The frustrating thing is that RE2 actually does have a great soundtrack when it tries, it's just all crammed at the end of the game when you are fighting the final bosses, escaping the lab, listening to the credits, and in the end game unlockable modes like Fourth Survivor and Ghost Survivors.RE soundtracks have been underwhelming for a lot of time now. Veronica was the last one with a good ost and that was twenty fucking years ago.
I think the reason might have been that old bruhaha when the composer of the old games admitted he was deaf and the re ost's were made by an anonymous composer (the deaf composer's actual work is in re1's director's cut edition, which is why it sounds like absolute shit).
Or maybe it's something else. Who knows? It saddens me to see an IP which I have always loved its music ending up with completely forgettable soundtracks.
There was a good rendition of the RPD main hall theme, but it was used so ineffectively that people didn't even know it was in the game! It plays for about a minute the first time you enter the RPD, and it never loops agains. Even worse is that the theme will go away and never return if you examine the laptop, which is the first thing anyone is likely to do the first time they play the game. It's baffling why this decision was made, and they did it with the save music too! Why? I think the team overestimated how much people wanted to hear the awesome sound design over new renditions of one of the greatest video game soundtrack of all time.
I hope Capcom listened to the fan feedback and will fix this with RE3make. At the very least, give us save room music that plays for as long as we are in the room, and every time we enter it.