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Resident Evil 7 Biohazard announced (PC/XB1/PS4), Jan 2017, PS4 demo out now



Literally everything I wanted from Resident Evil is BACK! Hope there's a SPOOPY mansion to explore AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Glad we're long gone from the series shift that Resi 4 brought


I will buy this for my Vive and proceed to only play 5 minutes because I'm too scared. Glad to support stuff like this being made though!


That'll never work!


Resident Evil 4 changed the perspective, but has A LOT in common with the other Resident Evil games.

Games like P.T and Outlast share the horror genre, but have far less in common with Resident Evil.

Astral Dog

this does not say much to me, could be as bad as RE6, could be a return to horror, or something else, im assuming they just showed the creepier or more quiet parts to hype up classic fans.


This style (first person horror, like Outlast, PT) just makes me shit my pants. I do not have the nerve to play them. I can play horror in third person - but not in first person.

Guess my favorites will remain the less scary, more action oriented RE5 and RE6.

But I understand this will please many ppl.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
The fact that it's FIRST PERSON. Just no. It's not about that they went back to horror... it's this FPS bullshit. Get out.

This entirely new reboot is bullshit and yet it's still called RE7? How the fuck?

No old characters?
No multiplayer?
Anything related to RE at all? Inventory, herbs etc

It's a brand new game slapped on with the RE title on it.

Sorry but nope.

And you can tell all these from just a trailer?

Sorry but nope.


Really excited to play the demo. In the wake of Resident Evil 6's tepid reception it's good to see the series is seemingly headed in a fresh direction.
Capcom Unity:

Resident Evil 7 is set after the events of Resident Evil 6, taking place in modern day and revolving around a foreboding, derelict plantation mansion in rural America. Players must explore and survive the horrors within the mysterious, sprawling estate.

So, not a new continuity but a completely new vibe, tone, and play style. Interesting.


... I'd rather wait for the impressions who played the demo than listen to ya'll guys saying "this isn't RE, RE is action and shit".

why wait for any impressions when you've clearly already made up your mind

anyhow it looks like the RE war as per usual is in full effect so once again i must know:

is this game called biohazard 7: resident evil in japan because that would be the best
Resident Evil 4 changed the perspective, but has A LOT in common with the other Resident Evil games.

Games like P.T and Outlast share the horror genre, but have far less in common with Resident Evil.

and how do we know that this game shares more with P.T. and Outlast than it does with prior Resident Evils? because of the first person perspective? because a lot of people up in here are jumping to some wild conclusions based on that alone
OH wait, a demo??? Yes!!!

Just like God of War, I'm loving this change of direction. It's great to see long-running IP go to new places.
I'll wait and see. Ideally, something along the lines of Revelations 2 with a AAA budget would have happened, but I'm fine with a soft reboot, too.

Figured it was RE as soon as the person acquired the VHS tape. The item icon appearing on the screen just felt so REish.


Well, this was a good way to lower Resident Evil's budget by 80%.

And it's still gonna sell like hot cakes.

I'll wait and see. Ideally, something along the lines of Revelations 2 with a AAA budget would have happened, but I'm fine with a soft reboot, too.

Figured it was RE as soon as the person acquired the VHS tape. The item icon appearing on the screen just felt so REish.

I knew when he opened the pot. Classic RE gross shit in a pot.
Optimistic for this. Hope it's as close to a reboot as they can make it, new characters and everything. Capcom saw the series was stalling, good on them for chainging it up.
Looks tight, I haven’t been this interested in a Resident Evil game in a long time. Absolutely looking forward to this. However, I’m not felling the change of perspective at a 100%. Nonetheless, I’m definitely in!
RE needs a shake up. This looks great!

Also- love seeing Capcom picking up the ball that was dropped by #FucKonami with the PT influence. Take advantage where Konami failed, Capcom!
As a fan of the old school RE (and RE4), I'm glad the 5/6 era looks to be dead. Even if it's not old-school gameplay it's still looks much better than what we've gotten in the past 8 years.
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