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Resident Evil 4 Information


From Icicle at the Netrunner boards

N-Zone (german nintendo mag) arranged a chat with Capcom Europe again. Some new details regarding RE4 have been reveiled:

- Claire WILL NOT appear in RE4.

- Even after playing RE4 half way through you won't find an clues about Umbrella.

- No exact infos if there will be a RE5.

- Lord Zatler is NOT the village chief.

- Outbreak File 3 might come.

- The creature with the long nails is no tyrant

- You won't be able to drive with more vehicles. Only boat

- RE4 will close the story about Umbrella, Raccoon City and the T-Virus My comment: Interesting, the T-Virus is mentioned...

Capcom said all of that in a chat N-Zone sometimes holds. They already held a chat with Capcom once and the info that appeared later turned out to be true in the end. So you can consider these news as TRUE.

Thanks to my partner Resident Evil ALLS.T.A.R.S. for summarizing the important information of the chat.


Somewhere in Japan, Kobayashi is pulling out his hair because he's been trying to keep all this secret for a year :lol
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