I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
New Ashley looks hot. Aside from that, I'd rather stick to the original game on a GC + CRT TV.
I know what you mean. Seems like just a few years ago, I was happily playing it in my teenage bedroom on a 13" CRT.
Now we're here complaining about how unimpressive the remake looks running at 2k+ resolution at solid frame rates![]()
It is a new trend.....VAPERS now leave in that place![]()
Salazar needs to cool it with the indoors fog machine.
HahaI don't get how people think ''It's just a few years ago'' like to me it was like a lifetime ago, I am not even sure if that was MY memory.
The brand new, in-depth high-quality comparison between Resident Evil 4 Remake (2023) and the original Resident Evil 4 (2005) based on the pre-release preview gameplay footage released for the press, at the best quality available, true 4k 60 FPS. All footage from the original game was captured by me on PC with HD Project Mod installed at 4K 60FPS
I disagreeHaha
It's just that perception of time scales with age, in my experience. Five years passing at 20 years old feels about like 10 years passing does at 40. That's at a linear scale. Probably more like an exponential curve in reality
There's always these guys. They don't even have to see it, they've already got this meaningless comment loaded and ready to go.Soul vs soulless
Everywhere else on the internet people have been glowing and have had very positive reception towards the way RE4R looks. The only places that have had more naysayers than usual are NeoGaf and /v/There's always these guys. They don't even have to see it, they've already got this meaningless comment loaded and ready to go.
I could've clarified that I was speaking of my individual (subjective) perception of time, and not trying to say everyone experiences it the same way, but I'm interested. How would going from the 90s to the 80s be noticeable, but 2020s to 2000s wouldn't be? Because to me, all of those Quantum Leaps would be close to immediately noticeable in terms of fashion, tech, communication, slang, methods of business, styles of cars, obesity rates, you name itI disagree
The reason it feels like that is because little has changed outside outrage culture which is the only thing you can define the last decade with.
Each Decade feels like a different world to people from another.
if someone travelled back into time from the 90's to the 80's it would be obvious to them instantly.
Same with the 2000's to the early 90's.
But if you were to travel back from 2020's to 2009?
You'd have to wait for someone to pull out their phone to realise what year it was because of what model they have.
Same with if you travelled back to the early 2000's
The only big give away would be the phones and girls being dressed better and not have Butt & lip injections.
Now if someone travelled from the 2000's to 2020?
They just be wondering what's with all the freaks and weirdos and start offending them.
OLED BROLooks bad. Too much black crush.
Yeah that's the first thing you notice when watching films from those era's...I could've clarified that I was speaking of my individual (subjective) perception of time, and not trying to say everyone experiences it the same way, but I'm interested. How would going from the 90s to the 80s be noticeable, but 2020s to 2000s wouldn't be? Because to me, all of those Quantum Leaps would be close to immediately noticeable in terms of fashion, tech, communication, slang, methods of business, styles of cars, obesity rates, you name it
Just replayed 1 again going through 2 now. Shits fucking awesome.Chad/virgin Kratos
I want to go back
Just as comparing to the pc, ps3, ps4, xbox360, xbox one, switch hd re-releases is bullshit, as they are horrible ports, missing all depth buffer effects, shaders, advanced particles, motion blur, bloom.Comparing it against the HD mod is fucking bullshit and should be called out as such.
Reminds me of when they where showing off Dead Space Remake and they kept showing a picture of Issacc in an overly ambient lit room staring at a corner some where to make the difference as stark and.....misleading as possible.
Yep just played through Albert's and Chris's amazing mod this year. Work they put in is crazy.Just as comparing to the pc, ps3, ps4, xbox360, xbox one, switch hd re-releases is bullshit, as they are horrible ports, missing all depth buffer effects, shaders, advanced particles, motion blur, bloom.
Anything other than the original GC/wii is basically shit. The HD Project actually restores all post peocessing effects, apart from redoing all the textures.
Emulation is a good middle ground, as it has all the proper effects, without the cheaty high res textures the mod has. It's basically how all the shitty releases along the many years, should have looked.
This is a forum, not a circlejerk.Everywhere else on the internet people have been glowing and have had very positive reception towards the way RE4R looks. The only places that have had more naysayers than usual are NeoGaf and /v/
So make of that what you will.
This is a forum, not a circlejerk.
Maybe what is obvious for you is not obvious for others.It's more fun to circlejerk over something that obviously looks awesome, as opposed to overly obsessing over minor inconsequential shit.
Maybe what is obvious for you is not obvious for others.
It would be more boring to hear only people praising the game, if i want that i can go in the official reddit page.
Tell me you have no idea of how a forum work without spelling it out for me.Tell me you're a contrarian without spelling it out for me.
Looks fine but anal blister is not to be trusted
Tell me you have no idea of how a forum work without spelling it out for me.
This is a fun game, your turn.
You can challenge me all you want dude, this was my point.Ok so you want to complain about something and not get challenged on it, because you're on a forum. Well then excuse me, I've been a bad boy then.
Jesus that's a huge file. Got to take my laptop to the basement to download that (where the hard wire is).The Pre-load is up on the Xbox.
67GB. That's a chunky fucking monkey for an RE Engine game.
PS4: 900p/~45fps
PS4 Pro:
Resolution Mode: 2160p/~30fps
Performance Mode: Dynamic 1080p/~60fps
Resolution Mode: 2160p/~60fps
Performance Mode: Dynamic 2160p/60fps
- All versions use the same temporal reconstruction technique for resolution that we saw in RE Village. PS5 runs at an average of 1872p in performance mode.
- The PS5 version has an advantage in almost all graphical settings. Animations, textures, LOD, lighting, shadows, post-processing effects... Although the oldgen version maintains an acceptable visual quality.
- PS5 Resolution mode activates Ray-Tracing by default, but we can enable/disable it even if we choose Resolution or Performance mode.
- Ray-Tracing improves the overall lighting of specific areas and reflections as we saw in Resident Evil Village. Its use is quite anecdotal.
- On PS5 it is possible to activate a graphics option that improves the physics of Leon's hair and other characters/animals. However, this option causes integration problems with the lighting in certain areas. I recommend not activating this enhancement for now.
- PS4/PS4 Pro remove the shadow casting of some elements and light points (especially indoor lamps).
- The oldgen versions present some problems in texture loading.
- Loading times are 5 times faster on PS5.
- General audio uses quite aggressive compression on PS4/PS4 Pro.
- The PS5 version supports VRR, although it does not exceed 60fps in any mode.
I’ve been replaying the Xbone port, and while 60fps is great, there’s a part of me that wanted to dig out the GC or Wii version before playing the remake, but I didn’t have the time (would have to drive an hour to get them out of storage). Maybe I’ll play the GC original after the Remake at this point for the complete comparison.Maybe I'm part of the problem but I can't get that excited, the old one doesn't seem that bad in comparison and I REALLY like the Wii version. Not to trash the remake or anything but meh.
Looks good but not 18 years forward good. Wow, we really didn’t evolve much after the ps2 era
I’ve been replaying the Xbone port, and while 60fps is great, there’s a part of me that wanted to dig out the GC or Wii version before playing the remake, but I didn’t have the time (would have to drive an hour to get them out of storage). Maybe I’ll play the GC original after the Remake at this point for the complete comparison.
I’ve played the GC and Wii versions both a million times. There’s some visual effects that are only in the GC version, and each (non-Wii) subsequent version has had control stick aiming dead zone issues, so I also want to compare some stuff visually and control wise with the HD port for shits and giggles.What really sets the Wii version apart are the controls. RE4's control scheme seemed made for it from the start (you stop when you aim, so you can look and aim independently without any awkward "bounding box" solutions, it was perfection). Without that I think you may as well play Xbone/PS4, though I can't speak for the remake yet.
Because most YouTubers now are fucking lazy and just rip their footage from other people's videos and quickly churn out low effort videos like this rather than doing their own research and sourcing their own footage.
Have you seen Leon's hair though?
A comprehensive comparison between the new Resident Evil 4 Remake and the original Resident Evil 4, including graphics, gameplay mechanics, features, and level layout changes.
Table of Contents:
00:00 Intro
01:08 Settings
02:17 Models
06:29 Environment
07:47 Lighting
09:12 Effects
09:59 Gameplay/Controls
13:28 Inventory
15:24 Treasure
16:46 Shooting Range
17:47 Ashley
18:52 Level Layouts - Village
23:36 Level Layouts - Castle
28:14 Level Layouts - Island
29:51 Sound
37:18 Conclusion
A Comprehensive Comparison of Resident Evil 4 and its Remake
Capcom’s Resident Evil 4 was first released in 2005, and since then, it has become a classic game that is loved by many. Recently, Capcom released a remake of the game, which has left many wondering how the remake compares to the original game. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at the recently released remake of Resident Evil 4 and see how it compares both visually and from a gameplay perspective to the original Resident Evil 4.
Visual Differences
The remake has seen tactical improvements to the visual design in just about every area. The new visuals are used to reimagine these iconic moments just like the Resident Evil 2 and 3 remakes. However, the remake isn’t just a graphical overhaul. The entirety of the game has been reworked with more modernized controls, rewritten story, and some drastically different layouts to each of the game's chapters.
Both games are being played on the PC with the graphic settings cranked up as high as possible at a native 4K resolution. However, for a cleaner image comparison, the effects like motion blur and chromatic aberration have been disabled. For reference, the classic Resident Evil 4 being used for the basis of this comparison is the HD re-release of the PC version. Technically, the original GameCube released to the game is the preferred classic Resident Evil 4 experience along with the PS2 version that comes with some additional content at the expense of visual quality.
Character Models
The primary protagonist Leon S Kennedy has been retained almost exactly; his appearance has been updated to reflect the changed appearance used in the Resident Evil 2 remake. Leon’s old leather jacket and tactical black shirt pants and holsters are all the same. However, the massively improved animation quality at play here with individual strands of hair bouncing as he runs and more fluid walking and running animation loops that make him navigate the environment more naturally are very impressive. Leon now features a massive leap in polycon over his old GameCube counterpart along with more advanced shaders shadowing and subsurface scattering giving him an almost lifelike appearance in-game.
Ashley Graham, unlike Leon, has been given a new base design to her outfit with an orange jacket over top of her classic sleeveless turtleneck sweater. She’s also now wearing dark stockings along with a plaid green score instead of her just plaid green skirt from before. Ashley herself also looks slightly older in the remake, more in line with being 20 years old, whereas the original design and accompanying voice performance gave the impression that she was much younger.
Other supporting characters like Ada Wong, Louise, and the merchant are a bit more faithful to their original designs. Ada does sport a new sweater dress, and Louise has gone from Brown chinos to Blue Jeans, but otherwise their core design and the personality that comes through with these design decisions matches up almost exactly to their 2005 counterparts.
The most common enemy type in the game, the ganados, has been greatly expanded upon with improved geometry animation design and visual detail. The hairs on the bearded ganados, in particular, are very impressive, and the sheer density and variety in larger hordes really stands apart from the original game’s comically recycled enemy types around every corner. The rest of the ganados from the later X also share the same general aesthetic design as the source material, but there are a few interesting…
In conclusion, the Resident Evil 4 remake is not just a graphical overhaul, but the entirety of the game has been reworked with more modernized controls, rewritten story, and some drastically different layouts to each of the game’s chapters. The new visuals are used to reimagine these iconic
A comparison between Original Leon from Resident Evil 4 (2005) and Remake Leon (or REon as I call him) from Resident Evil 4 Remake (2023). In the remake Leon's characters was turned a few notched toward the realism as the eventsx of Racoon City were traumatic for him, and he barely resembles the Old school Leon who was an iconic action hero with sharp one-liners.
The video discusses the comparison between Original Leon from Resident Evil 4 (2005) and Remake Leon (or REon) from Resident Evil 4 Remake (2023). The remake Leon's character was turned a few notches towards realism as the events of Racoon City were traumatic for him, and he barely resembles the old school Leon who was an iconic action hero with sharp one-liners.
Here are the key points:
Key Takeaway: The viewers have mixed opinions about the comparison between the OG Leon and Remake Leon. While some prefer the OG Leon's cheesiness and the unique atmosphere of the original game, others appreciate the realism and natural progression of the Remake Leon's character. Regardless, both Leons are badass and hold a special place in the viewers'
- The OG Leon from Resident Evil 4 was a confident, flirty, manly, braggadociously funny hero from the 2000s.
- The Remake Leon, or REon, from Resident Evil 4 Remake, is a more realistic, grim, serious, boyish, and not as funny hero.
- Fans of the original Leon prefer the cheesy lines that he has in the old game and miss them in the remake.
- The original RE4 is unique in its tone and atmosphere and cannot be replicated, according to some viewers.
- The OG Leon is still regarded as the "Chad" despite having lower graphics than the Remake.
- The realism of the remake seems to dampen the cheesiness of the OG RE4, which was one of its best parts.
- The new Leon is great because it feels like a natural progression from what he was like in RE2.
- The priest Mendez, purple robe-wearing cult leader Saddler, and Napoleon-like castellan Salazar were made more believable/realistic in the Remake, while an ex-military Major Krauser became more cheesy/cartoonish than in the OG.
- Leon in the original game looked way more mature and confident than in the remake.
- The original Leon from Resident Evil 4 is badass and has a special place in the viewers' hearts.