Master of Disguise Who are you supposed to be?
You can see the disguise slipping too...
Master of Disguise Who are you supposed to be?
He is the very definition of a real journalist. His exposes are consistently excellent, and corrupt studio bosses hate him because he keeps making them look bad. And gamers hate him because he tells them things they don't want to hear or think about. Like when he said that No Man's Sky was going to be delayed, and fanboys went ballistic at HIM for some enigmatic reason.
We shall call this maneuver "transmuting".
A terrible movie.Master of Disguise Who are you supposed to be?
What do you mean?Master of Disguise Who are you supposed to be?
Jason exposes suffering. The working conditions and culture of the games industry are absolutely unacceptable, and studio bosses lie through their teeth about the human cost, brutality, and outright cruelty of the industry. Risking your own life isn't a condition of meaningful journalism. Being a voice for people who will be run out of a poisonous industry run by sociopaths is an inherently valuable contribution.I find it quite sad how you belittle real journalism. Lots of journalists risk their lives everyday in order to bring REAL stories that impact people and expose suffering.
He doesn't need to be balanced or objective. He just needs to be right. His reputation as a journalist hinges on him being consistently right. People who disagree with him are consistently wrong. That's how you become a trusted source. By being right over and over.Jason basically spends all his time fishing for disgruntled employees (vast majority of which are jilted ex-employees) in order to share some gossip with him, so he can do and publicize that and make a story out of it. There's nothing particularly meaningful, important, or impactful about any of his stories. He's neither balanced nor objective.
The only toxicity comes from gamers who are super defensive of soulless corporations. The cult of hype around No Man's Sky was poisonous. People lashed out hatefully when they were told that things were not rosy behind the scenes. Then acted all surprised Pikachu face when the game was clearly pushed out the door with years of work left to be done.Wow, he broke that a game will be delayed? Who gives a shit. His "reporting" doesn't help anyone, it just generates more toxicity.
This is complete, utter nonsense. "Rotten personality". How dare victimized employees of corrupt, malicious, lying organizations confide in a trusted expose journalist. They should pretend everything is fine. It's not fine. It is catastrophically not fine. The entire AAA games industry is teetering on the brink of the collapse. And these studios think they can keep up the status quo of feeding employees into a metaphorical mincer to keep the wheels greased, and everything will be fine. It won't be fine.Especially for the developers he pretends he's helping. Finding disgruntled employees that will vent to you in order to shit on their current or previous workplaces isn't that tough. It's just that most people don't have the frankly, rotten personality to focus on and indulge in that.
He has never been wrong about a single allegation, ever. Bioware, Treyarch, Naughty Dog, Activision as a whole, CDPR, Crytek, and so on. That's why people trust his journalism even he's insufferable as an individual. How do you think we know that people weren't paid for months on end at Crytek UK? Because Jason wrote an article about it, exposing Crytek's behavior to the public eye. Without that article, there's a lot of crap we wouldn't know about Crytek's behavior. That was 6 years ago.Jason takes the words and opinion of a single person, who typically didn't even work on the project that he wants to shit on, and extrapolates that in order to pretend its the sentiment of hundreds of people at the company. He shares a twisted, least charitable version of company culture and environment, based on an extremely limited and subjective data point. How is that good for anyone?
He argues that leaking games isn't in the public interest. There has always been the stance that real journalism is about stories that are in the public's best interest to know.He used to be a real journalist.
I liked when he would divulge information about upcoming games that haven't been announced. He hasn't done one of those in ages.
He's absolutely, unequivocally right, though. The games industry has a brutal crunch problem. It has terrible working conditions. A poisonous culture of bullying. Employees are treated as disposable. That IS the larger picture.Instead, he's on a crusade against huge studios because he talks to a few ex-employees and thinks that this tells the entire story of what's going on. That's not real journalism. He's painting a large picture based on incomplete information, weaponizing the story on twitter, and in the process pissing a lot of genuine developers off with his holier than thou nonsense that's trying to push a narrative of "crunch slavery".
Instead, he's on a crusade against huge studios because he talks to a few ex-employees and thinks that this tells the entire story of what's going on
He argues that leaking games isn't in the public interest. There has always been the stance that real journalism is about stories that are in the public's best interest to know.
He's absolutely, unequivocally right, though. The games industry has a brutal crunch problem. It has terrible working conditions. A poisonous culture of bullying. Employees are treated as disposable. That IS the larger picture.
He's absolutely, unequivocally right, though. The games industry has a brutal crunch problem. It has terrible working conditions. A poisonous culture of bullying. Employees are treated as disposable. That IS the larger picture.
To me he seems to be out of the loop/is odd and I can't take him seriously after articles such as these. (tbf not that I ever took him seriously in the first place)Jason exposes suffering
What do you mean?
Jason exposes suffering. The working conditions and culture of the games industry are absolutely unacceptable, and studio bosses lie through their teeth about the human cost, brutality, and outright cruelty of the industry. Risking your own life isn't a condition of meaningful journalism. Being a voice for people who will be run out of a poisonous industry run by sociopaths is an inherently valuable contribution.
My sidesJason exposes suffering. The working conditions and culture of the games industry are absolutely unacceptable, and studio bosses lie through their teeth about the human cost, brutality, and outright cruelty of the industry. Risking your own life isn't a condition of meaningful journalism
The fuck is acephobia? Fear of people who don't want to have sex? Who the fuck is scared of that? Yeah, culturally people have been conditioned to fear gay and trans people, but asexual people is kind of a weird group to target. They literally don't hurt anybody because they don't fuck.![]()
this is the best
Yeah but he blindly defended Zoe Quinn when her ex boyfriend came out about her abuse, and helped make sure that instead of being held accountable for her shitty actions zoe quinn would be seen as some sort of feminist messiah. He blocks you if you ever call him out for holding an abuser up on a pedestal while destroying the reputation of her victim(s). He can go fuck himself. Doing good journalism half the time doesn't excuse his shitty unethical borderline slanderous journalism other half of the time.
"crunch" is just overtime in just about every other industry in the world. Hell truck drivers tend to average 60-70 hours a week if you include driving, paperwork and loading/unloading.
I was mostly referring to Eron when he made the Zoe Post, hell there's screen caps of Anthony Burch admitting that zoe is a huge piece of shit but that they HAD to defend her to stand up to "harassment against women"![]()
Night In The Woods Designer Alec Holowka Dies
Alec Holowka, a developer on Night in the Woods and other independent video games, died Saturday morning, according to his sister. The news comes days after allegations began to circulate against Holowka, as multiple people accused him of abusive
Yes, Alec just "Died". Not commited suicide to to #metoo whitchunting pushed by people like Jason.
Holy crap.*barf noises*
No shit...Master of Disguise Who are you supposed to be?
Holy crap.
That reply was like straight out of ReesetEra.
No shit...
But I love that ban message!
Holy shit it's the hottest new thing now on Era to write massive posts,
2504 words.
TLDR: I'm a looser in my 30's, maybe I'm trans.....
Yet another trans trender.
Highly disagree on crunch. There are clear documented cases that videogame developers have to work overtime often unpaid for months on end to get the game released. A lot of AAA studios foster a culture of workaholism that is draining and is not properly rewarded. This is not your "project overtime" or working 80 hours a week on your business expecting huge rewards. It's using passion for the craft and industry to extract as much as you can from low and medium ranking workers that you can get away with. Jason does great work exposing this and other shitty corporate practices.
That being said as a human being he seems to be full of himself, but try doing better than him.
He doesn't need to be balanced or objective.
It's even worse: "liked" as in past tense.![]()
Lol that's what people get for saying they like Mike Matei. What a pathetic bunch.
The level of delusion is off the chart.![]()
this is the best
When developers are treated better and crunch less, they often do produce better higher quality games like Supergiant and sometimes manage games better like Insomniac.Highly disagree on crunch. There are clear documented cases that videogame developers have to work overtime often unpaid for months on end to get the game released. A lot of AAA studios foster a culture of workaholism that is draining and is not properly rewarded. This is not your "project overtime" or working 80 hours a week on your business expecting huge rewards. It's using passion for the craft and industry to extract as much as you can from low and medium ranking workers that you can get away with. Jason does great work exposing this and other shitty corporate practices.
That being said as a human being he seems to be full of himself, but try doing better than him.
Jason?He is the very definition of a real journalist. His exposes are consistently excellent, and corrupt studio bosses hate him because he keeps making them look bad. And gamers hate him because he tells them things they don't want to hear or think about. Like when he said that No Man's Sky was going to be delayed, and fanboys went ballistic at HIM for some enigmatic reason.
Jfc, how many phobias are there that go against these nutjobs?![]()
this is the best
Highly disagree on crunch. There are clear documented cases that videogame developers have to work overtime often unpaid for months on end to get the game released. A lot of AAA studios foster a culture of workaholism that is draining and is not properly rewarded. This is not your "project overtime" or working 80 hours a week on your business expecting huge rewards. It's using passion for the craft and industry to extract as much as you can from low and medium ranking workers that you can get away with. Jason does great work exposing this and other shitty corporate practices.
That being said as a human being he seems to be full of himself, but try doing better than him.
Short and to the point![]()
Yuoke really wants to be Robin to ZeoVGM's Batman in the ResetEra Social Justice League.Shiron's ban is being met with scrutiny from some users, notably yuoke among others. The shittiest users want the most obnoxious members to be protected, while the rational ones like SubvertedTrope are banished.
Didn't keep up.Banshee mcspook, your TransEra comrades need you now more than ever since your buddy ShironRedShift got permed.
Step in there and take up the mantle and fight the good fight!
Banshee....where are you.....why did you suddenly stop posting after all those TransEra are not scared are you?
and when they do crunch employees and psychologically abuse them by having them watch snuf films for research, Jason and his ilk will shower the game with praise and give it endless GOTY awards. look at the endless praise heaped by the "people super concerned with crunch and abuse" on TLOU2. the only reason the plot leaked was a disgruntled employee! yet it appears worker's rights only matter to Jason, etc. when convenient.When developers are treated better and crunch less, they often do produce better higher quality games like Supergiant and sometimes manage games better like Insomniac.
Kyuuji, are you happy?
You can see the disguise slipping too...
It was all over when the reee rose up and he became the Schrieier defense force, the multi quote reply after that sealed the deal.
Holy shit was that Schrieier?