Disgusting WEEB. Get out of my lawn! /s
Disgusting WEEB. Get out of my lawn! /s
Bring it on! I wanna finally see some gameplay.Via GamerGen:
It seems we'll get more previews and gameplay footage on 25 February.
Only if they provide with Dragon's Dogma 2 news, confirming that it's in development and going well. I love Capcom a lot. When I mean a lot really, it is a lot. They returned to their glory days with all the changes undergone this generation, but I would never be a shill (not saying that you are). What I'm trying to say is that I would never call them gods (just for the lols), but this might trying to reply right after waking up. Sorry if I missed the point hahaha. I should shut up right here.The Capgods can do no wrong!
The Capgods can do no wrong!
It’s pre-ordered, I’m there day one...
Cheapest pre-order site for PC please? If compatible with Steam that would be ace, cheers.
It’s pre-ordered, I’m there day one...
...but I still can’t help shake this feeling this will be nowhere near as good as RE2, and will be really cheap compared to it. I can’t even put my finger on WHY? Maybe it’s how quick the turn around was it’s messing with my head?
Where are spiders confirmed? As much as I want them in, I doubt they will be.Hopefully this will shut up those who were complaining about the twitter train picture.
Holy shit, Hunters, Drain Deimos, Spiders, and MAYBE crows?
Oh man … oh God, oh man … oh God oh man oh God oh man oh God oh man oh GOD!!
It’s pre-ordered, I’m there day one...
...but I still can’t help shake this feeling this will be nowhere near as good as RE2, and will be really cheap compared to it. I can’t even put my finger on WHY? Maybe it’s how quick the turn around was it’s messing with my head?
Where are spiders confirmed? As much as I want them in, I doubt they will be.
That's a brainsucker/drain demois. Not a spider. Spiders have 8 legs.
Dumbest crap I've read on here. LolNo fixed cameras, no buy.
Check my edit.That's a brainsucker/drain demois. Not a spider.
I did. It does kinda look like a spider this time, but I'm chalking that up to it being a redesign. Spiders have 8 legs, this has 6 like the brainsucker, and is even the same gross green color. On top of that, this seems to be the powerplant construction site where you first come across drain demois in the original.Check my edit.
So, let's recap and compare bestiaries:
RE2make: Zombies, Zombie Dogs, Lickers, Plant Zombies, Birkin Spawns == Mr.X, William Birkin
RE3make: Zombies, Zombie Dogs, Hunters, Spiders (?), Drein Deimoses, (MAYBE Crows) == Nemesis, Grave Digger
Do we have confirmation on both Hunter specimen?More like RE3make: Zombies, Zombie Dogs, Hunter Betas, Hunter Gammas, Brain Suckers, Drain Deimoses, Nemesis, Grave Digger based on screenshots.
Do we have confirmation on both Hunter specimen?
That's definitely NOT a drain deimos. The deimos are more slender.
Hunter Gamma
Yup. I believe you are correct. The Grave Digger's original design is clearly inspired by the monsters in Tremors. While the grave digger in this remake is based on the Shrieker from Tremors 2:I'm almost sure this is supposed to be the Gravedigger. The body features of the Hunter Gamma are generally more proportional, while the original Gravedigger also had such small feet:
Guys, guys.
It's ONE insect enemy. Not two. The screenshot of it charging is the same creature, just upside down.
The other enemy, the one people think is a hunter gamma in one shot, and a gravedigger in the other is, again, the same enemy, just with its mouth open.
In these new leaked screenshots there is a total of 2 new enemies. Not 4. Not 3. Just 2. Get your expectations in check and inspect the screenshots more closely.
This idiot is getting more and more insufferable by the day, I swear.
He's just playing a character, imo.Could it be that he's purposefully an unlikable troll just to get clicks via negative publicity?
Guys, guys.
It's ONE insect enemy. Not two. The screenshot of it charging is the same creature, just upside down.
The other enemy, the one people think is a hunter gamma in one shot, and a gravedigger in the other is, again, the same enemy, just with its mouth open.
In these new leaked screenshots there is a total of 2 new enemies. Not 4. Not 3. Just 2. Get your expectations in check and inspect the screenshots more closely.
Regardless of whether it is a gravedigger or a hunter gamma, I love the design! That smile very shark-like and terrifying. If it is the gravedigger, I hope it grows and continues to mutate over the course of the game until you battle it for real in the graveyard!I believe you're right in the '2 not 4' comment. Just not sure if that's indeed the gravedigger. It seems to be a creature on two legs and no arms, which is quite different from both the Hunter Gamma (who is a humanoid creature) AND the gravedigger (who was basically a worm/snail/caterpillar thing).