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Resident Evil 2 Remake |OT| Party like it's 1998

Dr. Claus


Developer(s): Capcom R&D Division 1
Publisher(s): Capcom
Director(s): Kazunori Kadoi[1]
Producer(s): Yoshiaki Hirabayashi
Tsuyoshi Kanda[1]
Composer(s): Shusaku Uchiyama
Series: Resident Evil
Platform(s): Microsoft Windows
PlayStation 4
Xbox One
Release: January 25, 2019
Genre(s): Survival horror
Mode(s): Single-player


  • Resident Evil 0
"A midwestern town in America: Raccoon City A solitary island far off in the sea: Rock Fort Island. An island that would become the second 'Raccoon City': Sheena Island. There are still many unanswered questions about these seemingly-unrelated yet intensely-traumatic events. Though it is believed that the international enterprise, Umbrella, was somehow involved, little is known as to the origin of this faceless corporation. When was it established...? By whom? And how was the t-Virus created? To uncover the truth, we must dwell deeper into the events which transpired in the beginning, before the Mansion Incident."

— Prologue

On July 23, 1998, S.T.A.R.S. Bravo team is sent in to investigate a series of grisly murders in the Arklay Mountains region outside of Raccoon City. On the way to the scene, Bravo's helicopter malfunctions and is forced to crash land in the forest. The team soon discover an overturned military police transport truck, along with the mutilated corpses of two officers. The team split up and Bravo team's field medic, Rebecca Chambers, finds a train stopped in the middle of the forest; the Ecliptic Express.

Soon after, she discovers that it is infested with zombies. After a little exploration, she teams up with the man the military police were escorting to his execution; former Marine Billy Coen and the two explore the remaining train compartments whilst combating the zombies, swarms of strange leeches, and a mutated scorpion.

As the train begins speeding out of control towards a cliff, the two manage to apply the brakes and divert its course towards an abandoned research and training center. They investigate the underground facility, being forced to defeat the Umbrella Corporation's experiments; mutated insects, spiders, and primates. During their navigation, Coen reveals that his unit was forced to kill the innocent civilians of an African village in the midst of a civil war against his wishes, and he soon found that their actions were based on false information.

They discover that the former operator of the facility James Marcus, along with Oswell E. Spencer and Edward Ashford, discovered the Progenitor virus which, when combined with the Ebola virus, created a strain that, despite being photosensitive, caused rapid mutations. Ashford originally wanted to use the virus to help the handicapped through its regenerative effects, but after his death Spencer and Marcus began research on its applications for bio-weapons, combining it with leech DNA which eventually led to the formation of the t-virus. After a showdown with a gigantic bat inside a church, Coen is attacked by a t-virus infected primate and becomes lost inside an underground laboratory. While searching for him, Chambers meets Enrico Marini and fights a released Tyrant before finding Coen washed up on a walkway. After fighting the Tyrant together, the two eventually meet Marcus. It is revealed that both Wesker and William Birkin were oblivious to the cause of the outbreak in both the Ecliptic Express and the mansion, and that the real culprit was Marcus, an employee of Umbrella who operated the facility until his assassination by Wesker and Birkin, on the orders of Spencer. During his dying moments, his pet queen leech entered his body and reproduced exponentially over ten years to absorb his DNA and memories to bring him back to life. Marcus proceeds to split into a mass of leeches, before chasing Chambers and Coen through the facility.

Birkin activates the self-destruct system as the Queen Leech, Chambers, and Coen continue to fight. After being injured due to a brief exposure to sunlight, the monster is paralyzed when the overhead entrance to the laboratory is opened just as the sun rises. Chambers throws Coen a revolver and he delivers the final shot to the Queen Leech.

As the facility crumbles, the two escape into the forest and come to a halt on a cliff overlooking the Spencer estate. They salute one another after Chambers declares Coen "officially dead". Each goes their own way, with Chambers heading towards the mansion to investigate the whereabouts of the Bravo team.

Summary Obtained from the Resident Evil Wiki

  • Resident Evil
The game begins on July 24, 1998 after Alpha team locates Bravo team's helicopter, but there are no signs of survivors; only the corpse of Kevin Dooley, the pilot, is found. While searching the area for further clues, Alpha team is attacked by ferocious dogs, who kill one of the teammembers, Joseph Frost. Alpha's helicopter pilot, Brad Vickers, panics and takes off alone. Pursued by the dogs who killed their colleague, Alpha team is forced to seek refuge within a nearby mansion. It is believed to be abandoned.

With the dogs roaming outside, the four remaining Alpha team members (Albert Wesker; Chris Redfield; Barry Burton and Jill Valentine) are trapped within, but Chris was separated from them.[1] A gunshot rings out, and Barry and Jill are ordered to investigate. Upon reaching a dining room, Barry discovers a patch of human blood on the floor by the fireplace.

Jill exits the room to continue the investigation, almost immediately finding the source of the gunshot. On the floor lies S.T.A.R.S. Bravo team member Kenneth J. Sullivan, with his neck being torn out and being consumed by another man. The man notices Jill's presence and turns around, revealing him to be grotesquely deformed. Jill fruitlessly shoots him and runs back to the dining room after emptying her handgun.[1] She warns Barry, who shoots and kills the approaching zombie. After discovering that Chris and Wesker have disappeared, Barry hands Jill a lockpick to help her around the mansion before leaving to pursue his own investigation.

Meanwhile, Chris stumbles onto his dear friend and marksmanship rival of Bravo team, Forest Speyer. Initially appearing dead and covered in blood, he re-awakens as a zombie and makes his way towards Chris, intent on devouring his flesh. Chris kills him to allow him to finally rest in peace. Leaving Forest's body outside, Chris opens a door on the east-wing of the mansion to discover Bravo team member Richard Aiken, who is laying down injured and being nursed by a woman who introduces herself as the team's new recruit, Rebecca Chambers. Rebecca informs Chris of the situation - Richard has been bitten by a poisonous snake and needs the serum or he will die from the toxin. Not wanting another friend to die, Chris obliges and tracks down the serum, handing it over in time to allow Richard's survival.

Elsewhere, Jill finds a shotgun in a lounge area, but realizes too late that its removal has triggered a booby trapped ceiling to collapse on the room, albeit slowly. Luckily, Barry breaks down the door to let her out just in time. In a bar on the west-wing, Jill finds a piano; recovering part of a piano sheet, she plays "Moonlight Sonata", which she recognizes. A secret compartment in the room opens up and she uncovers the tale of a man imprisoned by a "Sir Spencer". She then heads upstairs into the attic, where she confronts and defeats the giant snake that had attacked Aiken (though she is unaware of this),[2] which escapes through a hole in the wall.

Underneath a small cemetery, Chris places four masks onto ornaments as per the "Book of Curse" he has found. It triggers the release of a crimson-colored zombie, which is much more powerful than other zombies. Chris continues to fire at the man until he finally falls to the ground, dead. Heading off to the courtyard, Richard's radio picks up a weak message from Wesker, warning any listeners of a "monster in chains".[2]

Jill, meanwhile, explores the staff dormitory on the other end of the courtyard. Walking past room 002, she overhears Barry talking to an unknown person. Barry, who is actually being told by Captain Wesker about his apparent mission to destroy the S.T.A.R.S. team, is clearly worried. After Wesker leaves through a hidden ladder, Jill enters the room and, believing Barry to be talking to himself, becomes worried for him. Eventually making it into the underground aqua ring, Jill pours the V-JOLT chemical onto Plant 42's roots as instructed in a file. Heading up to Point 42 where the plant was growing, Jill is surprised to discover that the monster is able to survive the poison, and even more so when its roots grab hold of her and lift her above the ground. Barry suddenly barges in through the door unexpectedly with a flamethrower, killing the plant once and for all.[3]

Chris returns from Lisa's cabin to find the mansion home to a number of the newly released Hunter αs and Crimson Heads. He wanders the mansion and eventually ends up in the library, where he is attacked by the giant snake again, and kills it. After exploring Spencer's office, he overhears Rebecca screaming upstairs. Racing towards the upstairs lounge, he stops another Hunter from killing her just in time - it had already cornered her when he killed it.[4]

Jill, exploring the spider-filled underground caves, discovers an injured Enrico Marini sitting on the floor. He warns her that there was a traitor within the S.T.A.R.S. unit, planted by Umbrella to betray them if the time called for it. Before he can divulge on who exactly he discovered the traitor to be, he is assassinated by an unseen assailant.[5]

Leaving the mansion for the caves not far behind Jill, Chris gains access to an elevator to a lower cave-system. Encountering Lisa Trevor again, Chris instead uses the cave system to his advantage and avoids a direct confrontation altogether. Climbing up a ladder, he finds himself in the very cottage he first met Lisa in, recovering files explaining her sad history in the process. Returning to the mansion's Main Hall, Chris fits in two hexagonal-pieces into holes behind the staircase to unlock a gate to the underground. Heading downstairs, he encounter Wesker, who is being attacked by Lisa. With Wesker providing a distraction, Chris manages to open up a sarcophagus, revealing the corpse of Jessica Trevor to her daughter, who promptly throws herself down a chasm into the pitch-black beyond.[6]

With both Chris and Jill reaching the underground laboratory complex, they continue their investigation, knowing full well that the Umbrella Corporation is heavily-involved in the events. Searching through surviving data, Chris, during his search, meets Rebecca again, who has been trying to catch up with him for a while. Jill discovers which one of their number was an Umbrella employee assigned to the facility - Albert Wesker. Filled with rage, she attempts to track him down in the lower levels, and is surprised to be held at gunpoint by Barry, who, despite her earlier suspicions, she had already denounced as the traitor Enrico had warned her about. Taking her to the adjacent room, she is greeted by Wesker, who explains how he forced Barry into doing his bidding by having his family taken hostage, before introducing her to one more thing: Tyrant. Attempting to activate it, he explains that he has programmed it to hunt down the surviving S.T.A.R.S. officers, Jill included. Wesker however, cannot wait and raises his handgun at her, only to be shot by Barry. Apologizing to Jill for the trouble he caused her, he does not notice Wesker finishing the Tyrant activation process until it is too late. The creature awakes from its slumber and burst from its capsule, heading straight for Barry before changing its mind and killing Wesker first. After a short fight, Jill renders the Tyrant unconscious, and the two quickly leave the room.

Soon after, they meet up with Chris and Rebecca (who have figured out that Wesker betrayed them), the latter of whom leaves to activate the facility's self-destruct system before retreating. Receiving another message from Brad, who stresses that he is low on fuel and would be leaving soon, Chris, Jill and Barry make their way to the helipad outside to get his attention. They fire a flare into the air as a signal, Brad arrives to pick them up, but is stopped from doing so after the Tyrant bursts through the floor of the helipad. Rebecca, meanwhile, after activating the self-destruct, makes it to the helipad and meets up with them in time to see the Tyrant break loose. After a short fight, Brad gains the courage to help, knocking a rocket launcher out of the side of the helicopter. With its sights on the Tyrant, a rocket shoots out and disintegrates the monster then and there.

Free to land, Brad picks up the four and takes them back to the safety of Raccoon City.

Summary Obtained from the Resident Evil Wiki

  • Resident Evil 2
It has been two months since S.T.A.R.S. Alpha team went up into the Arklay Mountains to find the missing Bravo Team. A deadly virus has spread throughout Raccoon City plunging the city into chaos and turning most of its residents into flesh eating monsters. Leon Kennedy, a young rookie cop, and Claire Redfield, a young woman looking for her brother are thrust into the city to try to make it out alive.


The Resident Evil 2 remake is a re-imagination of the original PlayStation version from 1998, completely rebuilt from the ground up. It uses the same over-the-shoulder view from Resident Evil 4 through Resident Evil 6 which is dubbed as "Behind View" here, but takes the best of those game's controls and mixes it together.

The game uses the RE Engine, which is the same engine that was created and used to develop Resident Evil 7: Biohazard. The UI will be familiar to those who played the latest entry.

Both Leon and Claire use a flashlight that will turn on automatically when the player gets to a darker place, and turns off by itself when the player is in a more bright environment. The flashlight can't be manually turned on or off by the player. Both Leon and Claire can physically hold a flashlight, however it is important to note that having the flashlight on won't stop the character from aiming their weapon, even if they are using a bigger weapon such as a shotgun or grenade launcher.

Defensive items make a return in Resident Evil 2. If either Leon or Claire are grabbed by an enemy and they have a defensive weapon in their inventory, a prompt will show up on-screen and if pressed the item will be used as a defense weapon which takes the enemy off of the player. However, in this game, the knife can always be acquired back by killing the enemy that was stabbed and interacting with it. Wooden Boards can also be found around the environment. These boards can be used on windows to block enemies from passing through them, and there are several throughout the game that can become quite handy once the player knows which windows spawns zombies when they walk by them.


An example of using a knife to defend against Zombie attacks.​

The knife also has a new gameplay mechanic with a durability rate. In the inventory screen, below the knife icon, there is a small gauge that represents how much the current knife has been used. Once the gauge is empty, the knife will break and a new one needs to be acquired. The knife can also be equipped without going into the inventory menu and there are multiple of them in the game.

The health status in the remake only shows up in two ways: while in the inventory screen, or whenever the player takes damage. Additionally, going into the inventory screen pauses the game, but reloading weapons must be done in real time.

Thanks to the RE Engine, features such as photorealistic visuals are possible; enemies react in real time taking instant visible damage, limbs can be ripped off of enemies and the character shows bite marks when they take damage. If you want to save some ammunition, be sure to either aim for the head or blow off one of their legs to slow them down. Be careful! Just because they are down, does not mean they are out for the count just yet.


An example of targeting limbs.​

When the character is being grabbed, the camera will zoom into them. Also, more than one enemy can grab the player at a time.

The layout of the maps have also been changed and even brand new areas have been added while also remixing item locations. Both veterans and new-comers alike will have their share of new challenges and scares.

The zombies are also a bit different from past games. They have more health and are able to get up multiple times after laying on the ground for a while. They don't spawn a small pool of blood when dead anymore and if they detect the player, they are able to chase the character from room to room. When grabbed, Leon doesn't stomp their heads like in the original game, and will just kick them out instead.

A new herb combination is available in the game: Red Herb + Blue Herb. This gives the character invulnerability to poison and makes their defenses stronger until the effect wears off.

There are no loading screens in the game apart from the first build up; it's all in one seamless experience.

The 4th Survivor and The Tofu Survivor are also present in the remake. Additionally, one of the features from the Deluxe Edition, Collector's Edition and Premium Edition of the game is a "Soundtrack Swap" option where the game can be played with the original game's soundtrack.

The game can be saved without using Ink Ribbons. However, higher difficulties will behave like the original game where Ink Ribbons must be used in order to save.

The "zapping" system of the original Resident Evil 2 is not present in the remake. Both Claire and Leon will have their own scenarios that can be played in any order, and what happens in one will affect the other. However, there is only one scenario per character; there is no Leon A/B option for instance. Narrative-wise, the events of both the A/B scenarios of each character in the original game will be meshed into a single scenario.
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Dr. Claus


Leon Scott Kennedy (Picture in Spoilers) - Upon graduating from the police academy at the age of 21, Leon requested assignment to work for the Raccoon Police Department. His reason of choice was because of the widely publicized murders taking place in and around the Arklay Mountains. Having recently broken up with his girlfriend, Leon stopped on his journey to Raccoon City by staying at a motel overnight. Oversleeping from drunkenness a day late on September 29, he rushed back onto the road when he wasn't able to telephone into the station. Leon drove through Raccoon City while completely unaware of the t-Virus outbreak, after the US Army and the National Guard evacuated some of the blockades in the city's outskirts.

Claire Redfield (Picture in Spoilers) - Claire grew up with her older brother Chris after their parents died. When Chris joined the US Air Force, she was introduced to his new friend, Barry Burton, and she became a close family friend. From Chris, she learned hand-to-hand combat and how to handle firearms. After high school, Redfield attended university, where she developed her interest in motorcycle customisation. At the same time, her brother moved to Raccoon City with Burton to serve in S.T.A.R.S. She was aware of the group's members, though it is unknown if she knew them on a personal level. In August 1998, Chris left for Europe to investigate Umbrella. Out of contact with her brother, Claire left university in late September to find out where he was.

Ada Wong (Pictures in Spoilers) - A mysterious woman who helps you along your journey through Raccoon City. She was hired to enter the zombie-infested town to obtain something by an unknown employer.

Hunk (Pictures in Spoilers) - A secret agent of the Umbrella Corporation. Much like Ada, his employers asked him to retrieve something within the city.

Sherry Birkin (Pictures in Spoilers) - Sherry was born around the year 1986 to Drs. William and Annette Birkin, two virologists who took part in T-Virus research at Umbrella USA's isolated Arklay Labs. Sherry's relationship with her parents was strained due to their busy work schedules and, despite their early 1990s transfer to their new lab within Raccoon City, she was frequently neglected but still loved them. Her parents were senior researchers in the G-Virus Project, a eugenics project that oversaw the creation of Golgotha, a Progenitor strain they believed could be used to improve the human race. She is found alone and frightened. What happened to her and her parents?

Tofu (Its a giant block of Tofu. What do you expect it to look like?) - A giant block of Tofu with a penchant for killing zombies.


Deluxe Edition

US Collector's Edition

EU Collector's Edition

JPN Premium Edition

Pre-Order Bonuses:
Every version will provide Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine’s signature Samurai Edge handguns.

Free DLC

Paid DLC


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Great OT! Very nicely done ArchaeEnkidu! Excellent job!

I don't know if you've seen the leaked footage (Claire's and Leon's opening), but the titles' screen gives credit to two directors
Kazunori Kadoi and Yasuhiro Anpo

See it yourself
the gameplay for the opening. For those who don't want to get spoiled, don't even think of clicking
Two levels of spoilers security inside an OT

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Dr. Claus

Great OT! Very nicely done ArchaeEnkidu! Excellent job!

I don't know if you've seen the leaked footage (Claire's and Leon's opening), but the titles' screen gives credit to two directors
Kazunori Kadoi and Yasuhiro Anpo

See it yourself
the gameplay for the opening. For those who don't want to get spoiled, don't even think of clicking
Two levels of spoilers security inside an OT


Yes, I believe that is because the latter worked on the original RE2. I don't think they had much of a directorial action in any capacity for RE2R.
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Can not wait! Playing with that OG soundtrack is going to be so glorious.

Ready to see Digital Foundry's final showdown too.

Great OT!


Spiders that appeared in two rooms, a giant moth that was in the lab as an optional battle and wasn't doing much, and crows (2F in the corridor where Mr.X appears) bursting through the windows just to offer a jump-scare.

As for lickers, they are scary and deadly as they are now in this game, so why the need for evolved lickers (like those that appeared in the Lab of the original game)

So now the regular enemies are
- Zombies
- Zombie-Dogs
- Lickers
- Ivy
- G Adult Body

-William Birkin and his G malformations
-Mr. X

If you consider that RE7 had only molded and then the Baker family, it's pretty much in the vein of RE7.

There's far a lot added in this remake than what is taken away. People who played the game say that the minor omissions won't take away from the overall experience.
It's probably fans that would get the purist's attitude, thinking that they shouldn't even dared to touch anything from the original. "Just take all the aspects as they were and expand/expound them in this remake." is probably what they were demanding from this remake.

It's not a purist attitude to be unhappy with cutting enemies while adding nothing new at the same time to make up for it for crying out loud, that's a ridiculous argument. Also given RE7's enemies and enemy variety was the biggest criticism I see for that game, excusing it with "in the vein" of RE7 isn't a good thing either.

Also given that spiders were in RE1, 2, 3, Zero, and Code Veronica, I can't believe someone would actually defend cutting them. They may not be as present as zombies, but they were one of the classic always there enemies like zombies that represents the OG games and something that would be pretty creepy in modern graphics and gameplay. Also they were in 3 rooms, which is the same as Ivy's IIRC.

RE7 is a miracle when placed side by side to RE6. It might not have the enemy variety of RE6, but it is well-laid horror game.
Priority to survival horror and a gravitas of recourse management. Very well implemented VR with a lot of uneasiness and jump-scares.
The pacing and tempo were very well done and environments put the player in a constant mode of anxiety. Reserved scope so that it doesn't get out-of-hand.

The tempo and pacing was something that Mikami Shinji was fastidious about, when talking about survival horror games.
In the following interview (from last December's Famitsu), Jun Takeuchi, the head of Capcom Development Division 1 (where RE7, RE2Remake and DMC5 were made) pointed out that MIkami phoned him and praised RE7 right from the get-go. Takeuchi recounted that every time a new RE game was released, Mikami would phone him and at the beginning he would talk about other things while leaving his thoughts on the latest RE entry that they released at the end of the chatting.
With RE7 Mikami went straight to the point and lauded the game before saying anything else, and Takeuchi mentions that he truly felt that finally his Dev Division was capable of making their own RE games and it was a very moving moment for Takeuchi.
(THe above is my summation to Takeuchi's answer)

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Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Can't wait until im able to pick up the game Thursday night at 9pm at GameStop. Woohoo!!! Can actually start playing by 10pm. A few more cold days to go!!! LOL.


I'm really hoping that claires 1998 top is fixed. They a essentially turned a tshirt into a vest with no sleeves and a boob neckline. How the heck did capon manage to get #PinkShorts correct compared to every other RE2 revisit or flashback that put her in blue shorts, but still managed to mess up the attire is mind-boggling.

Mr Hyde

The hype is killing me. Four Days to go. I hope the postal service ain´t screwing it up with the delivery. It has happened Before with releases that occurs on fridays, resulting in me receiving the game on monday instead. That would suck big time.

Dr. Claus

The hype is killing me. Four Days to go. I hope the postal service ain´t screwing it up with the delivery. It has happened Before with releases that occurs on fridays, resulting in me receiving the game on monday instead. That would suck big time.

The wait is unbearable. Even worse is I got the Gamestop edition so I have to wait another 3-5 days after to get the package as I didn't want to spend an extra 40 bucks on Shipping/Handling.


Thanks Dr. Claus Dr. Claus for such a great intro for this O.T.

I haven’t been this excited for a game since The Evil Within 2. I love my survival horror games so I can’t wait for Friday. If I could only choose one game purchase for the year, this game would be it.


The nicest person on this forum
Thanks Dr. Claus Dr. Claus for such a great intro for this O.T.

I haven’t been this excited for a game since The Evil Within 2. I love my survival horror games so I can’t wait for Friday. If I could only choose one game purchase for the year, this game would be it.
Hopefully RE2Remake sell well enough to see more third person survival horror games in the future. I know this might sound weird for most people but to me third person is much more immersive than first person, especially in in survival horror games.


Great work on the OT! Unfortunately I'm not hyped and maybe I'll play this later instead
Need a break from all the zombies setting


Hopefully RE2Remake sell well enough to see more third person survival horror games in the future. I know this might sound weird for most people but to me third person is much more immersive than first person, especially in in survival horror games.

Even from the early days of the first game, the folks at Capcom Japan realized that with a Doom-styled FPS game you loose the sense of identity. It didn't help them to build the kind of fear they wanted to. And the horror that they were aiming to portray was based to the immersion factor of the player. That's why canon a RE game became FPS after so many years had gone by, with RE7.

GP: Was there a conscious decision not to create fully rendered 3D environments?

Mikami: In the beginning of the game's creation, we considered using a Doom-like 3D environment, but we reconsidered. In a 3D environment, you wouldn't be able to see the main character, so you would lose that sense of identity. It's also hard to build the kind of fear that we were going for. We decided it would be more frightening to have the camera suddenly jump to a different view to heighten the suspense.



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Gold Member
Once again entering the world of survival horror. Very nice OT!

I had to take off the first of February due to mandatory training at my work. I wonder when the pre load will start.
Awesome OT. Can't wait to play this on PC. Very happy it supports ultrawide natively. Just waiting for my GMG key.
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RE7 is a miracle when placed side by side to RE6. It might not have the enemy variety of RE6, but it is well-laid horror game.
Priority to survival horror and a gravitas of recourse management. Very well implemented VR with a lot of uneasiness and jump-scares.
The pacing and tempo were very well done and environments put the player in a constant mode of anxiety. Reserved scope so that it doesn't get out-of-hand.

The tempo and pacing was something that Mikami Shinji was fastidious about, when talking about survival horror games.
In the following interview (from last December's Famitsu), Jun Takeuchi, the head of Capcom Development Division 1 (where RE7, RE2Remake and DMC5 were made) pointed out that MIkami phoned him and praised RE7 right from the get-go. Takeuchi pointed out that every time a new RE game was released, Mikami would phone him and at the beginning he would talk about other things while leaving his thoughts on the latest RE that they released at the end of the chatting.
With RE7 Mikami went straight to the point and lauded the game before saying anything else, and Takeuchi mentions that he truly felt that finally his Dev Division was capable of making their own RE games and it was a very moving moment for Takeuchi.

That's great and all when it comes to the horror and atmosphere of RE2 and RE7, and them as horror games, but unrelated as the issue at hand is related to the action/combat/variety parts of the game, and a issue with this game as a remake as well, something that the first REmake did so well.

Also going back to the...
spiders. I think what the producers said about the alligator ties in nicely to what I was saying about the spiders.
"‘shall we just cut the alligator altogether? It’s too difficult’. But we knew there’d be a fan backlash, we knew we had to create one of these perfect fan-favourite moments, so… it’s a tough one, but it’s there."
Spiders are one of those moments of classic RE, all 5 of which to be exact. Losing them, possibly because of "realism", especially with both the alligator and Ivy's returning, sucks since they would definitely add to the horror because real spiders are already creepy enough. Not to mention they're not the best thing to exclude if they're worried about backlash as well.
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Different directors, thankfully.

I gave Revelations a pass for being a 3DS game but I bailed on Revelations 2 halfway in.

Revelations 1 director Koushi Nakanishi, he also director of RE7

Revelations 2 director Anpo Yasuhiro and chief planner Kadoi Kazunori ==> RE2Remake director Kadoi Kazunori and team director Anpo Yasuhiro

So? How different?


Revelations 1 director Koushi Nakanishi, he also director of RE7

Revelations 2 director Anpo Yasuhiro and chief planner Kadoi Kazunori ==> RE2Remake director Kadoi Kazunori and team director Anpo Yasuhiro

So? How different?

You answered your own question. Kazunori Kadoi is directing RE2.


Hopefully RE2Remake sell well enough to see more third person survival horror games in the future. I know this might sound weird for most people but to me third person is much more immersive than first person, especially in in survival horror games.

I don’t claim to keep an eye on sales indicators or expectations but I have seen a fair amount of coverage for the game on YouTube. My only fear would be that it’s a title that some may choose to watch rather than buy and play themselves. But personally, I have a good feeling that the game will sell well enough. Capcom have exceeded my expectations going by the demo, just as I was starting to be wary of the series they revived it. I thought 7 was good fun, more what RE should be, to me, than 6. But I’m with you on the 3rd person, I prefer 3rd person too.


Demo was awesome. Can’t justify getting this at launch but will definitely be picking up at some point.
I'm on the same boat. Super hyped, love resident evil, but I'll get it when its $40 or less. My backlog is big enough that the wait wont kill me.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Amazon.co.uk has the exclusive on the Steelbook edition for those interested



Gold Member

Christ, this Capcom logo intro give me so much nightmare. This was playing every single time I die in Biohazard 1 when I was a child. I played the version with that opening color intro and without censored.


Excited to pick this up at PoopStop on Friday.

Even more excited and hopeful that I get to witness some Kingdom Hearts freaks out in the wild.

In Sony’s name I do pray.
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Only other game along with Sekiro that I have the intention to preorder this year. Have been trying my best to avoid exposure as much as I can, haven’t even seen any of the Claire gameplay and only the very early moments of Leon. Hyped as fuck! I remember playing this as a child and loving every second of it, seems like history is gonna repeat itself.


Only other game along with Sekiro that I have the intention to preorder this year. Have been trying my best to avoid exposure as much as I can, haven’t even seen any of the Claire gameplay and only the very early moments of Leon. Hyped as fuck! I remember playing this as a child and loving every second of it, seems like history is gonna repeat itself.

You're spot on.
I remember playing it back in 1998, and I was struck by the quality of the CGI. Those eye-candy (for its time) CGI was something spectacular to behold. I couldn't get enough of it.
Imagica Impression delivered. And they delivered the CGI for RE3 the next year.

And of course when talking about the Raccoon viral outbreak lore there was also Biohazard 4D Executor.

Where are the leaks?

Sb is playing Claire

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