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Resident Evil 3 - 14 minutes of no-commentary B-roll gameplay


Nemesis looks to be annoying as fuck, cant wait to see the salt from people who thought RE2 tyrant was to hard.

hard =/= annoying

mr. x from RE2 is annoying because he is invencible to the point the pursuit does not cease after you "defeat" him. he will still be pursuing you after a couple of seconds in almost every single room at the police station.

nemesis was at least enjoyable to fight to some extent in the og re3.

You can kill him and get special rewards.

I'm not trapped in a city with him, it's the other way around :messenger_sunglasses:

can you in this remake? i haven't seen this info yet.


hard =/= annoying

mr. x from RE2 is annoying because he is invencible to the point the pursuit does not cease after you "defeat" him. he will still be pursuing you after a couple of seconds in almost every single room at the police station.

nemesis was at least enjoyable to fight to some extent in the og re3.

can you in this remake? i haven't seen this info yet.
i heard this from a guy on reeee, he probably heard that in one of the numerous previews that come out today.


now let's wait that nemesis doesn't become another mr. x from resident evil 2 remake not because mr. x exists there but because the way he was implemented though.
you don't like an enemy that chase you?
it was one of the best thing in the original game.


Again with the R4 3rd person style of gameplay...one of reasons I can easly skip those remakes.

Which is kinda sad. RE3 is my favorite of all RE series. Maybe one day they stick with the classic gameplay.
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Inspector Q

Haven't seen all the footage released so far, but does Nemesis have any attacks that are lethal to the player? I see the tentacle grab/trip and a lot of random punches, but nothing that will lead to an auto kill or force you to use a defensive item.

The tentacle grab looks kind of dumb. She lands in this awkwardly stiff looking pose and Nemesis just stands above her and does nothing? Just strange looking. He should probably try to stomp her out or grab her or something.

Just kind of funny to see Nemesis struggling to even deal damage to Jill meanwhile the Hunter Gamma comes over and one-shots her, gobbling her whole.

Anyway, just some random thoughts. It's probably set to an easier difficulty and we probably haven't seen everything that Nemesis has to offer. During the flamethrower fight he did seem to have some sort of charge attack, but he whiffed pretty bad so no idea what happens if he lands that.


The producer of the game confirmed that the game is designed in a way where you can complete it with knife-only, like the original RE3. Nice!

"Sakata Yes. Knives can be brought to a favorable situation after an emergency avoidance. It is possible to clear with only a knife, but I think that it is severe if you do not use emergency avoidance."

Source: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ja&tl=en&u=https://www.famitsu.com/news/202002/26192858.html

Other takeaways from the article:

-A new heath condition called "parasite" happens when Drain Deimos implant eggs in Jill. If you don't heal, they will hatch inside Jill and kill her.

-You are encouraged to run away from Nemesis, but downing him results in extra item drops.

-Zombies have been made weaker than the ones in RE2make, but they are more of them, and they attack faster to compensate.

-Jill runs faster than Leon and Claire in the RE2make.

-There are unlimited ammo weapons that can be unlocked from completing the game knife-only.

-There are collectables like the Mr. Raccoons in RE2make.
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Just a reminder that GreenManGaming has a Capcom publisher sale atm and you can get RE3 for $44 right now. Capcom is a partnered publisher so everything is good for getting RE3 at a good price on steam.

This is probably the best time to buy it until a post release sale.


Sakata Kiyohiko (坂田聖彦 ) is the director of RE3 Remake.




Previous games that he has worked on are :

The Wonderful 101 (2013)(Game Programming)
Anarchy Reigns (2012)(System Programmers)
Vanquish (2010)(Lead Programmer)
God Hand (2006)(Lead Programmer)
Resident Evil 4 (2005)(Lead Coder)
Devil May Cry (2001)(Software Engineering - System Program)
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (1999)(Program Chief)
Resident Evil 2 (1998)(Scenario Program)
Resident Evil: Director's Cut (1997)(Event Programmer)
Resident Evil (1996)(Event Programmer)

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Slightly worried after the walkie talkie sequence of nothing while character B yaps some bullshit ahead of you, then the forced walking sequence with the earpiece. RE2make had some stupid shit at times but it never felt like it was stealing the pace from the game too much. I'm beginning to get worried. Boss fights could be fun with the dodge mechanic if it's not a full jail card.

Just overall... faster running speed with weaker zombies, hearing how there's more ammo, and not needing to stop to pick stuff up means inventory management might be completely out the window. I'm beginning to get scared for my new baby.


Slightly worried after the walkie talkie sequence of nothing while character B yaps some bullshit ahead of you, then the forced walking sequence with the earpiece. RE2make had some stupid shit at times but it never felt like it was stealing the pace from the game too much. I'm beginning to get worried. Boss fights could be fun with the dodge mechanic if it's not a full jail card.

Just overall... faster running speed with weaker zombies, hearing how there's more ammo, and not needing to stop to pick stuff up means inventory management might be completely out the window. I'm beginning to get scared for my new baby.

What? You don't even stop to pick the itens? You mean, like Monster Hunter World where the item just appear in your inventory even when your character is running? Oh man...I hope this isn't true. This is too arcadey and action oriented, even for a Resident Evil 3 remake.
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What? You don't even stop to pick the itens? You mean, like Monster Hunter World where the item just appear in your inventory even when your character is running? Oh man...I hope this isn't true. This is too arcadey and action oriented, even for a Resident Evil 3 remake.

Well the point is, it might mean inventory management is completely out the window. Which would be a massive disappointment in the game. Where you put your item isn't that important outside maybe the two slotters causing problems at times, but "should I pick this up now?", "Is it 2 slots?", "O look I already have enough, I should leave this", or "I'll dump this and squeeze it in". Obviously if we're just running by picking shit up without brains now they're going to dial the former systems back to compensate so as to avoid "O FUCK IM FULL" grief.

There's a sign... that the core part of Resident Evil is disappearing here, and that it's going to end up a linear action romp. Of course RE3 was the start of the downward spiral, but we could fix that now, except it's looking like they are not trying. It's not just nostalgia sake, it serves a mechanical purpose.

I mean if we have to talk about Monster Hunter World, it has a storage box I think, and you can't carry everything on you? Surely there's a mechanic there? But regardless, picking up trash in MHW is like your CoD +10, it's a completely different thing to where items usually all serve a relatively important purpose in RE.


Jill Valentine Jill Valentine
The walkie-talkie thing has me worried too, but I think the arcade-y style of this game is both true to the original RE3, and also works really well within the theme of this being Jill's last escape.

It's yet to be seen if the perfect dodge is balanced, but I think it was a smart move to have it basically replace the self-defense items. Escaping enemies because you have more mobility options rather than an automatic life-saving item will help distinguish this from the other two remakes, and will hopefully feel more satisfying.

It's confirmed that we are getting the exploration and puzzles to go along with the action, and seeing how well the puzzles were in RE2make, I'm confident we will get a similar caliber here. I just hope the pacing of this game is as sublime as REmake and RE2make.


Looks awful as expected. Jill's character is shot to shit, big surprise, but at least Carlos doesn't seem too bad aside from the look and the weird Keanu impression. Nemesis looks terrible with those new proportions.

Not a fan of the new dodge

Did the game look sluggish to anyone else? The bullet shots and hit reactions looked much worse than REmake 2 to me and even Nemesis despite running and jumping seemed really slow.

Maybe the other videos look better but I'm definitely passing regardless.


Well the point is, it might mean inventory management is completely out the window. Which would be a massive disappointment in the game. Where you put your item isn't that important outside maybe the two slotters causing problems at times, but "should I pick this up now?", "Is it 2 slots?", "O look I already have enough, I should leave this", or "I'll dump this and squeeze it in". Obviously if we're just running by picking shit up without brains now they're going to dial the former systems back to compensate so as to avoid "O FUCK IM FULL" grief.

There's a sign... that the core part of Resident Evil is disappearing here, and that it's going to end up a linear action romp. Of course RE3 was the start of the downward spiral, but we could fix that now, except it's looking like they are not trying. It's not just nostalgia sake, it serves a mechanical purpose.

I mean if we have to talk about Monster Hunter World, it has a storage box I think, and you can't carry everything on you? Surely there's a mechanic there? But regardless, picking up trash in MHW is like your CoD +10, it's a completely different thing to where items usually all serve a relatively important purpose in RE.

I'm not being ironic. It is strange if the character does not even stop to pick items in a survivor horror game, even if it is one with more action. It is a little detail but I don't like how the game doesn't pause.

But I agree. If this is a sign they scraped the inventory again, like RE5, it will be a huge let down. I don't think it is the case though. Even Resident Evil: Resistance have inventory management.


looks great and the dialogue is funny how he keeps hitting on her. re2make didn't interest me but this one does.


Looks awful as expected. Jill's character is shot to shit, big surprise, but at least Carlos doesn't seem too bad aside from the look and the weird Keanu impression. Nemesis looks terrible with those new proportions.

Not a fan of the new dodge

Did the game look sluggish to anyone else? The bullet shots and hit reactions looked much worse than REmake 2 to me and even Nemesis despite running and jumping seemed really slow.

Maybe the other videos look better but I'm definitely passing regardless.
I don't like the new nemesys either.
Proportions, suit, face, even the stars scream is worst than the classic one.
Jill is hit and miss, sometimes looks good, sometimes looks like a men.

Also was she so snarky towards carlos in the original game?
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Looks incredible. Cant wait!

That meaty pistol shot sound.

And Jill looks smoking.

Hoping they keep those walkie talkie sections to a bare minimum and that they nail the Nemesis encounters.

In regard to colours, the game takes place during night time. Also I see plenty colours. Hard to say that the original games look better then their beefed up RE engine remakes.
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You are not gonna live the same emotions you lived with the original games, i already make piece with myself about this, not saying that they are bad games, but the originals are magic, the only remake that did that to me was rebirth on gamecube, still the best remake in videogame history.

I wasnt and I'll assume mort people, werent expecting to feel any emotions, rather we just wanted a competent remake of re2/3. All they literally had to do was do what they did with RE1 REmake.

We know people are perfectly ok with fixed camera angles in current and previous gen games seeing REmake and Zero not only got a port to two gens of consoles and the PC all those years after their first release, but they sold enough to prompt capcom to remake 2 and 3,

RE2/3 look like they taken some of the most generic aspects of the PS360 (like as @ SuperGooey SuperGooey mentioned, "...the walkie-talkie bits that stop gameplay, only allowing you to walk.") and the TPS over the shoulder gears of war crap. gen and slapped a RE skin on it.

To top it off the 2/3 remakes graphics are some look generic and bland.

This is only one screenshot from RE2, but they games visuals never change throughout the entire runtime. Its just this bluy green piss filter with zero character.

Its looks ugly ass compared to the games from over a decade ago.

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And he has long reaching tentacles. And he runs. And he gets a rocket launcher. And he can quickly leap from behind to in front of you in a matter of seconds.

Not the same. At all.

didn't use it in the boss fight
>rocket launcher
maybe if he did that in boss fight

Judging from the footage it's Mr X with flamethrower
the slow motion out of a perfect dodge is so unnecessary.
just reduce the recovery of the dodge in that case.
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didn't use it in the boss fight
>rocket launcher
maybe if he did that in boss fight

Judging from the footage it's Mr X with flamethrower
He uses his tentacles and leaps while he is chasing you. The rocket launcher we've seen in the screenshots. In addition to that, downing him grants you upgraded ammo.

As for boss fight itself where he has the flamethrower, this functions completely differently than Mr. X. You are an arena and you need to take him down, you need to specifically shoot the tank on his back, and he can charge at you as well as side-step dodge your grenades. And yes, he has a flamethrower which is a huge difference. Saying it's "Mr. X with a flamethrower" is oversimplifying it. It's like calling RE4's "El Gigante" is just a "big Mr. X".

With all that said, both Mr. X and Nemesis are Tyrants, so there are going to be some similarities.
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
they love taking the colours out of these games. Even the early remasters on gamecube they drained the colours.and now the remakes they just take away all the lights.

The early ps1 versions are vibrant as fuck and look so much better for it







Because it looks too cartoony.


Because it looks too cartoony.
I think color gives the games a more surreal quality which I like, but I don't mind the muted colors as long as they don't start cutting out interesting designs and locations for the sake of "realism" and "practicality."

To me, RE games have never been realistic. They take place in a world feels as warped and weird as Metal Gear Solid. RE has strong foundations in anime, and I wish the series wasn't ashamed to embrace that. With that said, I don't think RE will ever be able to shake that. RE7 really tried, but Capcom can't seem to help themselves, and that makes me happy in a way.
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The whole parasite impregnation and being eaten whole.... I remember people using the nude mods on Rebecca and letting her get eaten by the frogs in RE0. Those people are out there.


I don't like the new nemesys either.
Proportions, suit, face, even the stars scream is worst than the classic one.
Jill is hit and miss, sometimes looks good, sometimes looks like a men.

Also was she so snarky towards carlos in the original game?

She didnt put up with his shit then either but she wasnt as bratty about it.

She's far more petulant here.


I like how they are building the relationship between Jill and Carlos in this game. RE2make really disappointed me with how Leon and Claire were still basically complete strangers by the last cutscene, with no sense of camaraderie. Jill and Carlos already have way better chemistry than Leon and Ada did in the remake, so it'll be interesting to see them risking their lives for each other later in the game.

Carlos in general is awesome in R3make. He's the most "Resident Evil-y" character we've gotten since RE6, imo. Both his design and personality are perfect so far.
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