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Resident Evil 7 Biohazard announced (PC/XB1/PS4), Jan 2017, PS4 demo out now


Series needed a shot in the arm, the whole action movie angle it had going ran thin with RE6.

I'm very interested in this.

Re sells... very very well.

And then they released two better re games after re6 and the reason it was two instead of one is because the first one sold so well they ported it to everything and made it a secondary franchise in re.

RE didn't need a shot in shit. You notice how they mentioned this is canon, that's the " If we fuck this up, we got chris in a cage duel wielding ak's ready to go ham on some undead"


I hope it's all new characters and go away from the clusterfuck that RE has become as much as possible. References to past events is all I want. Super intrigued by the game btw, I think it looks cool as hell.
How did you determine all that from what we've seen?

Yeah I don't get it, we've seen so little of it, yet people are already assuming there will be no combat, and that none of the existing cast will be returning.

I'll be extremely shocked if none of the past characters make an appearance. There's no way they're throwing them out completely.

Also, Revelations 2 spoilers
The little girl on the boxart - could that be Wesker-possessed Natalia? If that IS her then there you have it, characters from past games ARE returning.


Day fucking one. I want to be freaked out by an RE game again, even if this feels more like Silent Hill than Resident Evil.


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
Is it a reboot?

Resident Evil really could do with a clean sweep.
Yeah, so let's just take 20 years of consistent evolution and throw it out, turn everything on it's head.

That'll never work!

The fact that it's FIRST PERSON. Just no. It's not about that they went back to horror... it's this FPS bullshit. Get out.

This entirely new reboot is bullshit and yet it's still called RE7? How the fuck?

No old characters?
No multiplayer?
Anything related to RE at all? Inventory, herbs etc

It's a brand new game slapped on with the RE title on it.

Sorry but nope.


Holy shit this is the most insane I've ever seen GAF I think. Did everyone take crazy pills? It's a fucking teaser to set the location and mood and reveal the new first person perspective, at least wait until the demo is out before you make wild baseless bullshit up like no other characters or ties to Resident Evil or missing gameplay elements Jesus effing Christ


Anyone know when the demo goes live?

I think it took a bold step for Capcom to make RE in this way so I'm excited to see how they take the gameplay with this look and feel.


Tears in the rain
People should keep in mind that there's RE2 coming to satisfy "that" itch. This is the glorious kick in the ass Resident Evil needed. It's the second coming of P.T.
I haven't cared much for Resident Evil since 4. Something drastic needed to be done, and I'm pleased they're riding the coattail of PT.
LOL @ the people complaining this isn't "real" resident evil. At this point "real" resident evil is pretty much weaboo anime shit. This looks amazing and a great evolution for the series. I hope it doesn't reference anything at all and acts basically like a reboot.


So many overreactions from this trailer. You can't tell anything about the combat, inventory management, characters, story, etc.

This series has always changed things up through the years. Look at the last couple terrible games in the mainline series. Not to mention all the offshoots.

I'll admit the title may seem a bit weird at the moment labeling it as VII but let's calm down and admit the series needed something new.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
This is the big software surprise for me at E3. People had been wondering about this, but zero leaks. And I'm glad they are taking a 180 away from RE5 and RE6. Smaller games like SOMA have been eating their horror lunch for years.


I'm utterly confused about the "exclusive" part. It's obviously not exclusive to PS4, but is the VR component only available on PS4?

Holy shit this is the most insane I've ever seen GAF I think. Did everyone take crazy pills? It's a fucking teaser to set the location and mood and reveal the new first person perspective, at least wait until the demo is out before you make wild baseless bullshit up like no other characters or ties to Resident Evil or missing gameplay elements Jesus effing Christ

seriously these reactions are a goddamn trainwreck
LOL, at the overreactions.

We've seen a tiny trailer and that's it.

some gamers only know two modes, unreasonably overhhype or negatively overreact.

the people who just don't like first person games in general are fine though, not much you can do about that, beyond that we don't know shit about this game.
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