I did not know this was possible.
I did not know this was possible.
Perfect Dark had you capable of shooting weapons out of the hands of enemies a gen prior to that even. It's just complacency in mechanic trends that limits cool details like that.Isn't it sad that a game released on gamecube can do this, but games on PS4 and Xbone can't have this level of detail in their mechanics. I've said it all along, RE4 is a next gen game that was released in 2004.
I did not know this was possible.
I just messed around with this. Turns out that the shader for the film grain is lumped in with all the other particle effects, so turning it off turns off all smoke, fire, bloom, etc. I also couldn't get it to actually save the shader so I could distribute it for some reason. Oh well.It might be worth trying this with it.
People generally use it for fixing 3D vision, but the program itself just lets you disable individual shaders and figure out which are causing what.
You may be able to use it to disable things like DoF, Motion Blur, and the grain filter, then save it as a patch that can be easily shared and used (just place the patch in the executables directory).
It's worth giving a shot if you wanna try it yourself.
Any proper fix on the slow mo effect? I need to play in that sweet sweet 60FPS.
The way the game works is unlike how PC games generally work -- everything is timed by the framerate. The game either runs at a fixed 60hz, or fixed 30hz. If you've set it to 60hz, and your PC can't keep up to that refresh rate, the game will slow down.
Basically, it means you need to turn down your graphics options so your computer can keep up to 60hz, or you need to drop to 30hz.
I did not know this was possible.
Downsampled 4k, no AA
1440p, no AA
I just messed around with this. Turns out that the shader for the film grain is lumped in with all the other particle effects, so turning it off turns off all smoke, fire, bloom, etc. I also couldn't get it to actually save the shader so I could distribute it for some reason. Oh well.
Pic for posterity:
Man, I am rusty at this game. I died twice shortly after the second chainsaw guy because I ran out of ammo.
I did not know this was possible.
This sums up my thoughts on 60 fps exactly. It's clear some sacrifices had to be made to get it to run at 60 fps, but I can look past them. Aiming is just so smooooooooooth. I can see it not being for everyone, though, depending how much you value responsiveness vs. authenticity (purity?), and I'm glad it's an option.
When I try to play it looks like this:
Has anyone else had this problem? My brightness setting in the game is 00.
Is there a reason Leon mysteriously learns how to suplex by the castle portion?
Should I just buy the TMP? Or do you find it over the course of the adventure?
Do you have to unlock all of the catagories, before you advance to level 3 unlocks?
Turn off post-process.
That's a bummer!
This one would probably be better.
Turn off post-process.
I believe the way the program works is that you can disable specific groups of shaders then once you determine the group, you can disable the individual shaders within the group. You may be able to disable them separately as a result.
I did not know this was possible.
Should I just buy the TMP? Or do you find it over the course of the adventure?
Do you have to unlock all of the catagories, before you advance to level 3 unlocks?
I'm using my PS4 pad for this but when I change the controller layouts and resume the game they stay the same. Anyone know how to fix this?
So I get the whole "you need to maintain the 30fps or 60fps (whatever you set it to) to keep the game from going slow-mo, but what's the current issue with v-sync?
Animations are tied to the timing of the frame rate.
If you dip below 60 FPS than the animations will appear to be slower linearly to the drop in frame rate.
The 30 FPS setting changes the timing to that frame rate.
what the post-process option do ?
what the post-process option do ?
Looks like just how Gears was inspired by RE4, this version of RE4 took some inspiration from Gears with those filters.Just turns on some novelty colour filters.
This is Ultimate HD? Jeez.....wish I still had my original re4 modded pc screenshots.
I've been trying to piece together this part of the conversation...
Should everyone turn off vsync or just people who are having framerate issues?
Like if I'm just running the game at normal ass 1080p with 4x AA and HD textures and it seems to be working fine at 60fps, should I still turn off vsync for some reason?