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Resident Evil 7 Biohazard announced (PC/XB1/PS4), Jan 2017, PS4 demo out now

It looks good, problem is until the logo there was absolutely nothing about it that stood out from most other horror games. I actually thought it was some indie game like Outlast 2.


Ya'll forgetting this is Capcom

Ibuki was supposed to be May and here we are half way through June, you'll get the demo on Christmas eve and like it.


I swear some of you have a very limited idea of what Resident Evil should be.

I dunno. It's very easy to pick out consistent, specific traits across the entire 20 year, 20+ game franchise.

And most of them are suddenly, seemingly gone in this game, replaced by a whole bunch of clichéd first person horror game staples.

I'm gonna wait for the demo before throwing tantrums, but it doesn't look good for RE.

Wonder what Shinji Mikami is thinking?

He'll probably love it. He likes first person games a lot.

I'm dreading that this may be a dmc: devil may cry situation.

Does kind of feel like that right now.
Why is everyone bringing up the characters? Did someone confirm that no one we know will appear?
apparently some gaffers already know that there's zero combat, all you do is slowly walk around, no inventory, and has no other modes, all that from a teaser.


So is this demo basically designed to fill the gap left by PT? The trailer kind of looked that way, if not a bit more straightforward.



This is literally Resident Evil in name only. RE is all about that fight or flight and the sense of urgency, that is where the horror originated.
This might as well be called Outlast: Mansion

Yeah, I'm getting really worried about RE2 REmake now. Capcom has no idea what Survival Horror is anymore, and it depresses the hell out of me. :(


This looked fantastic

But also like Capcom panicked with the franchise and used a PT inspired VR demo as a placeholder for the series. If this doesn't have the RE cast, it's just bizarre and misses the point. Since it is set after RE6, hope it really continues the story in the direction fans actually were asking for


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Halfway through the game Ada shows up


I don't think going fp horror will help their sales at all! They have established RE as some coop action for several years now, it will be interesting to see how much of that audience transfers over. Looking at games like Alien Isolation for example, I don't see it doing very well even with RE title.

People wanted horror back but probably not like this and more like Revelations 2 for example but better. I like how Capcom is taking a huge risk on their biggest and like only valuable remaining IP though but I'm not sure if this was the right direction.
The boxart reminds me of Lisa Trevor and the spencer estate.There is probably a lot of dark secrets to this mansion. Classic RE was about protagonists going down that rabbit hole too. I'm more worried how the gameplay will end up or if there will even be a game here or some interactive movie.


Not feeling it. Not exactly a real innovation in the genre either. First person run away games are old hat now. Will hold out and see if there is more to it.
Not the biggest FPS horror fan (at least in the style of Outlast) but just like Alien: Isolation my interest in the franchise is enough for me to give this a shot. Looking forward to trying the demo tomorrow.

But that reveal was perfect. Had no idea at first, figured the games was called VII and that was it until the rest of the logo faded in.


Interesting choice of release date, as the final Milla Jovovich movie releases in NA on January 27...but a month earlier in Japan.


You haven't played the game yet, you don't know what the gameplay is like.

and how do we know that this game shares more with P.T. and Outlast than it does with prior Resident Evils? because of the first person perspective? because a lot of people up in here are jumping to some wild conclusions based on that alone

Yeah, I'm reserving judgment here but what we've seen so far AT LEAST strongly implies something about the game.

I don't think it's unfair to express reservations based on what we saw, even if we aren't completely sure.


A tech demo that completely floored the industry, and then immensely disappointed everyone after the Konami stuff.

Downplaying the effect PT had is just silly. There is obviously a huge demand for that kind of horror, and Resident Evil USED to be one of the greatest horror games.

This is the perfect direction for the series. Not tank controls and strange cameras, and certainly not whatever 5 and 6 were.

I'm glad people that don't like Resident Evil games finally have a Resident Evil game they want to play.


I will say this. I've been incredibly sour on RE, starting with RE5, RE HD and excepted. But the reveal teaser is so good. It gives me shivers, something I never expected I would ever say about an RE game. Not even RE4, one of my favorite games of all time.

The game as a whole doesn't necessarily excite me. But man, that trailer.

Willy Wanka

my god this avatar owns
I was initially disappointed because I thought it was VR only. I didn't get any real Resident Evil vibes from the trailer but I'll reserve judgement until I see more of it. I do hope the entire thing isn't in first person though.



It's the 7th game in the series, not even to count the insane amount of spinoffs.

Do something crazy. Go wild. Make it interesting again.

It it were just that I'd be on-board.

But it seems like "people liked P.T, let's do P.T". I don't think you could look at the trailer and think it was an original concept.

I hope it's a fantastic game but I just feel like they're oversteering into the "make players scared" direction. People want gameplay with tension. Resource management and zombies - that's Resident Evil. Creepy shadow figured children isn't.

Ah well. I hope it's good.
I don't mind first person horror games, but I vastly prefer third person survival horror. I'm willing to see how well Capcom does in this perspective. Hopefully my preferences will be satiated with Resident Evil 2 Remake, Resident Evil Revelations 3, and The Evil Within 2.
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