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Resident Evil 7 Biohazard announced (PC/XB1/PS4), Jan 2017, PS4 demo out now


Fuck the old characters
Fuck the old story.
Fuck the crappy set pieces

This is JUUUUUuuuuussssst right

Gimme that demo!!
Seems so weird to me that Capcom is betting the mainline entry of Resident Evil on a new concept (VR) wher noone has an idea if it's even going to take off. And yes, to me it looked like VR tailored. The graphics are way to bad for a nom VR game and several animations (like hand opening door) are missing.

I mean, I really dig the new direction but I am afraid this will end up being a half backed VR game instead of a good old school first person horror game.
So much jumping to conclusions and the demo isn't even out. Christ, this thread is embarrassing at times.

NeoGAF in general is embarrassing sometimes. Jumping to conclusions, making determinations about games before they've even played them, people trying out jade each other, the "ugh, everything sucks" attitude. It gets tiring. People haven't even played this yet. They don't even know if this is what the main game is going to be like, but it's already betrayed everything that Resident Evil is.


Resident Evil was all about its characters. Not this scary horror movie crap as seen on the boxart. I see a lot of people rejoicing it but all they took was P.T and made it into RE. Fuck that.

I love where this is going, it's a welcome change of pace.

And that cover is incredible.


This seems like a really strange direction to take Resident Evil in, I'm willing to give it a go though I'm not sure I'll be able to play it in VR just watching that trailer on youtube scared the shit out of me.


Resident Evil was all about its characters. Not this scary horror movie crap as seen on the boxart. I see a lot of people rejoicing it but all they took was P.T and made it into RE. Fuck that.



Resident Evil was all about its characters. Not this scary horror movie crap as seen on the boxart. I see a lot of people rejoicing it but all they took was P.T and made it into RE. Fuck that.

So if you had to choose between RE being a scary horror movie or a shitty action over the top action game, what would you pick ?

OH... MY.. GOD!!!!!!!!!

An RE that was actually terrifying for the RIGHT REASONS?


I'm eating so much shit right now, holy cow.

That is freaking amazing, jesus.
Doesn't bother me that it's first person but I do hope there is some inventory management and combat. Looking forward to the demo, I just don't want this to be an Amnesia style thing.


Wait wait wait,let me get this straight.

So the demo is only in first person or will the whole game when released be in first person? Because if yes,then...


So many thoughts to process right now

I appreciate horror but I still want weapons and items, not just walking around waiting to shit my pants. And are they dumping all the characters and story? I don't know about this. Not gonna lose my shit yet.
Resident Evil 4 changed the perspective, but has A LOT in common with the other Resident Evil games.

Games like P.T and Outlast share the horror genre, but have far less in common with Resident Evil.

You haven't played the game yet, you don't know what the gameplay is like.
Resident Evil was all about its characters. Not this scary horror movie crap as seen on the boxart. I see a lot of people rejoicing it but all they took was P.T and made it into RE. Fuck that.

Man, I'm glad I wasn't the one who got to point out just how shitty this post is. but you see it now, right?

Why don't you simmer down and wait until we hear more about the game before you decide you know everything about it?


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
That'll never work!

*RE4 image*
Don't give me that bullshit. RE4 was a 100% natural evolution of both technology and gameplay. People who think it was drastic were clearly out of touch and also didn't give a single fuck about the special modes in RE2&3. Also I hope you realize that when you bring up one of the greatest masterpieces of gaming history as a demonstration of good faith in "change" as a principle, you're setting yourself up to look like an ass if this doesn't deliver on that level.


the twist: you play as chris redfield and punch zombies extremely graphically in first person, making doom look tame in the process
Yeah, so let's just take 20 years of consistent evolution and throw it out, turn everything on it's head.

They already did that with 4, and then again with 6.

Everyone knew RE7 was going to usher in a new era for the RE games.

Fan of RE6 or not, realistically, where in the world do you take a game after RE6? RE6 is the videogame equivalent of "jumping the shark." RE7 was destined to be a reboot of sorts, or at the very least, a really interesting side story in first person.
NeoGAF in general is embarrassing sometimes. Jumping to conclusions, making determinations about games before they've even played them, people trying out jade each other, the "ugh, everything sucks" attitude. It gets tiring. People haven't even played this yet. They don't even know if this is what the main game is going to be like, but it's already betrayed everything that Resident Evil is.

For real, some of these post are embarrassing lmao.
To me Resident Evil is super campy so this attempt to try and make it super serious does nothing for me.

At least werewgetting Dead Rising 4.


Smh at people who are " out " without even willing to try a demo that Capcom has the good will to let you try on the day of this games' announcement to dissuade any doubts fans might have.

You can't even 'try' it? Really?


RE5 is still good though

Yeah it is, i was referencing 6. Although I like 6 and will argue its issues lie within level design it had problems. And out of 4 , 5, 6, rerev1 and 2, 6 is the only one I can call a bad game. 6 is the only one that had large amounts of just negative criticism.

Capcom could have kept on trucking, they made two games after 6 that did well. And 6 did well , they are making creative decisions.


I may be alone in this, but I'm super glad - thus far - there seems to be no returning characters. The series hasn't had a new cast of characters since RE2, and every sequel since has just been characters from RE1/2 with a few new characters sprinkled in.

RE5 showed Capcom didn't have the balls the kill off a established character, and RE6 showed that established characters as a selling point: "Chris and Leon in the same game?? WOW!".


Resident Evil was all about its characters. Not this scary horror movie crap as seen on the boxart. I see a lot of people rejoicing it but all they took was P.T and made it into RE. Fuck that.

Too many old school fans kept clamoring for horror horror horror. Real shame they caved.


Game trailer starts off in a room in some house that you clearly don't belong in with a loud ass rotary phone. You pick up the phone and it's the voice of a young woman on the end telling you that you shouldn't be there.

It's Resident Evil as fuck.

Some arse is guaranteed to roll their arse through a window at some point in this game.


I would have taken 7 as a zombie puzzle fighter rather than them keep following down the road of 6.

I need this demo now.


I feel like anyone who says this is a return to roots never played the original games in their life lol. Not saying it as a good or bad thing, but that trailer didn't look anything like old school RE anymore than it did new school RE.
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