the planet.
Going for the gold in the oppression olympics takes effort.Is there anything feistyboots isn't?? Now he's autistic?? geez
dude thatd be great! especially with the first of the year coming up i'm sure a lot of people will want some support. i don't think i'll be able to make topics here for a while?? tag me in it or send me a message if you get around to making it. thanks!I can start a community thread for you over here if you like. I’m overdue for some sobriety
Surprised the user hasn't been banned yet.Someone just dropped a tidbit on IQ.
Autism and ADHD Share a Common Genetic Burden
Is testing for Down’s syndrome and other severe genetic issues eugenics? Obviously you are high functioning, but the majority are not that lucky: 31% of children with ASD were classified in the range of intellectual disability (
Is this the only time SJW's care about science?
I only see the funny content people post here about Feisty Boots. So I don't know his full posting trend. And all his posts are extreme and controversial.Feisty Boots: "I'm autistic. Yes, I know the difference. Advocating that we cure something that isn't a disease is fucked up. "
I have OCD
Some people with autism would rather be "neurotypical", are they just going to silence them?
I recall reading articles eons ago regarding the blind and deaf community striking back against advances in ways to treat those disabilities. They had formed a culture around their disability to the point they did not see it as one.
I will bet every dollar I have that the usual group trying to promote "the normal way of life" are full of White liberals.I recall reading articles eons ago regarding the blind and deaf community striking back against advances in ways to treat those disabilities. They had formed a culture around their disability to the point they did not see it as one.
FeistyBoots said:Hey all, just wanted to give an update - after having my suspicions dismissed by my therapist, psychologist and psychiatrist I went outside my insurance provider to get assessed for ASD using the ADOS and a series of interviews.
I got the results yesterday - I am indeed autistic.
FeistyBoots said:So an update from me - yesterday I severed ties with the therapist who refused to accept my ASD1 diagnosis and was looking for any excuse to dismiss the work of the licensed psychologist with a PhD in the field and 20 years' experience working with autistic people. Not about to pay for the privilege of being gaslit.
43 year old FeistyBoots doctor shopped to get their ASD diagnoses:
He/She/It/They are truly a walking tribute to Reeeesetera. Is that the one with the laundry list of "character attributes" or afflictions they wear like a badge of honor?
0 reasons to be an ERA member boosted by 20% can self-identify as a positive integer, I suppose.Their forum would instantly improve by about 20% if they banned this one person.
They...they are all diagnosing each other with autism..
I believe that poster claims to work at Blizzard on Overwatch, but I honestly have to doubt the veracity of the claim... I'd definitely be surprised.
Yes, they also "nearly failed out of 3rd grade" and Ketkat is the one who helped them realize this year at age 43 that they're actually trans-non-binary-demi-lesbian or whatever:He/She/It/They are truly a walking tribute to Reeeesetera. Is that the one with the laundry list of "character attributes" or afflictions they wear like a badge of honor?
43 year old FeistyBoots doctor shopped to get their ASD diagnoses:
Serious talk here for a moment, but to me, on a relatively deep view, a LARGE portion of the "prominent members" seem to claim to have Autism or some other mental disorder. Why is that? How did they all find each other? I know, maybe a couple people in real life with it, but if you look at ResetEra, you'd think 50-75% of the population is "neuroatypical". What the heck?
Their forum would instantly improve by about 20% if they banned this one person.
I mean, when you purposefully create a deranged environment that expels normal and reasonable people who refuse to just eat up their twisted view of reality, you really only allow for one kind of person to thrive.
That and creating an environment that praises victimization. Hence, everyone wants to have a disability or axe to grind of some sort, so they can climb the ladder.
It’s really sick stuff, imo.
The guy sounds like every parent's dream kid.Yes, they also "nearly failed out of 3rd grade" and Ketkat is the one who helped them realize this year at age 43 that they're actually trans-non-binary-demi-lesbian or whatever:
Though I guess the "amazing therapy" wasn't that great since they had to dump their therapist, psychologist and psychiatrist for gaslighting them about their autism diagnosis.
Wouldn't surprise me at major trolls.So, uh, if what I just heard is accurate, not only is FeistyBoots a troll, but he (yes he identifies as male) is not the only one with some degree of visibility.
I have a friend in the TransEra discord that is aware of 4 other posters excluding Feisty in there that are total trolls, 2 of which are high profile posters. Out of all 5 of these alleged trolls, only 1 is actually trans/nb, and she's apparently the biggest edgelord of them all.
FeistyBoots is the only name I've been given since my friend wants to see how far the others can take it and she thinks he's laying it on way too thick and is probably going to get exposed soon anyway. And no, I'm not going to name my friend either since she actually does like it in there even if she acknowledges it gets heavy handed at times.
Of course she could also be totally fucking with me here. Wouldn't be the first time. I asked her if I could post it here and she said yeah since it would be funny (I know you're reading this, lol). I guess we'll see what happens and if they ever get exposed.
Edit: And to clarify, the friend in question is not an Era troll and barely posts as it is. If anything, she's neutral in all this and just finds it funny whenever a big drama flares up.
muahahahahahaha they banned me for this post
Wargroove (Chucklefish) is receiving criticism for casting white actors for its POC characters(Dev respond, see threadmark)
If the VA is good i dont see a problem... Darth vader was voiced by a poc and he was a white guy. Who knows how many other times this happen
That thread is like Ban Olympics! Tons of people getting the hammer! Mods working OT.muahahahahahaha they banned me for this post
Wargroove (Chucklefish) is receiving criticism for casting white actors for its POC characters(Dev respond, see threadmark)
If the VA is good i dont see a problem... Darth vader was voiced by a poc and he was a white guy. Who knows how many other times this happen
the funny things is that other guys had posted examples like nadine in unchy4 being voiced by a white woman and no one said nothing...That's intellectual consistency by supporting your argument with relevant examples, not "whataboutism."
The two posts below yours take the cake, I gotta say:muahahahahahaha they banned me for this post
Wargroove (Chucklefish) is receiving criticism for casting white actors for its POC characters(Dev respond, see threadmark)
If the VA is good i dont see a problem... Darth vader was voiced by a poc and he was a white guy. Who knows how many other times this happen
It's insane. I don't know why ERA is stirring things up yet again.In best 'it's never enough' manner, industry cancer Patrick Klepek wrote a hitpiece after Chucklefish apologized, complaining about their apology.
'Wargroove' Dev Responds to Criticism for Casting White Actors to Portray Characters of Color
Developer claims "blind" casting lead them in this direction, with a predictable "promise to do better" in the
Well done giving in to these people, Chucklefish![]()
The guy sounds like every parent's dream kid.
You'd think this guy would post his life story on WebMD or a Dr. Phil forum.
Who knew acting like an ass on a video game board would be his life's calling.