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Resident Evil 4 will end the known storyline apparently...



According to Kobayashi, Resident Evil 4 marks the end of a saga. While the series itself will continue, this shall be the last time (supposedly) that we'll see the Umbrella Corporation involved in any sort of way. Indeed, as we said in our preview in early 2003 -- Resident Evil 4 is a nefarious, narrative climax. It is, for all intents and purposes, the ultimate Resident Evil to date.

Kobayashi also confirmed that Resident Evil 4 will have other playable characters aside from Leon, the now ubiquitous protagonist.

Finally, in response to the question on all our minds -- whether or not Resident Evil 5 will see a release on the Nintendo Revolution -- Kobayashi stated that there is no reason to suspect that Capcom will continue releasing Resident Evil titles on Nintendo's consoles. However, he seemed to suggest that the ultimate decision will be based on retail performance of Resident Evil 4.


Will start substantiating his hate
Hmmm... Kobayashi has stated before that Umbrella Corp. isn't in the game in any way. Obviously he could be lying but why change the story now?


I'm guessing he was just lying to try and keep it a suprise. Either way he clearly slipped up by mentioning it.

Deku Tree

Kobayashi stated that there is no reason to suspect that Capcom will continue releasing Resident Evil titles on Nintendo's consoles

Did he really say this exactly? It seems kind of a harsh thing to say (even if its true) at this point just before RE4 is even released. It often happens that alot meaning gets lost in translation whenever I read statements like this out of Japan.


My first thought was that he meant to say "doubt" instead of "suspected" but who can say?

Anyway, here's some more info from the Gamespy interview that is probably old, but interesting nonetheless.
GameSpy: The original concepts for Biohazard 4, as shown in the E3 2003 movie, were said to be scrapped at the Capcom press event earlier this year. Can you tell us a little bit about what they were and why these ideas didn't make the cut?

Kobayashi: Actually, the footage you saw at E3 last year was the SECOND attempt at RE4. We actually had one before that! We had started in on that one prior, but completely scrapped it as well. After that, there was a third attempt that was never shown publicly. Finally, after three strikes, we came up with what RE4 is now.

The reason why we went through all these ideas is because the whole concept of RE4 was to reinvent the game. We wanted to give the gamers something new. In the past installments, we were stuck in the cookie-cutter RE mold. We had to break those shackles holding us down before we came up with something new.

The first story idea we had was going in to destroy the main base of Umbrella in Europe. The second concept was that Leon was hit with a bizarre disease in which he started to see illusions and monsters that weren't really there. He would attack and strike out at them, but he couldn't do them any harm. The third version had zombies. It simply didn't feel fun. Then we said, "NO MORE ZOMBIES!" and that was that.


Umbrella won't be involved in future games kind of in the same way Megaman X5 was supposed to end the "X must kill Zero" debacle, right?


What will RE be without zombies or Umbrella? I didn't even think Umbrella was in RE4, but I'm glad to hear it is.


But resident evil with no umbrella or zombies is like puff with no mase... :^/

Come to think of it with a lil tweaking code veronica could have easily ended the current story arc. don't you guys agree?


Yes, there's the nostalgic value of having Umbrella with the series, however, I think that time is over now.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
LakeEarth said:
Hopefully no Umbrella doesn't mean no Wesker.

And also Claire, Chris, and Steve. Code Veronica leaves their story too wide open for them not to be included in the "last" Umbrella related story...
so there will be an atual ending not the default RE ending of "XYZ place explodes as Leon and new side character escape at the last second buy some vehicle and exclaim that they will get revenge against Umbrella"?

I guess Hunk and Wesker are in the game as well?

wait it's capcom so if this is an ending I expect that it'll be an ending that explains shit...like the nice closure we got to Ryu vs Sagat stroy like that ended so nicely.
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