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Resident Evil 7 Biohazard announced (PC/XB1/PS4), Jan 2017, PS4 demo out now


I may be alone in this, but I'm super glad - thus far - there seems to be no returning characters. The series hasn't had a new cast of characters since RE2, and every sequel since has just been characters from RE1/2 with a few new characters sprinkled in.

RE5 showed Capcom didn't have the balls the kill off a established character, and RE6 showed that established characters as a sealing point: "Chris and Leon in the same game?? WOW!".

You are not alone brother, the series needed an new game with complete new cast long time ago.


(+)They nailed the art direction and the atmosphere.
(-) First Person perspective and lack of distinctive characters and RE related features.

That's my take on it.Its not all bad ,but I feel like role playing as a character was kind of a big part of RE for me.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
IIRC, the O.G. Resident Evil game was conceived as first-person game, but the available technology couldn't support the development vision

Looks like the tech finally caught up


I for one, hope I'm not a special agent, in quest of the truth. I hope this is just a normal character. But That's very unlikely.

Still don't see the demo? Not up right.


I hope if this is the new direction the series is going, we get side installments with the old characters.


It's absolutely amazing that anyone could think that RE7 is anything like BoF6 in terms of shittiness. Get the fuck out of here with that shit. BoF6 killed a series that may as well have already been dead, this is doing nothing but revitalizing a series that was so up in the ass of dudebros that it may as well have been called Call of Duty with it's next release had they continued on with the action trend.

It's definitely in that league, they literally just took a tech demo rolled with it and slapped their biggest IP on it. Crazy that people are excited about this. But opinions and all that.
I like how it says it is going back to roots when its not lol. Looks like games like amnesia, outlast etc has killed survival horror.

I am glad many of y'all are enjoying this P.T revival but to me Resident Evil is dead.


So was this the response RE4 got when it tried to change the formula? I can't recall, I didn't too much care about the internet back then.

hao chi

This looks fantastic. I'm thrilled that it's not more RE6-style bullshit. It actually looks like it could be pretty terrifying, which I honestly didn't think I'd say about a Resident Evil game again.


(+)They nailed the art direction and the atmosphere.
(-) First Person perspective and lack of distinctive characters and RE related features.

That's my take on it.Its not all bad ,but I feel like role playing as a character was kind of a big part of RE for me.

First Person is only if you play on VR....


if you think 5 is garbage i don't know what to tell you . There is no accounting for taste, but i'll at least say this as far as money and reception is concerned the only game out of the recent ones that had a large contingent of the net saying its bad is 6

That's 1/5 that's 80% good video game.

Personal opinion, 5 and 6 are terrible compared to the first three. 4 brought something new and enjoyable where the following two didn't.
I kind of agree that Resident Evil needed a reboot, it had become so blated. But maybe it should've been a spin-off instead of a numbered game.


And is it so hard to have both perspectives??? Unless you play unknown Joe trying to survive.

Still, give us a choice.
I thought they showed splices of third person gameplay though
(+)They nailed the art direction and the atmosphere.
(-) First Person perspective and lack of distinctive characters and RE related features.

That's my take on it.Its not all bad ,but I feel like role playing as a character was kind of a big part of RE for me.

They haven't revealed the characters or features. No need to be so drastic.


Resident Evil was all about its characters. Not this scary horror movie crap as seen on the boxart. I see a lot of people rejoicing it but all they took was P.T and made it into RE. Fuck that.
Have you ever seen the opening video for the original resident evil?





you can't be serious can you? That's the last thing I played the RE games for.


A fuck ton of people like RE because its silly over the top spy zombie fiction with conspiracy plots that sometimes jump scares you with action bits. Its been that since one, even one breaks down into that bullshit. And then they ran with in 4 and it sold more than ever, so I can totally seem people like myself going " This doesn't look dumb enough. This house better be secretly owned by hydra to train soilders or some shit ".

Its always kind of been a silly horror game with spy conspiracy shit in it.


I feel like anyone who says this is a return to roots never played the original games in their life lol. Not saying it as a good or bad thing, but that trailer didn't look anything like old school RE anymore than it did new school RE.
So I was time traveler when it started and I told it looked like a RE game.

It smell, look and talk like a old RE game.


It's definitely in that league, they literally just took a tech demo rolled with it and slapped their biggest IP on it. Crazy that people are excited about this. But opinions and all that.

A tech demo that completely floored the industry, and then immensely disappointed everyone after the Konami stuff.

Downplaying the effect PT had is just silly. There is obviously a huge demand for that kind of horror, and Resident Evil USED to be one of the greatest horror games.

This is the perfect direction for the series. Not tank controls and strange cameras, and certainly not whatever 5 and 6 were.
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