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Resident Evil 7 Biohazard announced (PC/XB1/PS4), Jan 2017, PS4 demo out now

I loved re 1-4 and even CV, and I'm hyped as hell for this. To people saying RE was about the characters.... you can't be serious can you? That's the last thing I played the RE games for.

I hated re 5 and 6. I want slow paced horror. While this is far from classic old school RE, this is far from garbage re6 from what I can tell.


Hey, maybe we should leave the doom and gloom at the door until one person finishes the demo? Then we can complain about something we know a little about instead of nothing?
Don't give me that bullshit. RE4 was a 100% natural evolution of both technology and gameplay. People who think it was drastic were clearly out of touch and also didn't give a single fuck about the special modes in RE2&3. Also I hope you realize that when you bring up one of the greatest masterpieces of gaming history as a demonstration of good faith in "change" as a principle, you're setting yourself up to look like an ass if this doesn't deliver on that level.

so which part of the trailer convinced you that this game isn't going to have any of what you remember from previous RE games?

what if it turns out that this game still has inventory management and action gameplay and it happens to be certain other people who are setting themselves up to look like asses, nay, already look like asses? based on less than two minutes of teaser footage?


Resident Evil was all about its characters. Not this scary horror movie crap as seen on the boxart. I see a lot of people rejoicing it but all they took was P.T and made it into RE. Fuck that.

P.T. was what the future of horror games should have been. Props to Capcom for putting a big name behind a project like this. If it doesn't work, go back to the old formula. No harm, no foul. Besides, it's not like this game will be the one to break the stellar Resident Evil track record.

Highly doubt it. Could've just made it into a spin off title or just called it "Resident Evil" and just delayed what RE7 should've been.

Seriously what is wrong with you people have been crying out for a single player horror game for years and we finally got it.

Nobody asked them to remove everything that made RE what it was. Even though RE has turned into more action than horror they still kept alot of what made RE RE. So yeah, we finally got it.... k.

I sure as hell didn't ask for this. I wanted more horror in the RE games, not a horror game called RE.
This is breath of fire VI level of trolling.

It's absolutely amazing that anyone could think that RE7 is anything like BoF6 in terms of shittiness. Get the fuck out of here with that shit. BoF6 killed a series that may as well have already been dead, this is doing nothing but revitalizing a series that was so up in the ass of dudebros that it may as well have been called Call of Duty with it's next release had they continued on with the action trend.


Resident Evil was all about its characters. Not this scary horror movie crap as seen on the boxart. I see a lot of people rejoicing it but all they took was P.T and made it into RE. Fuck that.
Great cover. I'm saddened that they may have swung too far in the horror direction but I'm keeping an open mind.

Where is the demo?
Wasn't too interested in a VR horror game.
Saw the VII at the end of the trailer and made a joke about how Final Fantasy 7 REMAKE had changed the tone.

Then the Resident Evil logo appeared and I got super excited. I don't know if it's what I want from the series, but I'll definitely try the demo and see where the game takes me.

As someone who had 0 interest in Playstation VR, this conference did a lot to get my attention.


Don't give me that bullshit. RE4 was a 100% natural evolution of both technology and gameplay. People who think it was drastic were clearly out of touch and also didn't give a single fuck about the special modes in RE2&3. Also I hope you realize that when you bring up one of the greatest masterpieces of gaming history as a demonstration of good faith in "change" as a principle, you're setting yourself up to look like an ass if this doesn't deliver on that level.

It was drastic. It worked, but it was drastic.


Resident Evil has had BOWs, characters, scenery, gigantic eye bulbs, and giraffes for box art.

This new one fits the mold quite nicely.


This was the most disappointing thing at E3 for me, honestly (outside of how generally-tepid all of the pressers were today). RE6 had amazing gameplay and an impressive range of actions you could reasonably do in various situations. It just felt so good to play.

I can appreciate classic RE, but they were onto something that no one else had really gotten down, and it's a shame to see that not used more. Maybe they'll still utilize it in a spin-off series or something...
They don't know what to do with the franchise.

This is as much of a departure from the series' origins as Resident Evil 6. Maybe even more of a departure.

I know, isn't it great?

Taking old IP in new directions...I love it. Props to Capcom for shaking things up.


My interest depends on what direction this takes. I can live with first person, but I'm concerned that this is pretty much going to ape the ongoing trend of horror FPS games that are a step away from walking simulators, rather than any meaningful combat, inventory, puzzles, etc.


Resident Evil was all about its characters. Not this scary horror movie crap as seen on the boxart. I see a lot of people rejoicing it but all they took was P.T and made it into RE. Fuck that.

Yeah I think you sum up nicely how I felt. Even the "VII" number felt off. Resident Evil never used romans. It was 4, 5, 6. Not IV, V, VI... I know it's nitpicking but it adds to the feeling of everything being out of place.

so is 'biohazard' the subtitle? Presser seems to make it so.

Yeah will it be called Biohazard VII biohazard in Japan? heh..


Nah, 5 was garbage too.

if you think 5 is garbage i don't know what to tell you . There is no accounting for taste, but i'll at least say this as far as money and reception is concerned the only game out of the recent ones that had a large contingent of the net saying its bad is 6

That's 1/5 that's 80% good video game.
Don't give me that bullshit. RE4 was a 100% natural evolution of both technology and gameplay. People who think it was drastic were clearly out of touch and also didn't give a single fuck about the special modes in RE2&3. Also I hope you realize that when you bring up one of the greatest masterpieces of gaming history as a demonstration of good faith in "change" as a principle, you're setting yourself up to look like an ass if this doesn't deliver on that level.

It's easy to say these things in hindsight.

Relax homie, E3 brings out the best and the worst. At least wait for gameplay footage before you force yourself to eat crow a months from now.


To me Resident Evil is super campy so this attempt to try and make it super serious does nothing for me.

At least werewgetting Dead Rising 4.

Exactly. This just doesn't look like Resident Evil at all. I'd be more excited if it were an original IP. I just don't like how it looks like a completely different game with RE slapped on its title. That said, I don't give a fuck if it's fucking 2nd person. Give me Chris or Jill or any of the classic RE characters and I'll be happy.


I'll be happy if this is FPS survival horror with limited weapons and ammo.

Drive the tension to 11.

Fuck that action horror boring shit the series turned into lately. Let's see a Resident Evil where you getter get headshots with your 7 rounds left.


This is as much of a departure from the series' origins as Resident Evil 6. Maybe even more of a departure.

It's the 7th game in the series, not even to count the insane amount of spinoffs.

Do something crazy. Go wild. Make it interesting again.
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