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Resident Evil 4 -- Pal Box-Art



Sorry if old.

Looks great!


noooooo the old was much was better and more stylish. They just took the title screen of the demo :(


Gold Member
:lol :lol :lol

regarding the earlier cool boxart, what I said

Chittagong said:
Now that I'm back with my PowerBook, I noticed rightaway that this is a FAKE. The super sharp and bright display with good distinction in the dark end of the color range of reveals that the Nintendo and GameFront logos we're cut and pasted with a rectangular marquee tool over the image. The black does not match fully with the background. Also, you can see a "PAL" text shining through the Nintendo logo.

If you have a lesser display, you can see the same by bringing it into Photoshop and using Brightness +50 / Contrast +70.

A really stylish fake, for once. Although the lack of the PAL text and the funny colors should have given it away immediately.

what you said

solarplexus said:
In the last years gamefront never released a fake packshot. Furthermore many other european sites got this boxart straight from Capcom today.

what I said

Chittagong said:
I'd love this to be the real thing. However, it's beyond me how Capcom would send out such a mock-up although they have the official Nintendo templates, as does their UK design agency. The following things bother me, fake or not:

#1 The Capcom logo in odd color. Not seen that before and it is very rare for a company to alter a classic logo even for such an important event.

#2 Why have the Nintendo symbols been pasted over the artwork in bitmap format retaining their background, although the Nintendo templates have the vector originals?

#3 Why is the "PAL" text shining through from behind the Nintendo logo when you touch contrast and brightness sliders in photoshop?

#4 Why is there no "PAL" text normally in the pack front?

#5 Where is the ratings icon?

The last one is easiest, as ratings come in later probably. Again, any of the above questions do not mean that it would be 100% certainly fake, but they sure make it look unprofessional, although very cool in design.

and I was starting to hesitate a bit

Chittagong said:
Looks more legit, although that PAL text there still makes me go hmm... Oh well, at least I was correct about the PS2 new model Press Release being real. :)

but what what finally - correct about the PS2 press release being legit and this being fake! Yay for the big success in my life



Chittagong said:
:lol :lol :lol

regarding the earlier cool boxart, what I said

what you said

what I said

and I was starting to hesitate a bit

but what what finally - correct about the PS2 press release being legit and this being fake! Yay for the big success in my life


But couldn't it also be that Capcom simply decided to switch to another boxart before release?
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